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Course 4. Foundational Leadership Principles: (Discussion #4) Lead Within the Community

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 September 8th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 4, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Welcome back, crew! We've discussed leading yourself and others. Let's talk about leading ÃÂ within the community!

A car is a ÃÂ system that has different levels of components. Each component is a system in itself like engine, accelerator, gears, clutch, tires, seats, front deck, mirrors, and so on. Each of these components is also a system too. But when they are integrated into one big system, it comprises the bigger picture as a car which facilitates movement from one place to another. ÃÂ

Similarly, 7Cups is a system. A system of small systems that have their own defined set of goals but contributing towards a bigger goal (community goal).

When you are a lead of a project, you are not just leading your own project but also within the community as well. Examples: Verified Listener Program, Active Listening Tests, Listener Coaching, Quality Mentor, Listener Support Chat Rooms, and so on are individual projects that contribute to supporting a user to become a better listener to support the member they listen to and the community at large. Everyone is functioning as an integral part of the system. ÃÂ

To ensure the smooth operation of your system and the whole system, you need to collaborate with other community and project leaders to problem solve and be well synced. ÃÂ

Everything is interlinked and interconnected. You are part of the community and leading within the community. And, when everyone collectively gathers together to achieve one purpose, we are cultivating a sense of community solidarity.

1. ÃÂ Give an example of how you are part of this community and how are you contributing as an individual, as a team, and within the community. ÃÂ
2. Please reply to 3 of your peers in the thread!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please proceed to the end of Course 4!ÃÂ

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

User Profile: JustLikeMellie
JustLikeMellie September 9th, 2020

@Heather225 My part is to encourage

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User Profile: smolecho
smolecho September 9th, 2020

@JustLikeMellie That's a huge part of being apart of the community! Being encouraging is so helpful because feeling that validation that you're doing well is a huge boost in self-confidence! Keep up the good work in the community!

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User Profile: azuladragon34
azuladragon34 September 10th, 2020



User Profile: thisisirene
thisisirene May 3rd, 2021

@smolecho awesome!

User Profile: Zahraa000
Zahraa000 March 7th, 2022


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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 September 9th, 2020

heart @JustLikeMellie heart

heart That s incredible! Thank you for your hard work. heart

User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 9th, 2020

@JustLikeMelliesmiley That is great people do need people to encourage them !!! I love this reply !!


User Profile: CheeryMango
CheeryMango September 12th, 2020

@JustLikeMellie What you are doing to encourage others is greatly appreciated

User Profile: shiningSound31
shiningSound31 September 21st, 2020


That's great, Mellie smiley Keep it up heart And thanks for contributing to the community heart

User Profile: Endure777
Endure777 September 24th, 2020


Good job :) glad to have you here

User Profile: SynSavory
SynSavory September 25th, 2020


Encouragement is definitely a motivating force towards helping others. Amazing. :)

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User Profile: thisisirene
thisisirene May 3rd, 2021

@SynSavory it is!

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October 7th, 2020

@JustLikeMellie encouragement has snowball effect. Kudos :D

User Profile: InvaderStitch
InvaderStitch October 11th, 2020


Being encouraging is definitely important!

User Profile: softMusic9759
softMusic9759 October 12th, 2020

@JustLikeMellie That's so sweet!

User Profile: dancingMoment7201
dancingMoment7201 October 23rd, 2020


Love your answer.

User Profile: KatePersephone
KatePersephone October 23rd, 2020

@JustLikeMellie thats great!

User Profile: bookworm274
bookworm274 October 31st, 2020


Encouragement is an important aspect of 7cups!

User Profile: cocoakrispies121
cocoakrispies121 November 9th, 2020


That's an awesome role!! And it is soooo important!

User Profile: Anexmos
Anexmos December 11th, 2020

@JustLikeMellie That's amazing! Keep up the good work and spirit!

User Profile: Ines1229
Ines1229 December 17th, 2020


Your job is so important! Well done \<3

User Profile: gigantCloud92
gigantCloud92 April 3rd, 2021

Keep it up!

User Profile: Brinaa101
Brinaa101 July 18th, 2021

Wow! It's important to be encouraging so I am proud of you for doing that for others :)

User Profile: Ashvillium
Ashvillium October 2nd, 2021


encouraging someone can really change the whole game as it boosts up one's self motivation

User Profile: jersey123456
jersey123456 November 7th, 2021


Amazing reply !

User Profile: TrickyRicky
TrickyRicky November 28th, 2021

@JustLikeMellie Very true!

User Profile: TrickyRicky
TrickyRicky November 28th, 2021

@JustLikeMellie Very true!

User Profile: NoelleListens
NoelleListens March 22nd, 2022


I agree. Words of encouragement can make a difference in a person's life.

