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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #2) Service Leadership at 7 Cups

Heather225 August 6th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Being a leader at 7 Cups takes many forms. One thing every listener has in common is that we are all agents of service. Whether we are taking member chats or we are welcoming a new listener to the community, every unique contribution made by listeners is equally wonderful and valuable.

There are many ways to spend our  volunteer time at 7 Cups. Some of you will choose to focus on member chats and others will choose to be involved with our community programs, or both!  No matter which path, all contributions are considered incredibly valuable and special.

The term  Service leadership  (based on the philosophy of servant leadership, in  which the main goal of the leader is to serve)  can be explained in this way:  "Traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the top of the pyramid. By comparison, the servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible."

Sometimes leaders or community members who help with projects receive high praise for their efforts (and they all deserve it) but this is never to take away or undermine the contributions of listeners who fly a little bit more under the radar. How one chooses to spend their volunteer time on 7 Cups is up to them & we love you all the same!

Leadership - Becoming a Teen Star, Mentor, Mentor Leader or Ambassador.

Weve long said⦠that if you want to be a mentor, be a mentor, eventually youll get a badge. These service leadership roles are incredibly important to the functionality of our community. The individuals in these posts do an excellent job helping to keep our community safe and positive. I am very thankful for them.

One misconception I have heard floating around is that once youre in one of these roles you need to do more, be more, show more, etc. The reality could not be any further from the truth. These roles signify contributions that are currently being made & are not about contributions we hope these individuals will make in the future.

Another way to think about this is - Â if youre accepted to be a mentor leader or ambassador, we will not be giving you more work. Our aim is to honor the work you have been previously/currently doing. In fact, wed love for you to add more self-care to your regular routine. These titles are reserved for successful project leaders & community members who are already involved in community engagement projects and actively making a positive impact. In some cases, we may give you more tools to do your specific projects more effectively.

In this sense, service leadership is simply about where you plan to spend your time. To those of you out there who focus 100% on member chats, we LOVE YOU! To those of you out there who focus on community programs, we LOVE YOU TOO! All of these contributions are equally valuable and important. As a collective  community, our aim is to honor your contributions, no matter where or how they manifest.

In this vein, my hope is that you will remember 3 key things:

1. Self-care - always! Make sure self-care is baked into your volunteer work here

2. Dont take on more than you are able. If you dont have the bandwidth to do something, you owe it to yourself and the community to say no. It is 100% okay to say no. (And if you are asking someone to help you with a project, please do not get upset if someone has to say no.)

3. Remember that 7 Cups is an ecosystem. Every single contribution matters! Â

If youd like to be in a service leadership role, my advice would be:

1. Pay attention to how others are contributing

2. Figure out what gets you excited in the community!

3. Once you have an idea of what gets you excited, dive in! You dont need to have a mentor badge to help out, get involved & start learning.

4. If youre not sure how to get involved, you can chat with a mentor or sign up for listener coaching.

5. Once you feel comfortable with your area of attention, apply for the appropriate mentor track.


Questions: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?
How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

Activity: Please reply to 3 of your peers  in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

August 25th, 2020


Behaving withing the 7 cups community Rules are important. Good point Azu

softMusic9759 August 28th, 2020

@azuladragon34 Agreed!

Sandson September 4th, 2020


I agree that it is important to follow the community rules. Do you have any additional thoughts on how offer better service leadership?

IcicleSnown May 21st, 2021


Service Leadership is a wonderful idea indeed!

August 25th, 2020

What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

To me Service leadership is very apt for what we do in 7 cups. It's the kind of leadership where in we focus on being of help to others rather than following the pyramid structure of leadership.

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

I've been fortunate to see many kinds of Service Leadership here on cups be it listeners, peers, chat support, mods, mentors, ambassadors they all work towards helping one another.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

Doing what I can to my best ability. Being honest and knowing when to step back and ask for help. Caring for others and not forgetting to care for myself.

hopedreamlove September 12th, 2020


I love your response! I also really like how you mentioned knowing when it might be time to take a step back and ask for help can help you become a better "servant," I definitely agree!

August 25th, 2020


▶︎ What do you think of the idea of service leadership?
For years, part of my own understanding of leadership is working to serve and help others in your community, rather than amassing power or recognition, so the idea of service leadership on 7 Cups fits nicely into my understanding of what it means to be a leader overall. Leadership is not just a position that you hold, but is found in your every interaction with others.

▶︎ Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?
The beautiful thing about 7 Cups is how we are a community of volunteers. All of us listeners are volunteering time to serve others, to provide emotional support and build up a warm and welcoming community to others. I especially admire listeners who focus not on roles or badges, but on their every interaction with the community, working to help both members and listeners that they come across feel welcome and supported. That is not to say that roles are bad—far from it. I have seen plenty of wonderful listeners working to serve others as members of subcommunity teams, or who consistently appear in the group rooms and help build up the sense of community there, or the verifying others as part of the Verifiers team, or offering to help coach newer listeners as members of the Listener Coaching Team, just to name a few examples!

▶︎ How can you become a better "servant' to our community?
I have been a listener for quite some time now and have been invested in leadership roles since the start, but I have always found that there is room to learn and grow. Lately, I have been focusing more on members, setting goals for myself to take chats more consistently and with more regularity, and to become a friendly face in the group rooms and in the forums by frequenting them more often.

