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Course 2, Discussion 3: High Expectations and High Warmth

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

Congrats! You made it the second course in the LDP! In this course, we focus on the specific interpersonal skills needed to be a strong leader on 7 Cups, including mastery of communication skills, time management, conflict resolution, stress management and empowering new leaders.

I know if you are here, you have read our values and culture guide. I would like to start off by further emphasizing one value that's required for a leader to be successful here, and that is balancing High Expectations & High Warmth.

Work environments with high expectations and minimal warmth tend to result in companies that are very driven, rule-oriented and risk-averse. The people do not tend to grow as much personally or professionally. On the other hand, workplaces that are high in warmth, but have minimal expectations, tend to struggle. Everyone is happy and feels loved, but not a lot of effective or focused work gets done.

7 Cups is high expectations AND high warmth. We expect a lot from you. You might feel like we think you are more capable than other people have suggested or maybe even more capable than how you see yourself. That is okay. Every person on the team has outperformed and done better than they expected. This is largely because warmth, patience, and trust help people make much more progress than they have in other environments. We have high expectations, but we will provide plenty of encouragement and guidance to help you get there.


✒️ What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

December 23rd, 2022


✒️ What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

An imbalance of expectations and warmth can reduce the teams productivity. It can make the leader seem unwelcoming and unapproachable as the limited warmth is overidden by a demand of what the leaders expects. Makes the task seem more like a chore.

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

If you have too low of expectations, then the team will have reduced motiviation, it can reduce productivity and effectiveness. Too little warmth will make you unapproachable in the community and make you less easy to work with.

✒️Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

I will do, when one arrives :)

TheFantasticPengua January 2nd, 2023


If you believe you can, you will.

LOOPHOLE September 10th, 2023


Amazing...indeed ... Self belief is imperative

starryCandy6123 December 7th, 2023

If you have too low of expectations, Then the output will be less productive, The team will not be as happy to work for you. With too little warmth, will make you cold and not as easy to work with  .

  0  Reply


You got this!!!!

TheFantasticPengua January 2nd, 2023


✒️ What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

If I'm a leader and have high expectations, people will go against me in what I say and do. People don't want to listen to somebody who expects too much out of them. If I'm too high in warmth, I can be very empathetic, but my work won't get done and I may be too lenient with it all.

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

Low Expectations:

a) I may not be able to enforce the terms of service and the rules won't be met.

b) If I am helping new leaders and have too low of expectations, they won't be able to understand the rules and what they need to get done.

c) If I'm harsh and not gentle with the community, people won't find me accepting and won't come to me for support.

d) If I have too high of expectations for other leaders, I may be quick to judge them for what they've done and they won't come to me for help.

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

CallumCares421 January 9th, 2023


Awesome examples! :D


TheFantasticPengua January 9th, 2023


Thank you! Have a wonderful day!

iPHOENIX February 16th, 2023

Oh nice, and good examples :)

CallumCares421 January 9th, 2023

✒️ What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

Likely that will show in my work. It will cause breaks in relationships, and ultimately it may lead to being removed from my leadership roles.

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

If you have too few expectations you may not get the work you need to do in the community, and among peers, you may fall behind them.

If you have too little warmth, you won't be as respected and liked in the community. Among peers, people will be hesitant to talk to you.

NanditaB January 15th, 2023

@CallumCares421 Nice explaination :)

ayeyaeyaaaaaaaa January 19th, 2023



Rivelino3 July 6th, 2023

@CallumCares421 Yours answers resonated with me. Love your perspective 💛

sunnySea4551 January 12th, 2023


What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

I could not be a warm as I would need to be and could lose my leadership badge

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

the team will have reduced motivation. I may not be as respected and liked in the community

NanditaB January 15th, 2023

@sunnySea4551 well said :)

purplelady568 January 21st, 2023

@sunnySea4551 great points. Thank you for sharing your thoughts

ItsMrEnigma March 27th, 2023


I hope you have a wonderful day and if you are not, remember that it will come!

NanditaB January 15th, 2023


✒️ What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

It will directly and indirectly affect my team members and productivity will reduce

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

Too low expectations:

1) It will make some of my team members happy but some people who have potential to work more will not feel good.

2) My work will happen in a very slow manner and it will not be completed in due time. Therefore it will also affect my fellow leaders directly.

Too little warmth:

1) It will affect the community in a bad way and there wil be less motivation.Team members might resign.

2) My work will not happen the way i expected and it will also dissapoint fellow leaders.

purplelady568 January 21st, 2023

@NanditaB I like your ideas and explanation.

4Jasmine February 25th


I agree with you. Very well put! 

purplelady568 January 21st, 2023

✒️ What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth? If I do not match the expectations or warmth of the rest of the team, it will cause an imbalance and could lead to conflict. If you have too many expectations, it could lead to burnout. If you have too much warmth, it might sound in-genuine or fake to others.

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders? 1. Too few expectations might mean that you don't meet deadlines, you don't produce the best work possible, and others on the team have to pick up the slack. Not enough warmth might come off as uncaring, robotic, or kind of rude. 2. Your fellow leaders will want there to be unity and peace and calm, and an equal balance of responsibilities. That isn't possible if there are consistently low expectations and low warmth.

Note: I have never heard the term "high warmth" or "low warmth" before now, so I am having trouble putting it into my own words.

