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PL 101: Introduce Yourself! (Discussion 1)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Welcome to our first course in the Leadership Development Program! I am very excited to get this going. This has been something we've wanted to do for the last several months and at long last it is here. Please find the course description below. Please also introduce yourself and let us (if comfortable) where you are from and a recent book or movie you have enjoyed. I'll get us started!

Course Description: You have personal gifts and strengths that can help you in life and also help other people. Identifying, amplifying, and deliberately building those strengths enables you to have a better personal life, professional life, and also enables you to more effectively serve others in our community. People sometimes make the mistake of focusing too much on their weaknesses. This can help, but deliberately building your strengths will get you much further in life and in your career. This course provides links to personality testing (MBTI, Big 5) where you can learn to identify your personality style and strengths. It helps you understand how to match your strengths to roles in the 7 Cups community and enables you to find a career path that will be fulfilling. Join other new leaders in individual and group learning exercises.

Please note: In order to successfully complete the LDP, you must respond to all discussion posts. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

DreamTouch October 30th, 2020


Hi everyone!
I usually go by Dream, an 18 year old high school graduate, looking forward to the exciting and challenging opportunities ahead in my life!
One of the recent book I've read is the Hangwomen by K.R Meera, a fictional story about first female executioner of the country

Azalea98 November 1st, 2020


Hi I'm Azalea98, I'm from the Uk and have recently read the book Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo. ๐Ÿ™‚ (looking forward to doing this course if I can figure out how to navigate the website to do it!)

Gozzil November 4th, 2020


Hi Azalea, nice to meet you! I'm from the UK too. I'm sure you'll figure the website out and there are plenty of people to ask if you get stuck =)

usefulSummer3139 November 2nd, 2020

Hey! I'm Summer, and I live in India. A recent book I read was 'Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.' I found it a little difficult to get through at first, but after the first few pages, I loved the book! It was brilliantly written, and the ~plot twist~ at the end left me shook. It opened up my eyes to the different challenges people have to go through in their daily lives.

Also, not a movie, but I've been watching (and loving!) Schitt's Creek recently!

Gozzil November 4th, 2020


Nice to meet you Summer! I recently listened to the audiobook of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, I really enjoyed it =)

usefulSummer3139 November 4th, 2020


Nice to meet you too, Gozzil! Glad to know both of us enjoyed the book! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

Anexmos November 3rd, 2020


Welcome everyone! My name is Sherif, I'm from Egypt. I'm a full time manager in Egyptair Airlines and part time therapist.

wishfulMoment42 November 4th, 2020

Hi @GlenM

Venkatesh Mudaliar here. I recently watched a movie "Ex Machina" after a friend of mine suggested this. Since I am an Computer Science post grad, I have been inclined towards AI and Machine Learning. I did enjoy the movie owing to that aspect.

Gozzil November 4th, 2020


Gozzil November 4th, 2020


Whoops apologies for the blank message, my mistake.

Nice to meet you! That movie sounds really interesting =)

Gozzil November 4th, 2020

Hi everyone =)

I'm Rosie, I live near Manchester, UK. I recently watched a couple of Disney films that I hadn't seen since I was a child and had them on video tapes (showing my age!), so I really enjoyed those, super nostalgic!

emily2803 November 9th, 2020

Hey everyone! I'm Emily and I live in Ontario, Canada. A recent movie that I enjoyed watching was Home Alone (a Christmas throwback that my family loves to watch during the holiday season). Lately, I have been feeling like my spirits are a little down, but this movie has made me feel a lot better about myself and makes me feel hopeful for the future. I believe that enjoyment can be found in the connections that we make with others, and I think that this movie emphasizes that idea throughout.

She13 November 10th, 2020

@GlenM -

Hi everyone,

I'm Sherin :D and go by the username she13 and I am from India. The recent movie I saw was "DIL BECHARA", a movie which tells us to Live your life to the fullest every single day. heartangel

LonelyPandaBear90 November 10th, 2020

Hi I'm Jacynthe but my friends call me Kat (it's a long story how it got there lol).

I recently watched The Truman Show, Catch Me If You Can, and Parasite. Very twisting yet very fun to watch.

P.S. I also love dogs (I have four)

FrenchToast November 11th, 2020


Hi! I am Toast, and I am from India ~ A book that I recently read was 'The Sense of an Ending' and I can say that there's nothing like that book. It definitely focuses on memory and its tricks.

hopebeyondpain November 11th, 2020

Hey everyone, I'm Hope! I'm from Singapore, and a recently found time to watch the movie The Tale. I had wanted to watch this movie for a long because I'd heard of its delicate, yet truthful and visceral portrayal of *trigger warning* child sexual abuse.

This movie details the director's personal story, and how she perceived it as a 13 year old girl, and later as a middle-aged woman. It was an incredibly thoughtful and introspective piece, one that resonated with my own personal experience. I'll definitely be thinking about this film for years to come.

wanjiku November 12th, 2020


hey, I'm Wanjiku. I'm from Nairobi Kenya.

