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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

That's because I'm so far ahead of you you'd need binoculars to see me in this race to the last.

AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

@AlphaPheonix4720 That was an accident I was trying to reply to an earlier post. But at least I'm still the last.

feelNeglected77 February 6th, 2020

........Can't touch this!

AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

@feelNeglected77 oh nice a pic of me rn

feelNeglected77 February 6th, 2020

Lolzzz zzzzoooom!

AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

Nope new new (narrate this with that airplane noise parents make for their children you know like neeeeeaaawwwwwww) passing you on your right

feelNeglected77 February 6th, 2020

Looking for this?!

he he he he

feelNeglected77 February 6th, 2020


AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

@feelNeglected77 On your left Sam

AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

On your left

feelNeglected77 February 6th, 2020


feelNeglected77 February 6th, 2020

AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

On your left

AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

Hi again On your left

AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

Hi again On your left

feelNeglected77 February 6th, 2020


feelNeglected77 February 6th, 2020

Step aside

AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

Nope hello again and I seem to have passed you

feelNeglected77 February 6th, 2020


I need to get a new set of tires

AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

@feelNeglected77 Or new legs you see I'm just running

Goldcherry2113 February 6th, 2020


AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020


boop urself

tinycactus809 February 6th, 2020

oooooh boy. I missed a LOT 😂

AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

@tinycactus809 hello.

tinycactus809 February 6th, 2020


Hello! I see you have come prepared to eat my dust! 😁😂

AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

@tinycactus809 Oh no it you who shall eat asphalt because I'm so fast I already went around the world twice and tied your shoes together.

tinycactus809 February 6th, 2020


Ah, fortunately for me I have gone around the world over 30 times and I have ample time to spare so I can re-tie my shoes properly while you still have a lot of catching up to do!

norawinters2000 February 6th, 2020

What. Is. Happening.

tinycactus809 February 6th, 2020


🤷‍♀️ Just roll with it

norawinters2000 February 6th, 2020



AlphaPheonix4720 February 6th, 2020

Imma be last

norawinters2000 February 6th, 2020

Sup y'all . I'm back

tinycactus809 February 6th, 2020

Nothing much, just kickin' butt and winning this thing! 😁

AlexFox800 OP February 6th, 2020

I love waiting for awhile and then just popping in here to read all the drama

tinycactus809 February 6th, 2020

*snatches my gold crown back from Alex* I believe this belongs to me *hands Alex a silver crown* And this one's for you 😂

AlexFox800 OP February 6th, 2020

@tinycactus809 *growl*

Snatches gold crown with my paws and places on my head, throwing the silver crown to you

tinycactus809 February 6th, 2020

*makes myself an even bigger and fancier gold crown* *Superglues fancy golden crown to my head* You can keep that gold crown, I have a better one now 😁

AlexFox800 OP February 6th, 2020

*Bigs an even bigger crown, and attaches the little crown on top of my big crown*

Why thank you! It makes a great addition to my BIGGER crown!

tinycactus809 February 6th, 2020

YOU may have a bigger crown, but I have the colossal castle in comparison to your measly manor

AlexFox800 OP February 6th, 2020


Your colossal castle is no match for colossal castle tree house supreme!