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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #7) How to Provide Feedback

Heather225 August 27th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Now that we've learned about how to receive feedback, let's talk about how to provide feedback!

Please watch this video.

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

CheeryMango August 28th, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The four part formula: The micro-yes, Data point, Show impact, and End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?

It would definitely by the 'Show Impact' part of the formula

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It's important to cultivate a feedback cutlure here because there is no such thing as perfect. We all have areas that we fall short in and requires improvement. By having a feedback culture, it will help us to build trust amongst each other, grow as a team, and overall make 7cups a positive experience for all

Daf8 August 29th, 2020


heart Cheers to Cheery! heart

blissart August 31st, 2020


agree, feedback helps to grow as a team and individually too

Sandson September 4th, 2020


Love your reply here, Mango! Would you like to tell me a bit about what causes it to be the "show impact" part that you feel you could improve upon?

CheeryMango September 4th, 2020

@Aleks2 To answer the why portion of the question, there are times where I really don't pay much attention to the conversation going on or times I was only told half of the story. By me not paying attention or having the full story, it's difficult to say how it impacts me. A way I can improve this is by giving the person my full attention and asking them to fill in the gaps of their story, so that I can properly assess the situation and answer accordingly.

Brinaa101 July 9th, 2021


I agree! I need to work on the same thing and thank you for elaborating on your response!

TheGoodHeartedBuddy September 20th, 2021


Definitely a struggle many people have - including me! Thanks for sharing! Your responses are brilliant!

yourfriend5 September 28th, 2021


if one is not paying attention or having the full story, then it is difficult to say how it impacts.

Endure777 September 14th, 2020


Awesome answers! I too can improve on "showing impact" as it is difficult to analyze what is being impacted in the moment of giving somoene feedback.

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


Mango, I really liked your answers- especially answer to the last question. I agree with you completely.

TheGoodHeartedBuddy September 20th, 2021


I agree!

peacefulWarrior10 October 3rd, 2020


Agree with your last answer. Very well put. All the best!

SofiaT2000 October 31st, 2020

@CheeryMango These are some great answers! Would you like to point out why would you like to improve in show impact?

CheeryMango October 31st, 2020

@SofiaT2000 Thank you Sofia for your reply but I'd rather not 😇

Ines1229 December 9th, 2020


Totally agree, amazing responses <3

herealways27 April 6th, 2021


Agree! There's always room for improvement and feedback giving is a way to go!

yourfriend5 September 28th, 2021


I can understand your point. Perfection does not exist.

May 29th, 2022


I totally. Agrees with the points you brought up here.

PhoenixTears5972 June 21st, 2022


Thats a perfectly neat answer !

softMusic9759 August 28th, 2020

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. The micro yes questions

2. Be specific

3. Impact Statement

4. Show Impact

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?

I think that I will have to work on showing impact!

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Having a feedback culture ensures that everyone in the community will be able to grow and become better. Like other people have said, no one is perfect! We may not realize somethings and by giving/getting feedback we're allowing ourselves to be the best we can be by contributing work that others have checked. Since we are human, we may also look over things by accident and with feedback culture, we're able to identify it!

Daf8 August 29th, 2020


heart Amazing response! I love this! heart

blissart August 31st, 2020


agree that feedback puts in place a sysytem which can help us on track and progressing

Endure777 September 14th, 2020

Keep up the great work @softMusic9759 !

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


Very thoughtful answer and I agree with your answer to the last question!

WelcomeToChat October 1st, 2020


Great answer Super-clear and well structured.

peacefulWarrior10 October 3rd, 2020


Happy to see how you look at feedback culture as an opportunity!

Brinaa101 July 9th, 2021


Brinaa101 July 9th, 2021


amazing response! keep up the good work

TheGoodHeartedBuddy September 20th, 2021


Your response is very detailed! Feedback is so important and you definitely did a great job reflecting on that!

yourfriend5 September 28th, 2021


Yes indeed, by getting feedback we're allowing ourselves to be the best we can and contribute to the work that others have seen

May 29th, 2022


Well, said and you said some really good points there.

PhoenixTears5972 June 21st, 2022


So beautifully explained !

Daf8 August 29th, 2020


heart Hello! How are you doing? heart

heart The parts are Micro-yes, Data Point, Show Impact, and End On A Question. heart

heart I could improve on the showing impact part, because I have a hard time taking myself into consideration. heart

heart If we don t improve, we just stay where we are. That isn t good. We can always improve to do a better job and be better in general. Because of the feedback, we can progress. We can grow. And we need to grow. heart

blissart August 31st, 2020


right, feedbck helps us to grow and progress, individually as well as a community

Daf8 August 31st, 2020


heart Exactly! Thank you heart

shiningDay80 September 4th, 2020


Growth is important. Not just at 7 Cups. But also life in general. Great insight smiley

Daf8 September 5th, 2020

heart @shiningDay80 heart

heart Thank you! I highly appreciate it. heart

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


I really love the way you presented your answers. It's really attractive! I wish you the best in your journey ahead heart

Daf8 September 14th, 2020

heart @shiningSound31 heart

heart Thank you! I would wish you luck, too, but you clearly don't need it heart

shiningSound31 September 15th, 2020


Everyone needs the best of their luck, cheekywinkheartsmiley