Dinohorus November 12th, 2020

Hi everyone! I'm super excited to be taking on this journey with y'all. :)

I am from the PNW in the USA, I recently rewatched the first Narnia movie and loved it!

kdsyahirah November 13th, 2020

@GlenM my name is Khalifa. I prefer someone called me Sya as it is in my username. I live in Malysia. I am in love with various types of comics since a novel took me a long time to get it finished reading. I also prefer to watch any genre of movies as long as I can enjoy it. Btw, thanks for welcoming me in this program and it's very nice to know each other. ๐Ÿ˜Š

December 17th, 2020

Good luck @kdsyahirah

Skyy0 November 15th, 2020

Hi, I'm Michelle! Nice to meet you all, excited to see how this course goes. I'm from Brooklyn and I love movies and books but haven't finished anything recently. I did just listen to a podcast that I would reccomend! Marc Brackett: Become an Emotional Scientist on The Psychology Podcast. We need to be curious and understand our emotions like a scientist not a judge; and it only comes from the permission for us to feel.

IceCream4IceCream January 21st, 2021


Hi, Michelle. The psychology podcast is my fave! <3 Agreed 100%. I learn so much about the world form the podcast. Feeling is not a crime. I hope society realises that at some point it's okay to not be happy 24*7.

IceCream4IceCream January 21st, 2021


Hi, Michelle. The psychology podcast is my fave! <3 Agreed 100%. I learn so much about the world form the podcast. Feeling is not a crime. I hope society realises that at some point it's okay to not be happy 24*7.

ItsZaylee November 19th, 2020

hello hello! im zaylee, 17 and i live in idaho, united states, im an ice skater, and i love to play with the snow. im improving my listener skills day by day, and im glad to be here!

ItsZaylee November 19th, 2020


and a recent book, i just finished reading "me before you" for the second time!

giggleSun1695 November 19th, 2020

Hi! I'm Sam, and I am 19 years old. I'm from Texas and absolutely love reality tv shows. My favorite at the moment would be "The Real Housewives of Orange County".

Chevy81 November 19th, 2020

Hi everyone. I'm Rika. I live in Indonesia. I am a mother of two boys. The older is eleven and the younger is four. I haven't got the chance to watch movies these days. Last movie I watched was "Parasite". It was interseting but I didn't really enjoy how it ended. I'm a fan of good plot twist, but the bad one is meh. As for books, I usually read children books for my 4-year-old boy, which surprisingly reminds me -in-a-teaching-way- (if this makes sense) on how to live and do better. Last book we read together was Noddy, it's a story about a wooden toy who always nod his head even when he refuses or disagrees on things. Why? It's because his head was connected to his body by a spring :D

That's it for now.
Hope everyone stay safe and healthy.

SnailPurple November 19th, 2020


My name is Maddie and I am from the United States. I recently read A Gentleman's Guide to Vices and Virtues.

Destiny00 November 21st, 2020


Hi there! I am known as Destiny in this platform and I am from India. Recently I watched the movie, contact and I loved it๐Ÿ˜Š

TaranWanderer November 22nd, 2020

Hello everyone :) I go by Taran here, I'm from Canada (born in the East, lived in the West for 18 years, and now I'm back in the East!). I just recently watched the movie "Run", which was surprisingly good! A horror movie that has a main character with disabilities, not too many of those.

LoveTracker November 25th, 2020


Hi Love Tracker from India working in Middle East. I love Dexter and breaking series alot.

GlitteringNights November 25th, 2020


Hey! I'm Caitlyn (Or any form of GlitteringNights you prefer) and I'm from Victoria, Australia. I am currently reading the 1818 version of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and loving it, but a book I've recently finished and loved would probably be This Is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel. As for movies, I haven't watched many super recently, but at the beginning of October I watched And Then We Danced which was a gorgeous, gorgeous movie I would highly recommend

Dazzle28purvi November 26th, 2020


Hello! My name is Purvi, I am from Kenya. I haven't read a book recently as I have just completed my exams. Woo!

Duckswithmoose November 26th, 2020


Hello there! My name is Tate, I'm from the DMV, and recently I've been re-watching a series called FRINGE that came out in the early 2010s. Hope you are well!

TheResilientDancer November 27th, 2020

My name is Kayla and I am from England. I joined the leadership development programme to improve as a leader (I am a room supporter) which can hopefully help to improve my confidence as well.

December 17th, 2020

Good luck with your goals on here @TheResilientDancer

KACOSMIC November 29th, 2020


Hello, i'm kacosmic , i'm a writer , 26 years old, living in brazil , i'm a listener in 7 cups since 2017 and i truly love being here, learn new things every day, improving my skills to better support to others, i'm super excited to participate in the courses that 7 cups provides for us.
It is never a waste of time to learn something new.smiley

sia1325 December 1st, 2020

Hello! My name is Sia, I'm from India and I recently watched the Stranger things series.

Containedchaos December 1st, 2020


Hi, I am Chaos, I live in the US. I have three books on my nightstand that I have started (not finished), one on audible that is half done. So, a book I have finished recently and enjoyed would be...hard to pick one, but The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown and I'm Still Here, Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown. I have also enjoyed watching Hamilton...maybe I have watched it five to six times already and listened to the soundtrack over and over.cheeky

thehealingmaat December 2nd, 2020

Please also introduce yourself and let us (if comfortable) where you are from and a recent book or movie you have enjoyed.

My name is Ashley/TheHealingMAAT and I am a MAAT graduate student who is from California, USA but has also lived in Philippines and Thailand. I really enjoyed reading Mindsight and Social Justice in Art Therapy during this winter! Looking forward to working with you all.