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Is Your Family Accepting?

User Profile: DezEisenhour11
DezEisenhour11 March 22nd, 2020

Now in today's age some people are accepting of their LGBTQ+ kids or even family members but we know that there is a opposite side that does not accept their kids or family members.

When did you realized that your family is/is not accepted of the LGBTQ+ community? If you came out, what age were you? If not yet, do you plan on coming out to your accepting/not accepting family?

Just remember that you are not alone.

Trans Hotline: 877-565-8860

LGBT National Help Center: 888-843-4564

Trevor Project: 866-488-7386

Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK(8255)

User Profile: Stoffel
Stoffel March 22nd, 2020


I found out that my family was accepting when: Always. We grew up educated and as activists visiting the local pride parades every year.

I found out that my family was not accepting when: They told me I was only traumatized and that my asexuality can be cured through therapy.

There was not really a particular age to me comming out, my family always kinda knew. I guess they just didn't like that it wasn't a phase.

User Profile: Nfinite
Nfinite March 24th, 2020

My parents, like many other Chinese people, are familiar with the concept of LGBTQ+, but don't understand it. Specifically, (traditional) Chinese people are baffled by the terms bisexual, transgender, pansexual, asexual, anything other than gay or lesbian, basically.

I came out at 13, 14 (can't remember), and not because I wanted to. My mom confronted me, and I didn't deny it.

My parents took my bisexuality (I now consider myself to be pansexual, and if I tell them that it'll probably be worse, lol) as a joke. They still do (nowadays they just deny it), and think it's some kind of Teenage rebellion or something. I'm constantly told to get over it.

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User Profile: TaranWanderer
TaranWanderer March 29th, 2020

@Nfinite I'm glad your parents didn't have a particularly negative reaction, but it still sucks when they don't understand and aren't very supportive. I wonder if in time they will see this isn't a rebellion or something that will go away. I think sometimes parents think their child is "just a kid" but then...when they're no longer a teenager, and still feel the same, it can be an eye-opener that maybe this is something more. But of course, the cultural aspect of it also plays a role...I can only hope they will be loving and accepting towards you in time, even if they don't really "get it" yet.

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User Profile: Daisy7cups
Daisy7cups March 29th, 2020


Thank you so much for creating the forum support thread and for posting the helpline aids as well. Have a great day ahead.

User Profile: nomourners
nomourners March 30th, 2020

I can't speak for my entire family, but generally I think most of them are at least somewhat accepting, but don't understand it. I think they'd feel uncomfortable with certain aspects of queerness, but I definitely know they wouldn't treat anyone badly on purpose just because they're queer. It's difficult to say when I knew this, as it was never much of a topic until I began bringing it up every now and then.

I came out to my parents when I was 18, I think. I don't really remember and I'm not entirely sure if they saw it as a phase or not. I know they know these days, but I think it took them a while, even after I came out. Some other family members know too because it came up in conversation, but I think most don't or they assume something and don't say anything.

I'm lucky that I always knew my parents would love me no matter what, and I can't imagine anyone in my family pushing me away if I had a girlfriend or came out to them. Most, if not all of them, would probably prefer if I ended up with a guy though.

User Profile: ItachiNoSharingan
ItachiNoSharingan March 31st, 2020

My Brother is accepting and is quite understanding, but the rest of my family are not. They don't know about me and i will probably never tell them.

User Profile: Hopefulrainbows
Hopefulrainbows March 31st, 2020

I was outed to my parents as gay by somone I trust. They are not accepting because they are very religious. Only my Brother and his Girlfriend are accepting and they don't live near me because my family moved away. My parents don;t let me talk to him that much

User Profile: OrangeFuzzyWorm
OrangeFuzzyWorm April 23rd, 2020

Well, my parents, grand parents and particular aunts and uncles aren't accepting, but my cousins, brother, and certain aunts and uncles are. I came out to my mom as pansexual when I was 12, and too my dad when I was 14. Then I came out again as trans when I was 17. Both times they expressed disproval however when I came out to my mom as trans, she was a bit more calm and accepting about it, but still not really. My brother was totally cool about it, I came out to him at around the same times. I'm so flaming that my extended family knew way ahead of time. While I haven't verbaly said anything to some of them I'm aware that they already know. Because my parents aren't accepting however, and my insurance is bad I will have to pay for my transition out of pocket. Overall could be better but could be worse. Never had to worry about getting kicked out or anything. I live in a progressive area so that works in my favor.

User Profile: lonelykitten24
lonelykitten24 April 23rd, 2020

I haven't come out yet im not really sure about my family accepting me or not.

I know that my parents probaly won't kick me out if I ever told them but they wouldnt be exactly accepting and may talk about me to try to figure out what to do with me and my dad said the nonbinary and trans people have a "problem" he even has denied a student who is trying out nonbinary pronouns and just goes out of his way to call them with their birth pronouns. My female cousins and their parents would not accept me and would probaly be vocal about and would show their dissapointment and disdain toward me. My grandparents would not accept me but they wouldn't go out of their way to make my life miserable or be mean about it. I have some male cousins who i'm pretty close too I think they would be a bit more accepting they call me an honary boy anyways they have told me that i have the soul of a boy and the body of girl so i love them for that because they don't even know but they hit the nail on the head I dont know about their parents though.

so yeah as you can see I have thought on this a lot. Im planning on waiting for 4 more years so i can be legally an adult if they don't accept me and be able to leave if it gets messy but it will be really hard because i dont have anyone outside of my family to support me but i have hope.

User Profile: LunaKisses95
LunaKisses95 May 9th, 2020

My family is accepting in that they wouldn't wish harm on someone who's lgbt. But I know they would never accept me being bi. They'd be horrified and disgusted. :(

My SO has been super supportive. He doesn't judge and just loves me for me.

User Profile: KyloRenFanGirl9905
KyloRenFanGirl9905 August 1st, 2020

@DezEisenhour11 tbh, idk

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User Profile: 13risenangel13
13risenangel13 August 14th, 2020

My father is kinda accepting. I'm not absolutely sure but he did ask me if I had a girlfriend (I'm a girl) and it made me really happy but when I spoke to my mom about being pan, she made me cry after. She's not only homophobic, she's also transphobic, sexist, and racist.

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