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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #3) The Detriments of Gossip

Heather225 August 24th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Our next objective in this course is to master effective communication skills for healthy interpersonal and professional relationships.

Don't Gossip - Deepstash

Please watch this video
1. Why is gossiping bad?
2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!
3. Please reply to 3 of your peers  in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

UnicornsCottonCandy April 1st, 2021


You pointed out a good fact that we don't know all of the different perspectives of the situation, so there we cannot discuss it and judge whether it is good or bad.Love your response!

kindFish9215 October 6th, 2021


I totally agree with your reasoning about why gossiping is bad. It can indeed be very hurtful. In the end, it will ultimately hurt you. Hence, why you shouldn't gossip.

Helpingsoul98 September 3rd, 2020

Gossiping leads to others losing faith and trust in you. More so, gossiping simply leads to negative energy which can be really hard to overcome once someone is dwelled within it - since bad habits are hard to overcome. One of the most important lesson this video conveys, is that we really don't know another person as well as we think we do. We have no right to make assumptions about another person's life and spread gossip - because honestly, it can be all wrong.

JaimieF September 8th, 2020

@Helpingsoul98 I like how you pointed out the difficulty in getting over bad habits. Gossiping is best avoided altogether!

pizzaiscool September 21st, 2020


Great point about the bad habits! I 100% agree

CintaBali September 24th, 2020


I agree with Jaimie and Pizza - your point that gossip is a hard habit to break is important and astute. Thanks

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 September 28th, 2020


Great answer!

WelcomeToChat September 29th, 2020


Wise and deeply ethical analysis

Moonlemon48 October 20th, 2021

Good points, I agree with you!

jersey123456 October 24th, 2021


Agreed !

crystalclearnow September 4th, 2020


1. Why is gossiping bad?

1. Gossiping is bad because it is negative and hurtful, also they would also subconsciously view you as negative. The person is not present while gossiping and it's being said behind their back with them not being able to clarify.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

2. A statement that would be useful- ' I dont know the other person's perspective, so i prefer not to discuss" This is true because I dont know the entire story.

Irena0225 September 9th, 2020

@crystalclearnow Great answersmiley

BookChunky September 18th, 2020


Good work! I agree with your ideas, gossiping is an extremely bad, hurtful thing to indulge in.

Ginevra962 October 6th, 2020


Good answer!!

Beaconx September 4th, 2020


1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is bad because it depreciates the esteem of another person. It could be hurtful and make the person that gossips to loose his or her reputation.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

Change the topic to positive topic and let the other person know that you are not interested in gossip.

freshMint9376 September 12th, 2020


Changing the conversation is a great way to let people know that you don't gossip!

BeautifulMasterpiece October 15th, 2020


Yeah, what we say about other people has an impact on them, whether we realize it or not! That's always a great way to look at it!

VerseArt September 6th, 2020

1. Why is gossiping bad?

It's negative. It brings no good but harm and only harm. Talking behind someone's back is only acceptable if you are praising them.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

" I don't know about the situation or the person who is being talked about"

Petrichor2000 September 7th, 2020

@VerseArt yeah I agree with you.

hopedreamlove September 12th, 2020


Wonderful answer! I agree that gossiping brings no good but harm and only harm. There is no benefit.

Petrichor2000 September 7th, 2020

Why is gossiping bad? Because it's negative. It hurts the person about whom we are talking about.

List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies! " I don't know their perspective well to comment on this"

JaimieF September 8th, 2020

@Petrichor2000 I like the statement of thinking about the other person's perspective. We are not mind readers!

JaimieF September 8th, 2020

1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping adds fuel to the fire. It fosters negativity and can be very hurtful.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

I like the idea of responding with a positive note and defending the person, such as, "I have found them very easy to talk to!"

3. Please reply to 3 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!


freshMint9376 September 12th, 2020


Right, defending people is a great way to go about ending gossiping!

BookChunky September 18th, 2020


Great answer! I agree chnaging the tone of the conversation and bringing up positive things about the person is better.

Skyglider November 6th, 2020

@JaimieF - great answers!

UnicornsCottonCandy April 1st, 2021

I also think it is a great way of stopping the negativity of gossiping by defending the person who is being gossiped in a positive way. Although that is not the primary purpose, it will not only make that person look better but also you!

Irena0225 September 9th, 2020

1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is basically assuming and spread information about other people, that invades other people's privacy and make your group not stable enough because everyone involved in this gossip will be untrustable and unreliable.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

You can say you are unaware of anything about this and don't mess up with people who like to gossip.

hopedreamlove September 12th, 2020


Yes definitely! I agree, gossiping is basically assuming, and by doing it you are invading someone else's privacy. Great response!

Irena0225 September 29th, 2020

@hopedreamlove Thank youwink

CompassionateDreamer8522 September 10th, 2020


1. Why is gossiping bad? Gossiping does nothing to further the community. It's toxic to everyone.
2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies! Gossiping not only effects you, but those you gossip to! It plants negative thoughts in their heads about that member.

freshMint9376 September 12th, 2020


Yes toxic is the perfect word for it!

freshMint9376 September 12th, 2020

1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping hurts not only the person you're gossiping about, but also the people around you.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

Say something positive about the person being gossiped about instead.

hopedreamlove September 12th, 2020


I like how you mentioned that gossiping not only hurts the person who is being gossiped about, but also the people around you. Good answer!

hopedreamlove September 12th, 2020

1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is bad because because it can be extremely hurtful, and it is not fair to the person you are discussing behind their backs. Instead of strengthening your community, you might just cause conflict and rumors and lose trust, which is just so harmful. It has no benefits.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

I really like the idea of saying something positive about the person instead of adding to the negativity, and that way you might be able to change the conversation totally.

BookChunky September 15th, 2020


Hey! I really like your answer and agree with the statement, it's important to spread positivity rather than contribute to the negative.

DayDreamWithYou September 18th, 2020


Hi Hope! I completely agree that it is really unfair for someone to talk about someone else behind their backs, and it could definitely hurt a lot as well. No trust with no benefits are great reasons for not participating in gossip and spreading rumours. Oh my, and I love how you mentioned for your statement that we should start saying something positive about the person and really turn the conversation the whole way around :)

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 September 29th, 2020


Loved your answer!

Endure777 September 14th, 2020


Gossiping is bad because it is sharing negative thoughts or feelings about another person who is not around. It is speaking badly about a person behind their back. A statement I took from the video was that people you gossip to subconsciously place you with that trait.

MoonlightHelper1 September 20th, 2020


I totally agree with you! Nobody would like it if someone talked badly about them behind their back - it is very important to treat others as you wish to be treated. Nice answer! yes