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compassionateOak202's One Line A Day Thread

compassionateOak202 March 31st, 2023

Hi, you can simply call me Oak while I still carry this username 😄! I'll be joining the One Line A Day challenge! Feel free to comment your support or anything as I journal throughout this thread!

So here is my first entry to start it off 💖:


Today, I got to finally spend some longer hours with my long distance partner after several months. We watched a movie together!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 1st, 2023


Aw that's so nice to hear, Oak. Cheering for you!❤

compassionateOak202 OP April 1st, 2023

Thank you! (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡

compassionateOak202 OP April 1st, 2023


I will pray today for my online friend of his grandmother's recovery, as well for his family. I hope he'll be okay.

compassionateOak202 OP April 2nd, 2023


It turned out that my online friend’s grandmother sadly passed away yesterday. I’ll continue to be there for him for support.

SoulfullyAButterfly April 2nd, 2023

@compassionateOak202 sorry to hear of their loss. My granddad also recently passed away, being there for your friend is very appreciated and important.

compassionateOak202 OP April 2nd, 2023


Thank you so much. I'm glad to be there for him. And I'm also sorry for your loss! I lost my grandfather too back in 2021. Hopefully time will heal. I send you my virtual love and support ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 5th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly *hugs* sending lots of love and strength your way!🦋❤

SoulfullyAButterfly April 5th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thank you Sun! Hugs back

compassionateOak202 OP April 3rd, 2023


I'm learning more exercises that'll help me prevent from having anymore setbacks during my recovery. I've also been enjoying in participating the Mindfulness Open Discussions here at 7cups!

compassionateOak202 OP April 4th, 2023


I almost attempted to end my life again over a small mistake. It was terrible. But the situations' been averted now.

adaptableOcean4193 April 5th, 2023


I am so glad you were still here! You have helped me quite a bit just in a few days that I have 'known' you. I would be very sad if you weren't here.

compassionateOak202 OP April 5th, 2023

@adaptableOcean4193 Awww, thank you so much for your kind response ❤️. I’m very glad to meet you here as well. It was good that I was finally dissuaded by both my sister and my partner over the phone call as they witnessed my crisis. I’m just exhausted now. Hopefully I’ll be better soon.

adaptableOcean4193 April 5th, 2023


I hope you will be able to rest a while.

compassionateOak202 OP April 6th, 2023


I felt better today. I spent time with my partner online, joined another mindfulness discussion group session, and attended my support group meeting, although it lasted half an hour due site's downtime and less participants.

compassionateOak202 OP April 6th, 2023

"...due to* site's downtime and less participants" agh. 😫

adaptableOcean4193 April 6th, 2023


I'm sorry I missed it and 'seeing' you there

compassionateOak202 OP April 6th, 2023


awww, no worries Ocean! Missed seeing you too. You can still catch up to another meeting tomorrow Thursday at 5pm! Or click here to see the whole schedule. :)

adaptableOcean4193 April 6th, 2023


My brain is still getting all these things I need to do together in some order. Thank you for the reminder of times so I can hopefully not miss.

compassionateOak202 OP April 7th, 2023

04/06/2023 (even though it's already midnight on the 7th lol)

Very late entry, but my day was okay overall! Weather is still chilly from where I live. I was able to ask my mom if I could try to seek out a therapist this year.

adaptableOcean4193 April 7th, 2023


I hope that you are able to get that therapist. I had been looking for one for a year and a half but never was able to find one who took my insurance and I can't afford a one-on-one on my own. I do find being here helps a lot and I hope it helps you also

compassionateOak202 OP April 7th, 2023

Thank you. And yeah I’ve also had a lot doubts of looking for one when I’m currently unemployed. But ever since my recent breakdown, I’m considering of just trying out 1 month of therapy they offer here since the price seems reasonable compared to paying weekly or per session. I don’t like getting out of my apartment anyway 😖.

adaptableOcean4193 April 7th, 2023


Having worked in the field for many years I can tell you what they ask here really is more than reasonable. That is generally what one 1-1 session for an hour starts at. I'm not sure how they do theirs here but it is probably worth a try. I don't know her different people are from but perhaps there is a form of insurance you are eligible for? That could be helpful. I'm sorry I missed you again today. I believe I was sleeping. Long day of OT and Medicaid rides not showing up. It's become laughable at this point, as well as frustrating. 🙄

compassionateOak202 OP April 7th, 2023

Thanks, I’ll update an entry here or elsewhere once I do check it out for myself!

