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Week Three: Chapter 5 & 6

Hope May 12th, 2020

Hi everyone! I hope you have been enjoying this course as much as we have been enjoying reading your in-depth responses. Week Three of our course is here! Please read this post for more information on the course. Please read the chapters' summary below:

mailOpen Document Here

Ask yourself the following questions to ensure understanding:

What is the main message of each chapter?

How does each chapter apply to 7 Cups?

How can YOU help with the aim of each chapter?

Once you have read and understood please take the following quiz. The quiz consists of a variety of questions including essay questions that test your comprehension. In order to move forward to the next week and eventually receive your certificate, you need at least a score of 8/10. If you get a less score, dont worry you can submit again.

mailOpen Quiz Here

heart engraved tree trunk

Don't forget to complete the next course here!

DingoJackal May 23rd, 2022

@DingoJackal I learned a lot from these chapters :)

Priscilaxx June 3rd, 2022


Good quiz. Teaches the importance of leadership and fostering trust in a community. I got a 10/10.

YourAngelListener June 7th, 2022



KitKats00 June 29th, 2022

10/10 :)

SirenOfSerenity July 1st, 2022


10/10 🥰🥰🥰 These lessons are very educational and beneficial skills to learn and apply

MelodyoftheOcean July 3rd, 2022


I really liked the chapter about paying attention who keeps showing up. We cam truly learn from those who are on here more frequently!

Alaya22 July 3rd, 2022


Full marks again! 10/10 :D

BrightandGentleHand August 20th, 2022

@Alaya22 Niice! Congrats!

JuneTrips July 12th, 2022


I finished it and the test redirected me to the chapter 7 and 8 test :( I didn't end up getting to see my results. Is there another way that I can check them now?

JuneTrips September 19th, 2022


I retook the test and got 10/10!

purplehearts520 July 12th, 2022

@Hope I got 10/10! There are some really great points about how to grow and strengthen our communities. Hopefully I can apply those when I become a community leader in the future!

blissfulForest7074 July 23rd, 2022


got 9/10 !

WhenTheTimeComes August 13th, 2022


10/10 🍻

I struggled focusing with this awful migraine from the heatwave, but still made it :)

BrightandGentleHand August 13th, 2022

Yehey! 9/10

CalmWaves3939 August 17th, 2022


woo Total points10/10

yourbuddy30 August 24th, 2022

@Hope 8/10

BlueDaisyZ August 28th, 2022



caringSoul0000 August 30th, 2022

I got 8/10

caringSoul0000 August 31st, 2022

I got 8 /10

RoshanaShabanii September 6th, 2022


Hi again!!!! i was able to finish this chapter with full score!!


niceworldmnd September 24th, 2022



MaddieR137 September 28th, 2022


10/10 :)

KimByeongIn October 5th, 2022



TheAlchemist1111 October 10th, 2022


Got 10/10

JayWolf627 November 7th, 2022

@Hope 10/10

markzzmq November 9th, 2022


9/10 didn't get full score TT

BlueSkies1021 November 18th, 2022


I got a 10/10! Thank you so much for having this open space to celebrate our accomplishments! :D

zareya December 10th, 2022


iStarlight December 15th, 2022


9/10, questions are challenging abit. But interesting!

resourcefulMirage2502 January 12th, 2023



RajviD05 January 21st, 2023


Done! 10/10 :)

broadfemmelovelive January 28th, 2023


I feel much more on top of this course after reading through the chapters and completing up to chapters 5/6 today. I think it's important for all program leaders to understand how we can cultivate identity and recurring members. I know that 7 is doing its job when I see the membership increasing and learning other-ways to track this and what questions I can ask is so important to future program development goals. 10/10 score on the quiz!

NanditaB January 31st, 2023

@Hope done

purplelady568 February 2nd, 2023


I got 9/10. I am not writing this to brag, it is just an easy way for me to keep track of which chapters I have completed. Because.... I just accidentally did week 3-4 twice :)

IngeniousFriend590 February 21st, 2023



JasmineFlower222 February 25th, 2023

@Hope 10/10 🥳🥳🥳

iPHOENIX March 1st, 2023

@Hope 10/10

Bunny1637 March 7th, 2023


10/10. This was some very educational info! Thank you for creating it.

Trintzu March 9th, 2023

@Hope 9/10!