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PL 101: Introduce Yourself! (Discussion 1)

User Profile: GlenM
GlenM June 29th, 2020

Welcome to our first course in the Leadership Development Program! I am very excited to get this going. This has been something we've wanted to do for the last several months and at long last it is here. Please find the course description below. Please also introduce yourself and let us (if comfortable) where you are from and a recent book or movie you have enjoyed. I'll get us started!

Course Description: You have personal gifts and strengths that can help you in life and also help other people. Identifying, amplifying, and deliberately building those strengths enables you to have a better personal life, professional life, and also enables you to more effectively serve others in our community. People sometimes make the mistake of focusing too much on their weaknesses. This can help, but deliberately building your strengths will get you much further in life and in your career. This course provides links to personality testing (MBTI, Big 5) where you can learn to identify your personality style and strengths. It helps you understand how to match your strengths to roles in the 7 Cups community and enables you to find a career path that will be fulfilling. Join other new leaders in individual and group learning exercises.

Please note: In order to successfully complete the LDP, you must respond to all discussion posts. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

User Profile: CintaBali
CintaBali September 15th, 2020

Hello again,

I'm Cinta Bali, from Australia. I watched Men In Black last night and am currently reading Social Psychology by Elliot Aronson.

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User Profile: rebecca947
rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Hey! Welcome, fellow Aussie!!! So glad you discovered this site and good luck with the program! I've actually never watched Men In Black ๐Ÿ™Š ๐Ÿ‘€

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User Profile: RumpleSteeleSkin
RumpleSteeleSkin September 17th, 2020


HI I am Rumple I live in Colorado. My main passions are helping the elder community as well as being a nurse to the VETS. My last book I read TWO times was Modoc. Man what a great true story of a human and a majestic animal.

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User Profile: rebecca947
rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Welcome! I hope you have a great time. You're a nurse vet? :o that's awesome man.

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User Profile: RumpleSteeleSkin
RumpleSteeleSkin September 17th, 2020

@rebecca947 Hi no lol.....I am a nurse to the Veterans in Evergreen Mountains, I am not to sure on this program as I am totally confuzzled on what I do and when I do it. Where to keep my answers. I have the welcome email but still.............

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User Profile: MoonlightHelper1
MoonlightHelper1 September 17th, 2020


Hello everyone! I am Moon and I am from Central Europe. Recently I have watched a movie called Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and I absolutely loved it! I would recommend it to everyone who hasn t seen it yet because it is worth it. It shows a whirlwind of emotions in the relationships and its hardships.

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User Profile: rebecca947
rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Hiya, Moon! I like the sound of that movie, how can we watch it? If it's on Netflix, I'll definitely add it to my list.

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User Profile: MoonlightHelper1
MoonlightHelper1 September 19th, 2020


Hey Rebecca, I think it should be available on Netflix, or you could also watch it on Amazon (link: Hope you will enjoy the film as much as I did!

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User Profile: friendlyEars8792
friendlyEars8792 September 26th, 2020


thats one of my favorite movies!!

User Profile: ahealingEndoftherainbow22
ahealingEndoftherainbow22 September 29th, 2020


That sounds like a great movie, I should add it to my list :)

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User Profile: peacecat
peacecat September 17th, 2020

Hi Everyone, I am peacecat, from the U.S. I teach young kids which nowadays looks really different than in non-pandemic times! I get anxious and depressed about our future as a country and a human species. We are killing our planet, I fear. I am happy to have found 7 cups!

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User Profile: rebecca947
rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Hey, peacecat! How are you handling the teaching, which I'm assuming is online or spaced apart classroom? Good on you for teaching the young kids of our future. I'm glad you've found us- hopefully you can help make a change in what you're passionate about <3

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User Profile: peacecat
peacecat October 24th, 2020

@rebecca947 hi Rebecca, sorry I have trouble navigating this site and haven't been around a lot! I teach preschool, and we are in person. We are outdoors more than half our mornings, which is really lovely. I miss my Montessori teaching sooo very much though. This is a much more play based school, and I would love it to be more Montessori...but I still love being with my children. It's a good thing to get to spend your day with four year olds! smiley hope you're having a lovely day

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User Profile: ouiCherie
ouiCherie December 28th, 2020

Hi @peacecat

How have you been?

I stopped by at your post as i'm always amazed by those who teach young children. In my humble opinion it takes a huge amount of patience and love for future generation.

Your anxiousness is totally valid. This pandemic is indeed a big challenge for everyone around the globe but we'll overcome this together โค๏ธ

*sending you calming beams and hugs*

User Profile: warmLove3625
warmLove3625 February 10th, 2021


Hey peacecat :)

Im with you on the mental health and ecothriving mindset. :) Super content to be on this leadership journey with you and everyone else here.

Best of luck!