And awww, no worries. I’ll still be here! I also do my best to show up in the discussions more frequently since I’m always looking forward to learning things that would be helpful for me too. Anyway, hang in there! Hopefully the next day or so will treat you better. ❤️

adaptableOcean4193 April 7th, 2023


I am also a bit introverted and don't care to get out a whole lot but having been away from friends for much of the time during COVID, and in the hospital for 7 months at the tail end of that and now being mostly homebound it's a bit lonely. I'd like to get out a little more. My poor doctors, occupational/physical therapists and Medicaid drivers probably wish I would too! I talk their ears off😂

compassionateOak202 OP April 8th, 2023


Felt sad for a moment during the day, but was later comforted by my partner as he listened. We got to watch some more Judge Judy episodes!

compassionateOak202 OP April 9th, 2023


I am reminded today that I am grateful for my recovery program which has helped me renewed my faith with God. My spirituality has been growing since.

compassionateOak202 OP April 10th, 2023


"I know that you've admitted that what you did was wrong, but what they did in return was absolutely worst. I hope you'll have the strength to overcome that." - my significant other (click here for context)

compassionateOak202 OP April 11th, 2023


I was able to listen to music again. So far, Remind Me by Meghan Trainor resonates with what I've been going through since last month.

compassionateOak202 OP April 12th, 2023

04/11/2023 (but it's already 04/12 after midnight *screams* 😫)

I'm starting to slowly feel my normal self again throughout the day. However, thoughts and memories still linger if I stop moving. Trying to make use of my senses so I won't get lost again.

compassionateOak202 OP April 13th, 2023


Did my second 1-on-1 peer support with someone I met in another platform this evening. We'll be meeting again next week. It a felt nice being able to exchange conversations as well as focus listening with each other.

compassionateOak202 OP April 14th, 2023


It's too early for summer! 😫 Now I'm sick again because of this instant weather shift. Besides that, my day was okay overall, hehe.

compassionateOak202 OP April 15th, 2023


My recovery journey has now led to me to this point where I am willing to make amends (click here for more context). I figured it would be the right thing to do before I can finally move on to better things and start a new chapter in my life.

compassionateOak202 OP April 16th, 2023


It's already past midnight on the next day as I write this, AGAIN. But anyway, my day's been well. Got to hangout with my partner, and then I used up the rest of the day to do more reflecting and writing.

adaptableOcean4193 April 16th, 2023


Sounds like a good day! I like that!

compassionateOak202 OP April 16th, 2023

@adaptableOcean4193 thank you! hehe

compassionateOak202 OP April 17th, 2023

04/16/2023 (late night...)

Woke up Sunday morning to hear that my dad fainted and is now recovering in the hospital back in our home country. The rest of the day went calm as usual, and the weather seemed to cool down as well.

adaptableOcean4193 April 17th, 2023


I hope your dad is recovered very soon and has no further issues. Glad for the calm you were able to experience.

compassionateOak202 OP April 17th, 2023

@adaptableOcean4193 thankfully he got discharged already around noon! He just needed A LOT more rest after celebrating the whole week of his high school reunion. He literally fainted about twice in front of his classmates during their final dinner together. I'm just glad one of his classmates is a doctor and was able to assist him on the way to the hospital.

compassionateOak202 OP April 18th, 2023


I woke up late today, but all seems well. Attended group discussion here, then my recovery program meeting. I also decided to attend the sharing circle late evening. It was a good day.

compassionateOak202 OP April 19th, 2023


It turns out I could make an appointment at a local psych center when I visit my home country this summer, since it seems affordable. Hopefully it'll work out. For the meantime, I'll continue on my self-recovery and reaching out for support.