Shannon1996 November 7th, 2023

@purplelady568 you've explained it perfectly :)

JasmineFlower222 February 2nd, 2023


What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

I'll probably fall out of my typical 7 cups routine and not meet team quotas or provide the best support possible for my members.

How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

It could impact the community by the members not getting adequate support and our listeners too. Work with other leaders would decline and not be productive. That's why it is important to have high expectations and high warmth

YourCaringConfidant February 9th, 2023

@JasmineFlower222 I definitely agree. I, too, would likely "fall off" and pull away for a time being. People are big into how others make them feel and a good leader needs to be warm and empathetic yet firm and expect the best of all.

walkalot February 2nd, 2023

I really like this idea. I’m thinking of how to implement it in my family too

kindJewel5362 February 6th, 2023


Great idea. Never saw it that way.

kindJewel5362 February 6th, 2023

✒️ What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

I see this as an imbalance between intrinsic motivation (warmth) and extrinsic motivation (expectations). It is key to maintain a balance between the 2 and emphasize 1 over the other where called for. As such, if I see that the situation calls for an imbalance I will create one. However if it doesn't I won't.

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

Expectations that are too low indicate that there are less extrinsic motivations at play, which reduces the excitement behind achieving a goal, in this case the mission behind 7cups and might cause the site to be less innovative and novel than it has the potential to be, both at the organizational and the leadership level. Too little warmth means too much extrinsic motivation and not enough intrinsic. This leads to a slave driving culture among the leaders and will poison the community.

YourCaringConfidant February 9th, 2023

What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

If I have an imbalance of expectations and warmth then I know I would be doing a disservice to others. My leadership abilities would not be top tier and not a lot of productivity would be getting done. It is important that there be a balance.

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

Having too low of expectations would be detrimental. There will not be a lot of success going on, little to no productivity, and confusion. Also too, it makes the leader appear indifferent as if they really do not care about the success of each individual and team. Having too little warmth can be disheartening because people need compassion and empathy and seek it from leaders. A good leader is firm in love and wants all the best for everyone. Without a balance and enough of each thing, the community and members will not thrive.

BenittaJ February 14th, 2023


What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

An imbalance rocks the boat. If i have a imbalance i wouldn't lead properly. I might be a trouble for the community's development. Imbalanced warmth might seem good for me but it definitely might not be good for the community.

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

My actions would cause trouble to the community indirectly, people start to move away from us. Our vision in providing free support might be in vain because of my irresponsible actions.

I might be a specimen for my fellow mates. People come here for support and care, when i fail to provide warmth our mission is completed ruined.

jasishereforallofu February 15th, 2023

@BenittaJ I like your answers ❤️

jasishereforallofu February 15th, 2023

@FrenchToastClub ✒️ What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

It will affect me and my work for the community.

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders.

It would leave a big impact on the community and members.

March 16th, 2023


Couldn't agree with you more :)

iPHOENIX February 16th, 2023

✒️ What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

Mine and my teams productivity gonna be affected negatively, and I won't be able to support people in the best way.

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

1. The community will not meet the goal. And the imalance will always be there as people stressed or people don't do their allocated work. Both scenarios will be bad for community.

2. If they are directly part of my work/role they might have to overwork for me and it might leads to burnout or as a whole leadership team even if just one team fail, it will have an impact all other teams.

Mitanshi003 February 19th, 2023


That was a good answer, phoenix 🍀

Mitanshi003 February 19th, 2023


1. What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

<3 Expectations:
I believe that having little to no expectations will cause the listener to lack the motivation to explore and grow more whereas, having high expectations with a lack of boundaries, may lead to burnout and cause feelings of distress, envy, etc.

<3 Warmth:
Similarly, having little to no warmth may cause one to grow bitter toward the community whereas, having excessive warmth may cause the leaders to experience a downfall in productivity and a mismanaged environment.

Warmth and expectations go hand in hand. One must practice both crucially and sincerely.

2. How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact:

<3 the community:
It may cause the community to experience a downfall as they could potentially lead to mismanagement and lack of productivity.

<3 impact how you work with your fellow leaders:
It may cause the leaders to experience a lack of motivation, reliability, and credibility which could lead to fewer people enrolling in leadership roles.

EnigmaticCat24 February 25th, 2023


Great answers!

EnigmaticCat24 February 25th, 2023

What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

It will affect team members and productivity of team will reduce and it'll be difficult to work together as a team with same spirit and interest and as a leader i will be unable to provide the support to team members and community.

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

It'll make team members feel unmotivated and they'll not see me as a good leader. And it'll be hard work together with other leaders and it'll affect the positive environment at 7 cups.

AvyIsKing March 2nd, 2023


Great answers :D

AvyIsKing March 2nd, 2023

✒️ What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth?

I think if there is an imbalance, not as much work gets done. you either get an incredibly hostile leader (high expectations low warmth) or a ugh for lack of better words "push over" leader (high warmth, low expectations) neither of those are great work enviorments.

✒️ How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

Having an imbalance, whether it be low expectations or low warmth, greatly affects productivity. If no one gets any work done, then the community doesn't have its needs met. And as for affect on fellow leaders, no one if going to want to work with a leader who has an imbalance, and also doesn't get enough work done.

i would also like to note when copy and pasting the questions i almost copied an anime boy :D

Trintzu March 5th, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 excellent!