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Course 2, Discussion 1: Understanding your Leadership Style

Hope December 5th, 2022

Hello everyone,

If you are reading this, it means you have come a long way in your leadership training. Kudos to you for all the effort and resilience you have shown! It is amazing how you all are open to learning and adapting to new environments: the environment of leadership!

Before we zoom in and talk more about learning and adapting, lets zoom back out first and talk about how you feel about leadership. Regardless of how you see yourself, there is a leader within you. The one who visualizes how things could have run in a better way if you were in the leading spot. Leading spot here means:

  • A desire for change

  • Believing you got the abilities to make it happen

  • Visualizing success while keeping in mind the bigger picture.

Lets take a look at the leadership styles as proposed by Daniel Goleman


Picture taken from this source.

Your original style could be any of them. So for the purpose of this course, we are going to use a leadership style test to help you identify your core competencies. In brief, we are using the test here to help you identify your leadership approach. So, when you know how you approach an event, you could think and put efforts to bring a change in it. It will allow you to polish your strengths and focus to improve in other different areas as well.

Let's get started!

- Please take the leadership style test linked HERE.

✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

wonderousLove3994 February 13th

@Hope I got 33/35 at coaching. I always think that people know themselves more than anybody else, and the same people are the building blocks of the team. So we should rather focus on individuals than the team or goals and invest in the people.

Countrygirl095 February 19th

@wonderousLove3994 sounds great

Snowy00 February 19th


Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

So I tied with Visionary and Affiliative as the top two Leadership styles with Coaching just one point below those two, and Commanding as the lowest of all of them.

Do you agree with this quiz?

I actually do agree with this quiz. I firmly believe that people come first. If my employees (I've been a Manager before) are not happy or being encouraged and are told more of what they are doing wrong than what they are doing right, I find that their performance suffers and they end up quitting the job. I also firmly believe in being "in the trenches", as they say, with the people I am in leadership above. I believe everyone is equal and should work together as a team. Sure, I'm the one with the leadership title, but to me, all that means is that if something goes wrong, it falls on me to be accountable for. I think being a leader means being in the trenches with those under your supervision, and showing by example how things should be done. Working together as a team and motivating and uplifting one another. Like the description says, "come with me". Everyone should have a voice, and everyone matters. Their happiness and comfort at work comes first, because ultimately, that drives their performance.

JustSophia February 27th


I really appreciate your perspective, Kayla.  It sounds like you'd be a good manager.  

Countrygirl095 February 19th

@Hope I agree with my leadership results. I scored a 27 out of 35 for visionary and I agree with it because it described my style of leadership. VISIONARY

Your Score: 27 out of 35
Provides long-term direction and vision. Moves people toward shared dreams by ensuring that the direction is in the long-term best interests of the group and the organisation.
Use When changes require new vision, a clear direction is needed, the leader is perceived as an authority.
Don't use When trying to promote self-managed work teams and participatory decision making.
Your Score: 13 out of 35
Invests in the long-term professional development of employees. Helps individuals with their development plans and provides ongoing support and feedback.
Use To help employees develop and improve performance in the long-term, when employee sees the need for development and is motivated to take initiative.
Don't use When employees require too much direction and feedback. When in crises.
Your Score: 22 out of 35
Cultivates relationships with employees. Rewards personal characteristics and avoids performance-related confrontations.
Use To help resolve conflict, motivate during stressful times, strengthen connections.
Don't use When performance is inadequate, in complex situations needing clear direction and control, with employees who are task-oriented. And I send my encouragement to everyone
TheOnlyChresser March 8th

@Countrygirl095 Good to see your dedication! :D

ChromaticFinss February 20th

I got equal scores for pace setting and affiliative.

Test was good but seems that there is some error because the interpretation area and assessment results area shows interchanged scores for two types.

calmstrawberry0608 February 25th

✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

I got affiliative leader

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

I agree with the quiz because I like cultivating relationships with my team members when it comes to resolving conflicts, communication, and moving forward.
JustSophia February 27th

I got visionary and pace-setting.

I mostly agree I think.  Similar to personality tests, I think we all probably have characteristics of each thing in us. 

I think it's an interesting tool for reflection.  I liked the "use/don't use" parts - it's good to think about in terms of which aspect of leadership we might be drawing from.

4Jasmine February 27th


I scored the same in both. 35 out of 35.

JustSophia February 27th


Wow!  Those are pretty high scores!  Which areas are you talking about? 

4Jasmine February 28th


Due to some confusion on my part, I ended up taking the test twice. Each time on separate days. My first time I needed to a bit more democratic and scored a 33. The second day I was feeling more positively focused and improved that score. I have strengths, but really could learn to be a little more democratic in future leadership.😊 Scores aren't really where the rubber meets the road. We shall see how and where I need to grow. Patience is certainly on my list!👍

JustSophia February 29th


It's fascinating to see how scores can shift from day to day depending on our moods or whatever else. They can still be interesting indicators of our tendencies though, and good tools for reflection.  I agree with you that our experience and behavior is the real test, though!  

4Jasmine February 29th



4Jasmine February 27th


I agree with this quiz. 

lovingAngel2307 March 3rd

I am an affiliative leadership style. I make sure that my team is approaching everything in a healthy way 

sky2Ocean20 March 6th


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

-> I have got the Democratic Score Highest. I do believe in equal participation and mutual agreement. 