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User Profile: Aurielll
Aurielll September 17th, 2020


Hi, I'm from the United States, Florida. The latest book I've read is 'A thousand splendid suns' by Khaled Hosseini, the book beautifully describes real-life situations, and raises awareness on many!

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User Profile: rebecca947
rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Heya, Auriel! I'm loving this book recommendations question, I've got to add yours to my list! The book does ring a familiar bell though, I think I might have it at home. I'll have to check. :p

User Profile: ahealingEndoftherainbow22
ahealingEndoftherainbow22 September 29th, 2020


Hey! That is indeed such a beautiful, heart touching book, really liked it!

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User Profile: SkyForever
SkyForever September 18th, 2020

Hello I'm Sky. I'm from the UK and love to help people which is why I am now on 7 cups. I also like writing and drawing, music, baking and watching Disney.

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User Profile: rebecca947
rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Welcome, Sky! I'm so glad you found us, a platform that enables you to do what you love! The forums can be a great place to explore if you love writing. <3 Hope you enjoy the LDP Course!

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User Profile: WelcomeToChat
WelcomeToChat September 19th, 2020


Hello everybody!

My name is Marcelo, I am from Argentina.

I bumped on 7Cups about a month ago looking for help. A novice Listener helped me such a lot ! A wonderful gift I promised to reciprocate.

I accepted the offer to contribute as a Listener, and was deeply moved by the lovely people I interacted with. I was also surprised by how much they appreciated me talking to them.

Regarding books, my all-time favorite is "Being and Time" by (the very controversial) Martin Heidegger.

I read everything by Pema Chรถdron, which I consider my spiritual teacher. My favorite work of her is the retreat-audiobook "Noble Heart".

Relevant to 7Cups, I have read, loved and absorbed, books by Existentialists, Stoics, Tibetan Buddhists, Advaita Vedanta Hinduism, Taoism, and Zen Buddhism (which taught me the meditation technique I use).

I recently watched the course on "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy" by The Great Courses. Highly recommended !

I have watched most courses by The Great Courses (ex-Teaching Company). Prehistory, Particle Physics, Philosophy of Mind, Biology, Cosmology. You name it. I am very curious about reality in all its facets.

I try to live in wonder, and this helps me a lot.

I have sung in choirs all my life (Bach mostly), I paint watercolors, and love taking photos.

Love trekking the mountains and collecting rocks along the way.

I hope to complete this course and begin helping the 7Cups community in new, challenging ways.

Thank you so much for this opportunity !


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User Profile: rebecca947
rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Welcome, Marcelo! I love your name, and your country is a country I'd love to visit one day! I'm so glad you hada good experience with the website as a member, and welcome to the LIstener side! I've not heard of Martin Heidegger before or your other books :o Thanks for the link re CBT course! "I try to live in wonder"- that's an aim I think many aspire to do, me included. Good on you for going on that journey <3 I also love going to the mountains, though I don't go nearly as much as I'd like to (mainly because it's an hour's drive and I don't like recreational driving lol). I hope you get something out of the course and please do contribute to Cups!!! <3

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User Profile: WelcomeToChat
WelcomeToChat September 20th, 2020


Dear Rebecca:

Thank you so much for your warm and thoughtful welcome ! My country has many wonders to visit, food is great and it

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User Profile: thisisirene
thisisirene March 11th, 2021

@WelcomeToChat Hola Marcelo! just wanted to say I really like your country!

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User Profile: WelcomeToChat
WelcomeToChat March 11th, 2021


Thank you Irene !

I have been to Canada, and it's a heck of an amazing, beautiful country as well !

I have friends in Canada, who send me pictures of many wonderful places they visit there.

Being a rich country, everything is kept in perfect condition.

And life is less stressful for most people.

But yes, we do have amazing wonders down here...

Thank you again, Irene !

All the best !


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User Profile: Vintagechoc
Vintagechoc September 20th, 2020


Hi everyone. I am Vintagechoc and i'am from Senegal (West Africa). The last movie i've seen is Freaks. It's about a little girl with special supernatural gifts.

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User Profile: rebecca947
rebecca947 September 21st, 2020


Welcome! That sounds like an interesting movie- is it a thriller? What genre?

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User Profile: Vintagechoc
Vintagechoc September 21st, 2020


Hi Rebecca947 nice to meet you. It's a mix of Sci Fi and Thriller.

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User Profile: FrostyMonkey
FrostyMonkey September 20th, 2020

Hi, I'm from the United States. My favorite movie is Limitless because it shows the potential that's within every one of us, if given a spark. I'm passionate about helping others.

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User Profile: rebecca947
rebecca947 September 21st, 2020


Heya! I love the sound of that movie, think I'll have to add it to my movies to watch list. :)

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User Profile: Alwaysthereforyou28
Alwaysthereforyou28 September 24th, 2020

Hi, my name is @Alwaysthereforyou28 and I recently watched Les Miserables.