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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #2) Service Leadership at 7 Cups

Heather225 August 6th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Being a leader at 7 Cups takes many forms. One thing every listener has in common is that we are all agents of service. Whether we are taking member chats or we are welcoming a new listener to the community, every unique contribution made by listeners is equally wonderful and valuable.

There are many ways to spend our  volunteer time at 7 Cups. Some of you will choose to focus on member chats and others will choose to be involved with our community programs, or both!  No matter which path, all contributions are considered incredibly valuable and special.

The term  Service leadership  (based on the philosophy of servant leadership, in  which the main goal of the leader is to serve)  can be explained in this way:  "Traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the top of the pyramid. By comparison, the servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible."

Sometimes leaders or community members who help with projects receive high praise for their efforts (and they all deserve it) but this is never to take away or undermine the contributions of listeners who fly a little bit more under the radar. How one chooses to spend their volunteer time on 7 Cups is up to them & we love you all the same!

Leadership - Becoming a Teen Star, Mentor, Mentor Leader or Ambassador.

Weve long said⦠that if you want to be a mentor, be a mentor, eventually youll get a badge. These service leadership roles are incredibly important to the functionality of our community. The individuals in these posts do an excellent job helping to keep our community safe and positive. I am very thankful for them.

One misconception I have heard floating around is that once youre in one of these roles you need to do more, be more, show more, etc. The reality could not be any further from the truth. These roles signify contributions that are currently being made & are not about contributions we hope these individuals will make in the future.

Another way to think about this is - Â if youre accepted to be a mentor leader or ambassador, we will not be giving you more work. Our aim is to honor the work you have been previously/currently doing. In fact, wed love for you to add more self-care to your regular routine. These titles are reserved for successful project leaders & community members who are already involved in community engagement projects and actively making a positive impact. In some cases, we may give you more tools to do your specific projects more effectively.

In this sense, service leadership is simply about where you plan to spend your time. To those of you out there who focus 100% on member chats, we LOVE YOU! To those of you out there who focus on community programs, we LOVE YOU TOO! All of these contributions are equally valuable and important. As a collective  community, our aim is to honor your contributions, no matter where or how they manifest.

In this vein, my hope is that you will remember 3 key things:

1. Self-care - always! Make sure self-care is baked into your volunteer work here

2. Dont take on more than you are able. If you dont have the bandwidth to do something, you owe it to yourself and the community to say no. It is 100% okay to say no. (And if you are asking someone to help you with a project, please do not get upset if someone has to say no.)

3. Remember that 7 Cups is an ecosystem. Every single contribution matters! Â

If youd like to be in a service leadership role, my advice would be:

1. Pay attention to how others are contributing

2. Figure out what gets you excited in the community!

3. Once you have an idea of what gets you excited, dive in! You dont need to have a mentor badge to help out, get involved & start learning.

4. If youre not sure how to get involved, you can chat with a mentor or sign up for listener coaching.

5. Once you feel comfortable with your area of attention, apply for the appropriate mentor track.


Questions: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?
How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

Activity: Please reply to 3 of your peers  in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Irena0225 September 9th, 2020

What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

The idea of service leadership is great, it reminds me of back to the 50s and 60s in China, the leaders always say that they are the servants of people, and that's what 7 Cups leaders should do as well. Service leadership provides a much stronger base for this ecosystem.

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

There are always either peer supporters or chat supporters in the listener support room, and they always provide listeners with the fastest support.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

Contribute all of me, follow the oath.

CompassionateDreamer8522 September 10th, 2020

@Irena0225 Great job on remembering the oath we all take! Fantastic work! <3

Liru0417 September 17th, 2020


That's a very good insight and I totally agree! Well said!

CompassionateDreamer8522 September 10th, 2020


What do you think of the idea of service leadership?
I served as a birth doula for many years - which, in my experience, was very servant-leadership. I led the woman through pregnancy by serving her. Listening to her, and encouraging her.
Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?
KristinHelps! She's provided me with so much FANTASTIC information!
How can you become a better "servant' to our community?
I think just chatting more, honestly. Maybe chatting with a listener coach a few times to see my struggle points, and working through them. Also, find a role that I feel is a natural progression for me in my service to 7 cups.

freshMint9376 September 12th, 2020


What kind of information did KristinHelps provide you with?

freshMint9376 September 12th, 2020

What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

It's great! People who act as a service leader deserve such a great title.