User Profile: TheRusticMystic74
TheRusticMystic74 April 7th, 2022


consider me encouraged

User Profile: Glue
Glue July 1st, 2022



User Profile: kenzolena
kenzolena August 10th, 2022


i love the reply that you gave

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User Profile: smolecho
smolecho September 9th, 2020


1. Give an example of how you are part of this community and how are you contributing as an individual, as a team, and within the community.

I encourage and help new listeners with the things that they have questions with! I found it incredibly hard at the beginning to find resources and find answers to questions I had, so I strive to be the same way for others!

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 September 9th, 2020

heart @smolecho heart

heart Congratulations! I m really proud of you. heart

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User Profile: kenzolena
kenzolena August 10th, 2022


i always love reading your replies they make my day, your a really sweet person

- lena

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 9th, 2020

@smolecho Awesome reply and thank you so much for doing what you do !!! yes

Tye !heart

User Profile: azuladragon34
azuladragon34 September 10th, 2020



User Profile: CheeryMango
CheeryMango September 12th, 2020

@smolecho Thank you for offering yourself to help those who are new to find their way around the site and answer any of their questions and concerns

User Profile: shiningSound31
shiningSound31 September 21st, 2020


That's really great, smolecho heart You are addressing a very key need of newbie listeners. Congrats heart

User Profile: SynSavory
SynSavory September 25th, 2020


That's great that you get others to think critically about the things that they should do.

User Profile: TogetherForeverAlways
TogetherForeverAlways October 2nd, 2020


Great stuff, you should be proud of your good work!

User Profile: lovelyNight9853
lovelyNight9853 October 6th, 2020


That's great!

User Profile: Irena0225
Irena0225 October 6th, 2020

@smolecho I think your contribution is great to the community! Keep going!

User Profile: LittleBirdie30
LittleBirdie30 October 23rd, 2020

@smolecho I appreciate you trying to help others find these resources more easily! I definitely struggled with this as well!

User Profile: Beaconx
Beaconx November 1st, 2020


Good response

User Profile: SofiaT2000
SofiaT2000 November 12th, 2020

@smolecho This is great! Your work is really admirable!

User Profile: Anexmos
Anexmos December 11th, 2020

@smolecho That's amazing! Keep up the good work and spirit!

User Profile: Dinohorus
Dinohorus December 15th, 2020


Honestly, I agree with what you mentioned about finding resources! Thank you for being a part of the solution.

User Profile: wishfulMoment42
wishfulMoment42 December 22nd, 2020


Thankyou for your contribution towards this platform. It really means a lot.

User Profile: sia1325
sia1325 January 16th, 2021


Amazing! Keep up the good work!!

User Profile: warmLove3625
warmLove3625 February 15th, 2021


I think it is great that you try to answer and encourage questions from the community and think it is wonderful that you are so involved. I hope to take on this activity of questioning as a new way for me to be involved too.

Best of luck on your LDP Journey!

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User Profile: kenzolena
kenzolena August 10th, 2022


i loved your reply, I liked reading it

- lena

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User Profile: blindHeart12
blindHeart12 May 7th, 2021


I love how you keep note the problem you face and trying to help people so no other person struggle like you had. Appreciate that.

User Profile: Zahraa000
Zahraa000 March 7th, 2022

Good answer

User Profile: NoelleListens
NoelleListens March 22nd, 2022


Great response!!

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 September 9th, 2020

heart @Heather225 heart

heart Hi! How are you? heart

heart I support fellow listeners after a hard chat. As an individual, I support people. As a team, I m helping my teammates, making the team work better. Within the community, I m caring about, helping and supporting the community whenever I can, providing support and help to the bigger system. heart

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 9th, 2020

@Daf8heart Yay love your reply and all you do !!! Keep up the amazing work you are so appreciated !!!


User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 September 9th, 2020

heart @Daf8 heart

heart Thank you, but look at you! You are incredible. Enjoy being you, an amazing person! heart

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 September 10th, 2020

heart @Tyedyedbutterfly65 heart

heart I don't know why, but it didn't tag you. That post is for you, an amazing person heart

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User Profile: azuladragon34
azuladragon34 September 10th, 2020



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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 September 10th, 2020

heart @azuladragon34 heart

heart Just like you! heart

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User Profile: CheeryMango
CheeryMango September 12th, 2020

@Daf8 Thank you for being so caring and helpful to othersheart

User Profile: MistyMagic
MistyMagic September 12th, 2020

@Daf8 Well done. Peer Support is such an amazing role Red heart

Listening - One Step At A Time!

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 September 12th, 2020

heart @MistyMagic @CheeryMango heart

heart Thank you both! I highly appreciate your words and all your hard work. heart

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User Profile: InvaderStitch
InvaderStitch October 11th, 2020


Thank you for all that you do in the community!

