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PL 101: Introduce Yourself! (Discussion 1)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Welcome to our first course in the Leadership Development Program! I am very excited to get this going. This has been something we've wanted to do for the last several months and at long last it is here. Please find the course description below. Please also introduce yourself and let us (if comfortable) where you are from and a recent book or movie you have enjoyed. I'll get us started!

Course Description: You have personal gifts and strengths that can help you in life and also help other people. Identifying, amplifying, and deliberately building those strengths enables you to have a better personal life, professional life, and also enables you to more effectively serve others in our community. People sometimes make the mistake of focusing too much on their weaknesses. This can help, but deliberately building your strengths will get you much further in life and in your career. This course provides links to personality testing (MBTI, Big 5) where you can learn to identify your personality style and strengths. It helps you understand how to match your strengths to roles in the 7 Cups community and enables you to find a career path that will be fulfilling. Join other new leaders in individual and group learning exercises.

Please note: In order to successfully complete the LDP, you must respond to all discussion posts. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Ev, you joined?!

JaimieF August 4th, 2020

Hi! I just noticed that the leadership trainings were available in the trainings section. I believe this is the thread where I shold introduce myself? It wasn't linked in the leadership 101 document, but there was a thread referenced.

I'm applying to Masters programs in Mental Health Counseling to become a therapist. In the meantime, I'm enjoying learning and volunteering here on 7 Cups.

Sandson August 5th, 2020


Hi there Jamie! So nice to meet you. I'm so glad you have applied to be a part of the Leadership Program!

When we have assembled our August student cohort, we will tag all the students with more information. heart

JaimieF August 5th, 2020

@Aleks2 Thanks for the reply! I look forward to it!

JessHobson August 28th, 2020

I'm Jess. I'm from the U.K. and the best book I have ever read is reasons to stay alive by Matt Haig.

JessHobson August 28th, 2020

I'm Jess. I'm from the U.K. and the best book I have ever read is Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig.

JessHobson September 10th, 2020

@youarethesun12 it's a suicide prevention story, by an author called Matt who has had his own personal experiences with MH. The reason I like it so much is that it's realistic, unlike some of the other books on mindfullness and MH, that portray mental illness as something to be glorified or something that can be fixed. I do believe its being made into a play at some point too! I've read lots of books, but this one really hit home.

ItsSimplyEll August 28th, 2020


Hi there! I'm Ellie, and I'm passionate about writing and musical theatre. Hamilton is my favourite by far. I'm from the UK!

rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Hey, Ellie! You sound quite the creative person! What kind of writing is your favourite to do? I would enquire also about musical theatre but I have zero knowledge of that :p

Irena0225 August 29th, 2020

Hi, everyone! My name is Irena and I am currently a high school student in Canada. I hope I can learn more about active listening and I believe while we learn how to listen to others, we are also listening to ourselves:)

rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Hi, Irena! I love what you said, as it's what I believe too. That as well as while we are helping others, we are also helping ourselves. When we help others, we feel better as well. So many benefits for both sides! Hope school has been alright this year with all the new changes! Take care xx

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 August 31st, 2020

Hi there :) I'm Rainbow

I'm from India and I'm currently reading The Book Thief

rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Hey, Rainbow! I loved watching the movie but haven't read the book. How's it going so far, and have you watched the movie or not? Will you? :p

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 September 17th, 2020


Hey! The book is so beautiful, I loved it. I haven't seen the movie yet but I will :)

Saquib16 September 1st, 2020


I am Sakib from India. I am reading Miracle Morning.

rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Hey, Sakib! I LOVE that book and still am trying to implement the morning routine (I read the book a year ago, whoops). I hope it's easier for you to do than for me! Haha how is the book for you so far?

SynSavory September 1st, 2020

Hi, my name is Syn and I'm a female from Canada. I do a lot of psychological and counselling based research. I'm currently a graduate student. A recent movie I watched was Knives Out, a mystery thriller.

rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Hey, Syn! I love your name. Congratulations on getting into graduate school! That area of research interests me a lot. I can't handle mystery thrillers lol but I can imagine why people do!

KACOSMIC September 2nd, 2020


Hello GlenM, how are you? I hope everything is ok! :)

I'm Kacosmic and i live in Brazil, there's one recent book that i have read called ' When Nietzsche Wept' by the author 'Irvin D. Yalom.'
The book is one of the most incredible books that i read.


rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Hey, Kacosmic! That book sounds very interesting actually, the name Nietzsche sounds like the name of a famous person if I'm not wrong. Is that what the book is about? What did you find so incredible from it? :)

KACOSMIC September 17th, 2020


Hello. Yes,

Friedrich Nietzsche was a philologist (scholar of classical languages, such as Latin and ancient Greek), contemporary German poet and philosopher of the 19th century.