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

In the listener support room there is always chat support ready to take on my millions of questions.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

Learn, learn, learn! Ask questions! Grow as a person into your position!

hopedreamlove September 12th, 2020


I definitely agree with you on learning, learning and asking questions is an amazing way to become a better "servant." Sometimes it can feel like we shouldn't ask so many questions, but it is entirely the opposite, questions give you a chance to learn and to grow, 7 cups encourages and loves questions!

hopedreamlove September 12th, 2020

What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

I love the idea of service leadership! It is really interesting, and it shows that the volunteers don't do what they do for awards or higher stats, they do it because they want to serve the community. It is a really refreshing to see, and I feel this title fits 7 cups very well!

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

Well I feel that 7 cups of filled with so many different forms of service leadership. One great example are peer supporters, who are there to support their fellow listeners after hard/triggering chats, and who help make the community a more positive, better place!

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

I can become a better "servant," to our community by taking more time for self-care, as I can't serve in the best way if I am feeling burnt out or tired. I could also continue to look for opportunities to grow and to learn!

rebecca947 September 16th, 2020


I love your response. It definitely fits Cups well! I agree with self-care: as we always say "You can't pour from an empty cup". What I say is- you're going to give as much as you have. If you have nothing, you have nothing to give. I hope you do some self-care when you need it!

Jili February 28th, 2021


I like service leadership as well!

Immakindlistener22 December 16th, 2022


hi hope

I agree with self-care. If you are burnt up you won’t be okay to help others. I hope you do some self-care when you need it!

Endure777 September 14th, 2020


What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?
I love the idea of service leadership and I feel that it needs to be implemented into more businesses and career fields. An example of service leadership is when listeners or members in a group chat contribute their knowledge about 7 Cups or the community when somoene has a concern or question. Another one is when people on 7 Cups contribute to a project since the community is all about providing service and leadership.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

I can become a better servant in our community by providing answers to FAQ or to members/listeners in group chats, I can also contribute by being active on forums and providing encouragement or praises.

rebecca947 September 16th, 2020


I totally agree that it would be great to see it implemented in all the working fields. Every bit counts- I hope there's even just one person in every business doing that, even if they're not a company leader.
Help out in any way you can! The forums are a great start for sure and FAQs. Best of luck! (I love the forums so I'm secretly happy you said you wanted to help in forums haha)

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020

What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

I really like the idea of service leadership where the intention of the leader is to serve instead to lead. Many high performing companies practice the idea of service leadership. Some of the fundamental ideas in service leadership are to empower others, to invest time, energy and money to ensure the well-being and personal and professional growth of others. This means that subordinate won't and shouldn't remain a subordinate forever. In service leadership, appropriate opportunities to rise and grow are provided to people at the lower level of the pyramid. This is very powerful as knowing that that one would be given opportunities to rise and grow, people at the lower level of the pyramid would be motivated in giving their best to the work they do and to the organisation for which they work.

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

One example of service leadership is the Listener Mentors or Listener Coaches. These mentors or coaches help the listener become a better listener by having a conversation with them, by helping them to tackle specific issues which listeners face while listening to members, by answering their queries and by motivating and encouraging them.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

I am trying to become a better 'servant' to the 7 Cups community by having enrolled myself in the leadership development program and by regularly perusing the listener training guides and then applying the learnings while listening to members.

rebecca947 September 16th, 2020


I love your explanation and your take on what service leadership means. We all need to learn and grow in every aspect of our life, so hearing that companies engage with that is really amazing.
Thank you for using all the resources we have and applying them! Knowledge isn't enough- action to implement that is good. :)

shiningSound31 September 17th, 2020


Thank You, Rebecca, for appreciating me. This means a lot to me! heartsmileyheart Hugs heart

BookChunky September 18th, 2020


Your response is really amazing and totally makes sense! Good workk :)

shiningSound31 September 19th, 2020


Thank you, Chunky for liking my response and for your warm and kind reply heartheartheart

InvaderStitch September 14th, 2020

I think service leadership is a great leadership structure because it helps those in leadership roles be more successful and encourages new leaders to step up into new roles. It doesnt require years of experience to be a leader, just passion and drive, and the work to be put into it. I also really like that service leadership recognizes all levels of contribution as important because without every role that we have now we wouldnt be able to reach and support as many people as we do.

I think the quality team leaders serve as a great example of service leaders. They are working on projects behind the scenes to help improve site quality for members and listeners alike even against the constant criticism thats likely always going to be there.