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 October 12th, 2020

heart @InvaderStitch heart

heart Thank you for your kindness and your hard work! heart

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User Profile: LittleBirdie30
LittleBirdie30 October 23rd, 2020

@Daf8 You and others are so needed after especially hard chats! Thank you for all your hard work!

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 October 23rd, 2020

heart @LittleBirdie30 heart

heart You are so sweet! Thank you, truly. heart

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User Profile: Beaconx
Beaconx November 1st, 2020


Awesome and informative response

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 November 1st, 2020

heart @Beaconx heart

heart Thank you for your sweet words, amazing person! heart

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User Profile: cocoakrispies121
cocoakrispies121 November 9th, 2020


Those are all amazing controbutions!! Keep up the amazing work Daf <3

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 November 9th, 2020

heart @cocoakrispies121 heart

heart Awwwww, thank you! It means a lot. Keep being you, awesome being! heart

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User Profile: gigantCloud92
gigantCloud92 April 3rd, 2021


That's awesome!

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 April 3rd, 2021

heart @gigantCloud92 heart

heart Just like you! Thank you for your kindness heart

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User Profile: SweetDreamer69
SweetDreamer69 May 6th, 2021

Really loved your reply. You are doing a great work here as a listener in this community! Keep up the good work.. lots of love to you❤

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 May 8th, 2021

heart @SweetDreamer69 heart

heart Thank you! So are you! Your work is beautiful. Keep being you! heart

heart *Hugs* heart

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User Profile: blindHeart12
blindHeart12 May 7th, 2021


Wow Daf you are putting so much contribution in imporving community and helping other.

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 May 8th, 2021

heart @blindHeart12 heart

heart That's what you do! Thank you for your kindness, sweetness and lovely response heart

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User Profile: Brinaa101
Brinaa101 July 18th, 2021


Thank you for being that for other listeners! it really helps them feel better and supported :)

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 July 27th, 2021
heart @Brinaa101 heart
heart Thank you for your appreciation! And thank *you* for helping, supporting and doing what you do. Who you are is a wonderful example, so thank you for being you and being here heart
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User Profile: Glue
Glue July 1st, 2022


Thank you for your work with 7Cups, Daf!

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 9th, 2020


1. Give an example of how you are part of this community and how are you contributing as an individual, as a team, and within the community.

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 9th, 2020

@Tyedyedbutterfly65 @Heather225- Internet went out !! yay I had it all done lol Lets try this again !

1. Give an example of how you are part of this community and how are you contributing as an individual, as a team, and within the community.

I am a Global Mod so I am out in rooms or opening rooms for myself or others to have sessions and join in and support the leaders or leader and the members .. I am also a CRM so I am in the Listener rooms almost everyday giving chat support or peer support , welcoming new listeners and new members.. I am always in the Listener sharing circles showing support and and helping mod the room .. I try and attend the meetings for the CRM and I do work with the team on ways to handle things and how we can improve. I do chat with different leaders with ideas and what ways we could possibly make some changes or improvements. Does this mean it happens No lol but I try ! yesI do also love the forums and join in on the forum fun and supporting others.. I do also flag profiles for the safety patrol team. I am a door keeper so I do work with others on opening rooms and if needed i stay and help them out or stay and join in.

Responding to peers on this post heart

Tye smiley

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 September 9th, 2020

heart @Tyedyedbutterfly65 heart

heart You are basically a role model! I'm proud of you heart

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 9th, 2020

@Daf8 Thanks so much so kind of you !!heart

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 September 10th, 2020

heart @Tyedyedbutterfly65 heart

heart I'm not being kind. I'm being honest heart

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User Profile: MistyMagic
MistyMagic September 12th, 2020

@Tyedyedbutterfly65 You do so much, great work!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 12th, 2020

@MistyMagic Thank you Misty and so do you way more then me !!! You are one awesome leader !! heart

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User Profile: PeaceLoveandPaws
PeaceLoveandPaws September 15th, 2020


Thank you for all that you do!

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 15th, 2020

@PeaceLoveandPawsheart Thank you for the kind words... You are doing an outstanding job here on the site .. You are really one of the best around !!! So thank you for being an awesome team mate and a great person to have on this site !!!

Hugsss, Tye

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User Profile: blissart
blissart September 16th, 2020


Always a pleasure to have u around, and appreciate ur dedication and support in all ur varied roles heart

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 16th, 2020

@blissart Thank youheart You too !smiley

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User Profile: shiningSound31
shiningSound31 September 21st, 2020


Your contribution to the community is immense heart I remember I was in need of some information in the listener support room and you were there to help me out heart Thanks, Tye heart

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 21st, 2020

@shiningSound31 Thanks so much appreicate your kind words and I my best to help everyone heart

Good luck with this leadership program you are doing awesome !!!