An impressive historical novel. The author collected pieces of the biographies of Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche and Austrian psychoanalyst Josef Breuer to create a fictional story. What is most striking about the work is that some passages are real: some letters from Nietzsche, Breuer's pioneering study of pigeons, his friendship with Freud, even the main patients are real.

The book tells the story of Nietzsche's encounter with Breuer, so that the latter deals with the suicidal tendency and severe migraines of the former, during the year 1882. Breuer, a renowned 40-year-old Viennese doctor, is haunted by erotic desires about a of his patients, Bertha of 21 years, and frightened by the arrival of the decay of old age. While on vacation in Venice, Lou Salomé, an enigmatic Russian, visits with the thoughts and attitudes of a person free from social agreements. Lou asks Breuer to treat his close friend, a philosopher with a mind ahead of his time, called Nietzsche.
The relationship, conflicted at first, becomes surreal. As a doctor, Breuer becomes a patient of Nietzsche, and after being cured he becomes his doctor again.
Your problems cry out for attention just to obscure what you don't want to see.
The work's great reflection revolves around crucial points of Nietzsche's philosophy: loneliness, abandoning futile thoughts, intellectual growth, rational thinking. A big question is raised: is the life you live your choice, or do we live a life chosen by others, by society, by the family? Is it possible to distance yourself from yourself to see yourself from another perspective? Is it possible to build a ship on the high seas, that is, change the life you have even after you have already made your choices?

rebecca947 September 18th, 2020


Woah, the questions are haunting. I think I might need to read that. Thank you for the amazing summary. ❤️

GentleFlameofCaring September 3rd, 2020

Hi Im Flame, Gentle, Caring (or countless other nicknames I have here). Im from the eastern united states. One of the books I've been diving into lately has been Man's Quest for Meaning.

Petrichor2000 September 4th, 2020


Hey Caring, and wow I have heard a lot about this book. What is it about

GentleFlameofCaring September 4th, 2020


It's about a Holocaust survivor and notable psychiatrist, Victor Frankl's work in how people who suffer often rework/redefine their experience to help them survive. It is based both on his personal experience and that of his patients. I find it a remarkable how he rises above the challenges he went through and can study it and make sense of it all. I mean it makes sense on can do it, but I find it intruiging to be able to do it in a kind of academic way.

Petrichor2000 September 4th, 2020


Thank you. I will read this book.

uniqueDaisy September 13th, 2020


Thank your for your post Petrichor2000. smiley I have not read the book and I will think I will find it interesting. I have noticed how survivors rework/redefine their experiences to assist them in making sense of the world. I think I will find it a interesting read. Best Wishes on the Leadership Development Course.

GentleFlameofCaring September 15th, 2020


you too

Daf8 September 9th, 2020

heart Hello! heart

heart I am Daf. I'm an argentinian female teenager. heart
heart I basically have a complicated life, and that's one of the reasons why I love helping. I also love music, cats, books, and learning. I guess that's why I am here laugh . heart
heart Feel free to message me! I would love to read you. heart

heart Speaking of books, I have over 100 only in my bedroom! I assume that makes a proud nerd and bookworm. heart

heart I am happy to be here! heart

Daf8 September 9th, 2020

heart @youarethesun12 heart

heart That's amazing! Nice to meet you. You seem to be really sweet! heart

freshMint9376 September 9th, 2020

Hi, I'm freshMint9376! Call me fresh or Mint (:

I'm from Ontario, Canada.

My favourite tv show right now is The Umbrella Academy.

helpfuldipper September 10th, 2020

@freshMint9376 Nice to meet you Mint ! The show is on my list. Will get to it soon

September 10th, 2020

That sow is on my watch list . Is it any good ? @freshMint9376

helpfuldipper September 10th, 2020

@youarethesun12 Nice to meet you. That's a really good book. Haven't seen the show though but will definitely give it a try.

smilesandsmoothies September 9th, 2020

Hello everyone! My name is Ashton and I'm from North Carolina! :) The last book I enjoyed was Symptoms Of Being Human.

helpfuldipper September 10th, 2020

@PeppermintStars Nice to meet you. Have not read it but will definitely give it a go.

smilesandsmoothies September 10th, 2020

@helpfuldipper I would indeed recommned it! It's an amazing book that tackles some LGTBQ+ related issues.

helpfuldipper September 10th, 2020

Hello everyone I am Dipper. I am from Melbourne, Australia. The last book i enjoyed was "A Tree grows in Brooklyn"

September 10th, 2020

I really like thst book. It one of my Favorites .@helpfuldipper

September 10th, 2020

I am sunshine and I am from ca.

i am active in. Lsr , member rooms and forums.

I am current on the safety patrol , rs for. The 35 and over , disabilty , and lbgtq rooms, ps on self care and current. 7 cups intern. I am hoping that this program will help me finds roles for me and better my skills.