I think one way I can become a better servant to the community is by making sure I am taking care of myself because you cant serve from an empty cup.

rebecca947 September 16th, 2020


Hey, Stitch!!! Happy to see you here. I love how you said "without every role that we have now we wouldnt be able to reach and support as many people as we do." It is so true. And yes, being a dedicated leader just requires passion and drive and a willingness for change. I think that fits every one of us here.
Quality mentors and people improving quality do have a tough job with criticism. With so many changes and new problems arising, it can be hard to keep up and keep everyone happy!
I agree with self-care. I hope you do take some time out for yourself! Good on you. ❤️ Sending my love! xx

September 18th, 2020

I totally agree with. Everything you said .@InvaderStitch

Liru0417 September 17th, 2020

What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

Servant leadership is a calling and it is not an easy task. It s a constant effor that requires patience, perseverance and a heart that aims to be of service to others. It is often a challenge for leaders to be a constant advocate of this as they have responsibilities to meet but it is meaningful and important calling for them to fulfill nonetheless.

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

The camaraderie and warmth of a lot of leaders on 7Cups leaves me at awe every time. They are selfless and always there when you need a hand. And I commend every each on of them that puts their effort and goes out their way every time just to make this community a safer place everyday.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

Taking the examples of the mentors, moderators and leaders here - giving heart, taking accountability and responsibility for tasks and celebrating the diversity and cultivationg compassion amongst one another.

September 18th, 2020

Really good answer. @Liru0417

BookChunky September 18th, 2020


Wonderful answer :) it totally makes sense how our leaders play such an important role in our community!

September 18th, 2020

I think a good model to share powers or responsibilities among The whole Community So no one would Feel left out. Also I think it's cool every one is seen as eqaul if you have slot of leaderships or not to work toward a commen goal.

2. I think in lsr when Different listeners take turns to answe questions. Is part of the cuture of 7 cups

3 I would keep growing , learning and put my best foot ward in the my leadership roles I take.


DayDreamWithYou September 18th, 2020


Hi there! Thank you for this awesome post :) I agree that service leadership is a good model to kind of share responsibilities in a way that everyone would feel inclusive and have a voice! And that everyone is of equal standing and the same opportunities to take on leadership roles is definitely also a plus! I really love how you mentioned that the lsr (listener support room) is a really big part of the 7 cups culture, where listeners take turns and support each other the best we can! Also, continuing growing, progressing, and learning are also awesome ways to become a servant to our community :)

BookChunky September 18th, 2020


What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

Service leadership or servant is a unique/better system for leadership that ensures the members of the community are put first and their needs are taken care of while the leaders work hard at managing them as well.

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

LISTENERS are individuals who play a major role as service leaders, they spend long hours chatting with members in distress and help them feel better. LISTENER SUPPORTERS and QUALITY MENTORS are really important roles as well these people ensure everyone is safe and gets the support they are needed inorder to provide te best possible care for the members and themselves.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

I can become a better servant for this community by spending more time listening to members and maybe taking up few important roles in the community so I can help everyone and take self-care breaks as needed too so I don't burn out.

MoonlightHelper1 September 20th, 2020


I love your accurate and detailed answer! Great to highlight that members of the community are put first and their needs are taken care of while the leaders work hard - it puts much emphasis on how responsibilities go with leadership roles and also how important our job is!

lovelyNight9853 September 18th, 2020

Service leadership to me is being a leader in my community and leading by example.

There are in fact many instances of this on 7 cups. One being all the volunteers doing their best every time to help someone or make someones day brighter.

Becoming a better servant to our community would mean trying my best to be online as much as possible, and being more active.

MoonlightHelper1 September 20th, 2020


It is nice how you highlighter that the person should be leading by example! I agree that one can become better servant by being more active and trying our best. If you go by these rules I think you will be a great leader! :)

lovelyNight9853 September 21st, 2020


Thank you means a lot!

pizzaiscool September 21st, 2020


I agree with leading by example! It always makes the leader more aware of their actions and the covert message they're sending potential leaders as well!

lovelyNight9853 October 14th, 2020


Thank you!

WelcomeToChat September 29th, 2020


Great synthesis. Good to remember at all times !

amiablePeace77 September 29th, 2020


I totally agree to your statement "leading by example".

Ginevra962 October 6th, 2020


Very well said! You are doing great!

lovelyNight9853 October 14th, 2020


Thank you!

YoungMonastic007 October 11th, 2020


Leading by example. heart

generousDiamond35 October 13th, 2020


Sounds great! Lovely response :)

lovelyNight9853 October 14th, 2020


Thank you!