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User Profile: shiningSound31
shiningSound31 September 21st, 2020

@Tyedyedbutterfly65 angelsmileyangel

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October 7th, 2020

@Tyedyedbutterfly65 You are very active and very loved. <3
Thank you for your contributions :)

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 November 1st, 2020

@DonaldDraperheart Thank you so appreciate your kindness and so are YOU!!! smiley

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User Profile: shiningDay80
shiningDay80 October 8th, 2020


Good for you! This is awesome! Keep up the good work!

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 November 1st, 2020

@shiningDay80heart Thanks and You too !!smiley

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User Profile: crystalclearnow
crystalclearnow October 20th, 2020


That's fantastic. You contribution is so important to the 7cups community.

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 November 1st, 2020

heart@crystalclearnow Thank you and so is yours !! smiley

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User Profile: bookworm274
bookworm274 October 31st, 2020


Thank you for all of the work you do!

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 November 1st, 2020

@bookworm274heart Yvw and Thank you too !!! smiley

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User Profile: Beaconx
Beaconx November 1st, 2020


Lovely and comprehensive response

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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 November 1st, 2020

@Beaconxsmiley Thank you .

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User Profile: azuladragon34
azuladragon34 September 10th, 2020


Give an example of how you are part of this community and how are you contributing as an individual, as a team, and within the community: I am a part of the Safety Patrol and Verifier Team. As a individual,I contribute by making 7cups safer and giving more listeners opportunities to be amazing listeners. As a team, we contribute to making 7cups a safe and inclusive place and as a community, I give members the opportunity to talk to qualified listeners

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User Profile: CheeryMango
CheeryMango September 12th, 2020


1. Give an example of how you are part of this community and how are you contributing as an individual, as a team, and within the community.

I am very involved in this community. I hold the following roles: Forum Supporter, Room Supporter, Global Mod, Sharing Circle Host and Support Team Leader for Sharing Circles.

As an individual, I am dedicating my time and efforts into the roles that I am involved in.

As a team, I work alongside like-minded people who want to make my specific team or sub-community a better place for those who need it the most. We try to cater to every different need in the ways of events, discussions, forums posts and collaborations with other teams and sub-communities to raise awareness on pressing issues.

Within in the community, I try my best to interact with both members and listeners whether it be in the listener chatrooms, member chatrooms or even in the forums of sub-communities. I help to provide a safe and welcoming space for members to share what's going on in their lives via the Sharing Circles and offer myself to mod discussions or just to be around other members and listeners so that I can ensure that safety is in the rooms at all times. Within the forums, both members and listeners get a chance to share their experiences and stories in a public area and my job is to acknowledge their posts and make them feel heard and validated because it takes courage to share your story especiallt with complete strangers.heart

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User Profile: MistyMagic
MistyMagic September 12th, 2020


1. Give an example of how you are part of this community and how are you contributing as an individual, as a team, and within the community.

As an individual I support my members in 1-1, also my mentees in pms. I like to keep in contact and so make time to take member chats as often as I can . They are why 7 Cups is here after all !
As a team, I am a Quality Mentor Leader and I lead the Listener Coaching team and have recently started the 'Care Requests Program' so we reach out to those that have asked for support and make sure they are ok and cared for. It is like another layer of comfort and compassion that we have here. My part in the community has expanded into several areas. I am also a Chatroom Mentor Leader and I focus on the Chat Support Program. This gives me a unique link between the listener chatrooms and the Coaching teams.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

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User Profile: PeaceLoveandPaws
PeaceLoveandPaws September 15th, 2020


Give an example of how you are part of this community and how are you contributing as an individual, as a team, and within the community. I am a new Community Mentor Leader and Support Team Leader for Family & Caregivers. As a team, we just finished revamping our forum community and have increased the number of discussions being held to 3 per week.. I am actively involved in co writing discussions for multiple teams within the 7 Cups community.

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User Profile: CompassionateDreamer8522
CompassionateDreamer8522 September 15th, 2020

1. Give an example of how you are part of this community and how are you contributing as an individual, as a team, and within the community.
I am a verified listener, and actively working on being able to take on roles. Many roles require more than I have (achievement-wise) thus far, but I'm working on it! I am frequently in the listener support room, supporting listeners, as well as taking on chats. I wish I was on a team, but I'm not on one (yet)!

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User Profile: positivePumpkin22
positivePumpkin22 September 16th, 2020


As an indvidual i am a listener who listens to members and makes them feel loved, cared and worthy. I welcome them, listen them out and offer my best support. I also hop into group support chats now and then and offer my support or assistance to others.

As a team, I am part of positivity and gratitude welcome team, I welcome listeners and members to positivity and gratitude sub-com every week. I do it because i am very passionate about welcoming people. i love the work. Then, I am a safety patrol member, which helps me to keep 7cups site safe.

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