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

-> Yes. It is giving an accurate result in my opinion. 

March 8th


I'm a affirmative leader 

TheOnlyChresser March 8th

✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

I scored highest in Affiliate and democratic with 31 on both 

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

Well i think this quiz can be subject to alot of biases and it also (without doing any research into this) looks like it isnt scientifically approved in any way which may cause a lot of problems.

PetiteSouris March 8th

@Hope @yourbuddy30

Which leadership style did you score the highest for? I scored highest for Democratic and Affiliative leadership styles. 

Do you agree with this quiz? I dont know if I am in agreement or disagreement with this quiz. 


daydreammemories March 12th


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

democratic leader 

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

😁 i guess so

Renjik8013 March 29th

✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

I scored highest for affiliative, followed by pacesetting and coaching.

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

To be honest, I'm not sure because I seldom am an absolute leader in my project.

Mik00l April 11th


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?
 i scored highest on democratic i scored highest on democratic (29) followed by visionary and coaching both at (27)

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?
i do yes it asked me about very specific details and i do agree that i value being democratic and having a more inclusive view of things.


@Hope I am a visionary! And i do believe this quiz can be a helpful tool!

KristenHR May 19th


Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

My highest was pacesetting.

Do you agree with this quiz?

For the most part, yes, I do believe this is pretty accurate.

Ivy229 May 21st


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

  • Total Pacesetting Score is: 30 out of 35
  • Total Affiliative Score is: 29 out of 35
  • Total Coaching Score is: 27 out of 35
  • Total Democratic Score is: 26 out of 35
  • Total Visionary Score is: 19 out of 35
  • Total Commanding Score is: 16 out of 35

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

I thought it was interesting how this quiz makes it seem like I have a variety of leadership styles rather than a single leadership style. 

However, I would agree that this makes sense. As a leader I would try to balance my skills/strengths/character traits in order to be the best possible leader and get the work needed done. 

whimsicalCloud4661 June 13th

@Hope✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

I scored highest for the visionary leader! 

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz? 

I think agree with the quiz results :)

Cynthialy June 22nd

@Hope Democratic and i do agree with this quiz

patientShell1003 June 24th

I am an affiliative leader. When I work, I always try to cultivate relationships with employes. I also try to solve conflicts at work. I agree thesse results.

Ivebutterfly July 11th

@patientShell1003 I am also an affiliative leader and it's good to see so many affiliative leaders on 7cups. I wish you luck on your journey!

whattospeak June 26th


Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

Total Democratic Score is: 25 out of 35

Generates ideas and builds commitment among employees through participation and consensus.
UseTo get valuable input, to get alignment between team members or buy-in.
Don't useWhen there is no time to hold meetings, with employees that need close supervision.

Personally, I have been feeling like I don't know how to deal with leading a cross-functional team. Until I started babysitting.

alllrightyyyyyy July 1st


Ola Ola

I scored highest in coaching. But doing business myself I think its important to look all of these aspects together and make an assessment if the quiz makes sense.

Looking them all together and taking into account all of different situations that may arise etc, I think its pretty accurate. A good conclusive view of basic traits.

Total Visionary Score is: 31 out of 35
Total Coaching Score is: 33 out of 35
Total Democratic Score is: 29 out of 35
Total Affiliative Score is: 31 out of 35
Total Pacesetting Score is: 32 out of 35

Total Commanding Score is: 22 out of 35

Cynthialy July 2nd

@Hope I scored higher in democratic and I do believe this aligns with me



✒️  Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

I scored highest for Visionary with my score as 21 out of 35!

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

I agree with this quiz—I'm all about big ideas and painting an inspiring picture of the future.

Ivebutterfly July 11th

Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

I scored highest with the affiliative leadership style (35 out of 35) which means that I cultivate relationships with employees and is useful to help resolve confrontations.

Do you agree with this quiz?

I think I do I believe that I do prioritize relationships as I think that if your team are happier they are more likely to work harder and have better quality results but I don't feel like I have too much experience in leadership so might not be too accurate for me especially in certain aspects of the test such as long-term goal as have limited experience there. 

Damonchandio July 17th


I scored highest for the 'Democratic' leadership style.

I agree with this quiz because I value collaboration and input from others. I believe involving the team in decision making leads to more comprehensive and effective solutions.

hirai111 July 26th


I strongly agree, and think the democratic leadership style is really important!

hirai111 July 26th


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

The highest score I received was 32/35 for visionary, democratic, and affiliative leadership. 

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

I believe that leadership-wise, the best role I have is affiliative and visionary. This is due to my tendency to connect with others and making sure that the work we do aligns with our long-term visions!

Noor511 July 27th

@Hope i got the highest ins coaching 33 out of 35 

Do i agree: yes i do believe as a leader you should give however you are leading a little push from time to time to help directe them in the right direction 

Though it's good to have more than one leading styles and techniques cuz not everyone is the same and some people might need different approach to be able to help them 💗

CaringCompanion22 July 28th


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?


✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

to some extent yes. I haven't been in a proper leadership position before but when I am in a team setting, I try to ensure that everyone's option and thoughts has been considered before making a group decision. I think that has translated over to democratic