Listeningsarinn August 28th, 2020


i feel this sentence ivy &-&

heartLeadership is not just a position that you hold, but is found in your every interaction with others.heart

SynSavory September 2nd, 2020


I love that you primed ourselves as agents of the community. We work to better ourselves and our overarching community. Great job.

WelcomeToChat September 29th, 2020


I love your intimate, loving, and committed approach to 7Cups, that your answers reflect very well.

beautifulSeal9714 January 14th, 2021


I like your idea about servant leadership,

PeaceLoveandPaws August 25th, 2020


What do you think of the idea of service leadership? I really like the concept of servant leadership. To me, it makes a much better business model than those focused on profit margins and bottom line numbers.

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups? I think quality mentors are one of the best examples of service leadeship here at 7 Cups. I know my mentor has been there to support me and cheer along with me. My mentor wants to see me succeed in whatever roles I choose.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community? I think leading by example could help me become a better 'servant' to the community. Being willing to role up your sleeves and work along side those who you lead and for those leaders who teach you, directly or indirectly.

Helpingsoul98 September 3rd, 2020


Yes! Teaching others is an excellent way to show and express leadership!

CompassionateDreamer8522 September 10th, 2020

@PeaceLoveandPaws I loved the "rolling up your sleeves". Sometimes it's tough to really get down to the hard work that these roles sometimes have. <3 what a great attitude!

Endure777 September 14th, 2020


Great answer!

pizzaiscool September 21st, 2020


I agree! It's a way better way to organise a company than the profit margin model!

dancingMoment7201 September 28th, 2020


I like your thought about service leadership. It's true that profit and margin are all leader care about in some company. Glad that you find a mentor helpful. Keep on doing your great work.

WelcomeToChat September 29th, 2020


Wise reflections.

Leading by example is a noble and effective way to lead.

YoungMonastic007 October 11th, 2020


Great answer.

goldenFriend9335 February 3rd, 2021


Your answer is brilliant!

blindHeart12 March 31st, 2021


willing to do and work long with leader and team. That thought process made you so awesome leader Paws.

kindFish9215 October 4th, 2021


I totally agree with everything that you’ve said here! This makes perfect sense!

Moonlemon48 October 20th, 2021

Yes! Quality mentors are the best answer, amazing!

Mellietronx August 26th, 2020


What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups? I think it is being open to what work is needed. I see new people in leadership on the regular on 7 Cups.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

I would love to spend more time in forums and chats.

Listeningsarinn August 28th, 2020


great point! i also love how just everyone is stepping up to face the need they see and how they are able to do that as any role isn't reserved for anyone ^^

SynSavory September 2nd, 2020


That's a great idea! :)

CompassionateDreamer8522 September 10th, 2020

@Mellietronx I also have seen so many new leaders - what a great observation! I also hope you're doing well in the forums and chats! :)

Endure777 September 14th, 2020


Awesome response. Good work :)

September 18th, 2020

Being open to what work is needed is. A good way to go. @Mellietronx

pizzaiscool September 21st, 2020


Forums and chats are a great way to be in touch with other listeners as well as members! :D

soulsings November 4th, 2020

@Mellietronx that sounds like a good plan to demonstrate service leadership

blindHeart12 March 31st, 2021


Spending time in forum it awesome as it not easy task. Best of luck Mellie.

Listeningsarinn August 28th, 2020


What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

i like the idea alot and i think that it is the way which would give back the most to the leader when the leader isn't even asking for a payback but i also think it is an ideal and can't be seen alot around the world, it requires "real passion" and belief in the mission ^^

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

honestly every leader in cups is a service leader as no one who is here would be here if they weren't passionate about 7cups' mission, they wouldn't dedicate so much of their time to be a leader rather in giving love and support in 1-1s or becoming a leader focused on rooms, forums or other special projects!

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

by remembering that quality is always before quantity so i shouldn't take on more than what i can really the get best out of it and by never getting to the feeling that as a leader i am any higher and any moderation tools is more than a way to help me help others!

Helpingsoul98 September 3rd, 2020


Love your response! <3

Listeningsarinn September 4th, 2020


Oh thanksss😻💜💜

Petrichor2000 September 6th, 2020


'Quality is before quantity'

Man I reflected to it. Thanks for remainder. Have a beautiful day ahead.

DayDreamWithYou September 18th, 2020


Heya Sarinn! Before I mention the your awesome content, I really love your color-coding :) Also, back to it, I completely agree that service leadership requires some "real passion" and really just some people that are very motivated and interested not by rewards, but by interest. Perhaps the whole service leadership is also the best way to find leaders and people who are interested for the mission and not the rewards :o and awww, I love how you mentioned every leader is a service leader <3 When you mentioned about "taking on more than what I can really get the best out of it" was very heartfelt, and I 100% agree with that! Thank you for this awesome post Sarinn!

blindHeart12 March 31st, 2021


Quality over quantity -Short and thoughtful.

Moonlemon48 October 20th, 2021

Awesome response!

Have a nice day<3

Immakindlistener22 December 16th, 2022


good call. Quality before quantity. I admire that ☺️