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Week Three: Chapter 5 & 6

Hope May 12th, 2020

Hi everyone! I hope you have been enjoying this course as much as we have been enjoying reading your in-depth responses. Week Three of our course is here! Please read this post for more information on the course. Please read the chapters' summary below:

mailOpen Document Here

Ask yourself the following questions to ensure understanding:

What is the main message of each chapter?

How does each chapter apply to 7 Cups?

How can YOU help with the aim of each chapter?

Once you have read and understood please take the following quiz. The quiz consists of a variety of questions including essay questions that test your comprehension. In order to move forward to the next week and eventually receive your certificate, you need at least a score of 8/10. If you get a less score, dont worry you can submit again.

mailOpen Quiz Here

heart engraved tree trunk

Don't forget to complete the next course here!

EnigmaticCat24 March 14th, 2023


9/10 !

FrenchMarbles March 15th, 2023
Total points10/10
vivelespatates March 20th, 2023

I got 9/10 Yay!

BenittaJ March 24th, 2023


I got 8/10

JoyHappyNess March 26th, 2023


What is the main message of each chapter?

The main message in chapter 5 (Cultivate your identity) is the importance of badges, rituals and shared languages in promoting the togetherness of a community.

Paying attention to who shows up (chapter 6) elaborates the necessity in keeping track of the returning members and asking for feedback. This is crucial for the proper growth of a community.

How does each chapter apply to 7 Cups?

Cultivating your identity (Chapter 5) applies to 7 cups by promoting a sense of belonging and togetherness.

  1. For example as a newbie, seeing other newbie badges in group chats helped me feel like I was not alone. It also helped the other chatters address me with kindness and patience.
  2. Another example of how shared language, culture and badges are crucial in 7 cups is that it creates unity. Sometimes in my free time, I go through profiles and the badges acquired. I smile when I see a badge showing they attended the 5th Cupversary. I once connected and bonded with a listener who attended and got the badge of an event that I attended. It was awesome.
  3. Abbreviations such as LSR are great examples of shared languages.

Paying attention to who shows up (chapter 6) is relevant to 7 cups in that it shows growth and impact. 7 cups values feedback by providing feedback forms and feedback buttons as in the case of 1-1 chats.

How can YOU help with the aim of each chapter?

I can help promote these 'cultivating your identity' (Chapter 5) culture in 7 cups by honoring the badges.

  1. For example respecting moderators with the mod badges, welcoming cuppers with the newbie badges and consulting the cuppers with support badges.
  2. I could also respect the rituals in group chats for example, casual chats pauses when a new person joins... welcoming takes place before resuming.
  3. I could ask for clarification if I don't understand the shared language and also provide meaning of shared language when asked. For example cuppers.

I can help with the aim of chapter 6 (Paying attention to who shows up) by providing both positive and constructive feedback for the betterment of our community.

purplelady568 March 26th, 2023

@JoyHappyNess - excellent answers! Great job!!!

AvyIsKing March 31st, 2023


whoop :3

April 2nd, 2023

9/10; Done

victoriousblue17 April 15th, 2023


I've really enjoyed this course so far! I'm actually surprised by how much I've learnt. I think there are so many important points in there. It's funny because I've noticed a few of these things in real life scenarios when things have gone terribly wrong. For example, I saw a whole group of volunteers disband once when the leader never, ever thanked people for their hard work or acknowledged them. He never admitted to any of his missteps either. These were really passionate people, but their passion for the particular project all just drained away. Interesting!

JacquiCol April 24th, 2023


zaatarHoney April 29th, 2023


♥︎ Moving along swimmingly ♥︎ really loving this academy program.

notsouniquelistener May 12th, 2023

@Hope Score 9/10 ✨

Sphumi08 May 13th, 2023


I got 10/10. Really learning alot

Poyoboyo May 21st, 2023



RainbowRosie May 25th, 2023


9/10. Interesting reading. 🌹

CurrySoup12 June 2nd, 2023

@Hope 9/10

AayushreeKalyani June 2nd, 2023

@Hope I scored 9/10 !

VivianFei June 7th, 2023

@Hope got a 9/10

MagnificentSunrise June 21st, 2023


radiantKitty8866 July 12th, 2023

@Hope Total points

DisLifeNot August 6th, 2023

@Hope Thank you for your post!
I scored 9/10

Jenna August 7th, 2023

I got 9/10!

PeacePink August 14th, 2023


Chapter 5 Questions

I think that a signature ritual that 7 Cups out to implement is the ability to set up appointments with members, in the sense that the member sees your availabilites and is able to sign up for a slot. Currently, 7 Cups only allows the listener to book parts of a calender, that is not public to anyone. Perhaps, it would be helpful to have certain times for group meets or individual meets that can be blocked out by yourself and other people, so that way there is more of a ritualistic feel to activities.

I learned that an important part of developing a community is creating a shared identity, and this can be done through signature rituals, such as the 7 Cups member and listener oaths so there is a shared creed or code of behavior so to speak. Giving people badges is also great because it helps distinguish people from the crowd and also those who have earned more badges to relate to one another; it also encourages listeners and members to achieve and keep going and acknowledges their contributions.

PeacePink August 14th, 2023


Chapter 6 Questions

It's natural for projects to sometimes fail or not go the way that you wanted; the most important thing is to ask people why they are not interested and what could be done to improve the role. Feedback is incredibly important in these instances because it's an opportunity to change and grow and make things better, whereas if you do nothing, nothing will change obviously. So you have to put effort into it and not just give up.

I learned that it's important to keep track of people who show up, so you understand why they are there and how you have retained their interest. That way you can keep providing and helping them engage in content and conversations that they enjoy, instead of random guessing; you want to maintain their interest over time because that is what makes the community strong and robust. It's always good to ask what people like directly because it can give you much more insight than just guessing.

HermitHealer August 19th, 2023


butterflywithabrokenwinglistener September 17th, 2023


9/10 hyaah

PrestonM September 25th, 2023


I scored a 10/10

Awesome course!

LoveMyMoonflowers October 1st, 2023

9/10 :3

BlissfulBue October 6th, 2023


pumpkin314 November 10th, 2023

Done, 10/10 :)

luckylistener January 14th


Finished with chapters 5 and 6! I made a 10/10.
shiningSky3745 February 10th



sky2Ocean20 February 16th


chp 5 & 6 : 7/10 (1st attempt)

               : 10/10 (2nd attempt)

Creating a signature ritual was a very creative question and I had a lot of fun while brainstorming. 

Thank you for this opportunity. ✨

izzyy528 February 18th


9 out of 10 🥳

Countrygirl095 February 20th

@Hope nine out of 10 please know I have to use an accessibility feature to help me type and write and then I have to put it into a special kind of software to have me read it back

Countrygirl095 March 9th


SebKOlsen March 9th

@Hope Done! 10/10 😃

4Jasmine March 12th


I am a bit frustrated that all the other quizzes required answers that included both chapters. This time I did what I had done before, only to discover that the chapters had been split into two quizzes as all of them should have been all along. Oh well, no harm. I answered both chapters for the first quiz and then did the second quiz for chapter 6 only.😊

PetiteSouris March 24th


Successfully Complete

Chapters five & six....



heavenSun3877 March 26th

@Hope I got 9/10