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Course 2, Discussion 1: Understanding your Leadership Style

Hope December 5th, 2022

Hello everyone,

If you are reading this, it means you have come a long way in your leadership training. Kudos to you for all the effort and resilience you have shown! It is amazing how you all are open to learning and adapting to new environments: the environment of leadership!

Before we zoom in and talk more about learning and adapting, lets zoom back out first and talk about how you feel about leadership. Regardless of how you see yourself, there is a leader within you. The one who visualizes how things could have run in a better way if you were in the leading spot. Leading spot here means:

  • A desire for change

  • Believing you got the abilities to make it happen

  • Visualizing success while keeping in mind the bigger picture.

Lets take a look at the leadership styles as proposed by Daniel Goleman


Picture taken from this source.

Your original style could be any of them. So for the purpose of this course, we are going to use a leadership style test to help you identify your core competencies. In brief, we are using the test here to help you identify your leadership approach. So, when you know how you approach an event, you could think and put efforts to bring a change in it. It will allow you to polish your strengths and focus to improve in other different areas as well.

Let's get started!

- Please take the leadership style test linked HERE.

✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

lovelyApple6441 August 16th, 2023

@Artalistens Love that your work and your area of study has influenced your style, and that you are having a positive impact on your community because of it

betty212 August 3rd, 2023


Total Visionary Score is: 31 out of 35
Total Coaching Score is: 28 out of 35
Total Democratic Score is: 34 out of 35
Total Affiliative Score is: 29 out of 35
Total Pacesetting Score is: 33 out of 35

Total Commanding Score is: 33 out of 35

I totally agree with this!

NewYorker11 January 7th


congrats on the high scores @betty212 !

warmheartedCamp3360 August 5th, 2023


1. I got highest for pacesetting style!!

2. Do I agree with this? Maybe yes because I hv been more stressed upon results in the past and try to make it efficient in the best possible way.

But does it completely defines me ? No, I see myself adapting to the circumstances. And I guess,my leadership style would depend upon what I am dealing with currently. Also, the fact that my second highest scores were on visionary and coaching, which supplements my theory I guess.
lovelyApple6441 August 16th, 2023

@Hope I'm an affiliative leader! I strenghthen connections within my team to move forward together. I definitely think this test was accurate -- I am an affiliate leader in my daily life, which I find is very good for cultivating peace and understanding, but I do sometimes have the tendency to lack boundaries in an effort to be mindful of everyone. I think each leadership style has its pros and cons, and it's important to evaluate those accordingly.

pandanfe August 18th, 2023


Your Score: 33 out of 35

Invests in the long-term professional development of employees. Helps individuals with their development plans and provides ongoing support and feedback.

I guess I agree till the certain extent.

LightsFromDark September 3rd, 2023

I got COACHING. I feel like it really reflects me and it's true.

LoveMyMoonflowers September 4th, 2023


that's awesome pawesome! :3

LoveMyMoonflowers September 4th, 2023

Which leadership style did you score the highest for? I scored the highest for the affiliative leadership style :3 with the visionary style following close behind! ^^

Do you agree with this quiz? The results were a little confusing to me (': but yes I think I would agree with this quiz ^^

ChillingRain November 8th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers you're awesome pawsome :P

LoveMyMoonflowers November 8th, 2023


and so are you :P

LOOPHOLE September 7th, 2023


Scored highest in Democratic style of leadership.

I agree with these results .

bestBraveheart57 October 10th, 2023


Hi, Loop. We have same results, demoractic. High five!

bestBraveheart57 October 10th, 2023


Which leadership style did you score the highest for?


Your Score: 35 out of 35

Do you agree with this quiz?

Definitely, i always ask external opinion and support to maturing my decision making. I make sure everybody involved get information about what's behind my choices.

Grace3012 October 21st, 2023

I'm a visionary leader. I totally agree with this. I always love to lead my team and like totally vision myself.

I agree with this quiz totally

Shannon1996 October 31st, 2023


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?  


✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

I think so

ChillingRain November 8th, 2023

@Hope I scored highest on visionary leadership style, 31/35. I do agree with this quiz, I find it most accurate. Although on a couple of the questions, the wording was a bit unclear. 

8grim8 November 11th, 2023


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?


✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

Yes, I think in a general way it makes sense

WeEarth November 11th, 2023



The test was good, but I don't fully agree with it. Leadership traits for a team can vary based on circumstances.

starryCandy6123 November 14th, 2023


I just scored 31/35 and i am democratic

ABrightBlueHeart November 17th, 2023


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

Scored highest for Pacesetting (31/35)

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

I do. I've been a project manager for a few years now, and pacesetting is definitely something I consider my strength

Kristynsmama December 2nd, 2023


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?   I scored highest on pacesetting and coaching.

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?  Yes 100%.  Although I’ve never used this quiz, my results didn’t surprise me at all.

Comfortablesmile December 5th, 2023


I think i agreed with the test 

SensitiveHelper03 December 9th, 2023


I scored more on Democratic Leadership

I feel that as a democratic leader, I prioritize consulting with my team before making decisions. I have great listening skills and a great love for all kinds of creative and fresh ideas. and I am great at motivating them and making sure that we stay on track!

Soul576 December 10th, 2023


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

Affiliative - Cultivated relationships with employees. Rewards personal characteristics and avoids performance-related confrontations

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

Yes, I tend to avoid confrontations at all times, and I like to praise people who've done good work.

Rosey16 December 12th, 2023


i got affiliative leadership style which means Affiliative leadership is a type of leadership that promotes positivity, a harmonious workplace and team-building. i really agree with this becuase it is somthing i do daily

crypticwhisperss1 December 12th, 2023


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

I scored the highest for Visionary leadership style! 😁💖

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

Yes!  It is very accurate. As a visionary leader, I'm driven by a passion for providing long-term direction and vision. I believe in inspiring others to pursue shared dreams that truly resonate with their aspirations. I understand that our collective success depends on aligning our direction with the best interests of the group and organization in the long run. I stay attuned to emerging opportunities and potential challenges to strategize and chart a course that sets us up for sustained success. I strive to ignite motivation and mobilize individuals through genuine communication and a compelling vision, which helps me foster a sense of purpose and excitement along the journey.

~ Xaverie

Lunaire00 December 12th, 2023

✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

My browser unfortunately crashed and given how removed the quiz was from my own leadership experience, I did not feel comfortable or interested enough to complete it.

As stated below, I do not agree or take the results of this quiz as Gospel as it is missing a lot of important context from my or any other individual's situation, it is too specific to corporate leadership. 

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

No. This quiz is not based on a general leadership style, and does not cater to those who have never been leaders in a corporate context, such as a student organisation, non-profit organisation etc. where the leadership goals and responsibilities differ greatly. There should be specific quizzes offered to cater to those at different levels and areas of leadership to allow them to get a better idea of the leadership style. 

Lunaire00 December 13th, 2023


Thank you for responding! 100%, I think a more general leadership style quiz is needed, or we can offer different ones with different contexts e.g. corporate, student/university level etc

CaringSub December 14th, 2023


Which leadership style did you score the highest for?  Democratic :)

Do you agree with this quiz?  Very much so. I have always tried to be diplomatic, de-escalating in most interactions, whether online or in real life.

AwarmHEART December 24th, 2023

@Hope✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

Visionary type, I am into leading as an example

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

Yeh, I think so.

Lillom January 2nd

✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

Your Score: 24 out of 35

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

Yes. Long-term gains can be very beneficial if done right with coaching.

ReganL January 5th


 Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

I had a tie with coaching and VISIONARY both with a 33/35

Do you agree with this quiz?

I would say so, I think these are both good qualities to use when trying to be a leader, however I do think these need to be back with other leadership qualities.

NewYorker11 January 7th


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

the leadership style that i scored the highest for is is pacesetting

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

i agree with this quiz! this quiz was informative and gave me a sense of self-realization

DanCat1128 January 17th

✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

• I scored highest in affiliative and second highest was democratic. This means that I put people first and what do they think....

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

• Definitely agree. I like putting others first 

WhereIsRed January 17th


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?


✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?


quietlistener2023 January 22nd

@Hope my highest scores were for affiliative and pacemaking.

I did find the quiz helpful to understand my leadership style

safetysource12 January 22nd

Hi @Hope

My style is "Commanding" (34/35)

If I were to say base on the explanation given, then I would agree to it to about 75%

SilverSeastar January 23rd
✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?
Coaching and visionary
✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?
Generally, yes
serenePeace3726 February 2nd

✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for? affiliate closely followed by coaching and visionary. 

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?yes I would definitely say this is pretty accurate. Definitely accurate about my parenting style.