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Jemmy And Her Very Loud Thoughts

JemmyX0X0 December 3rd, 2023

Hullo friends! I made this forum to keep in touch with my friends when I age up on January 6th, 2024. I plan on updating this forum at least once a week once I age up so everyone knows what's up with me. This is also a good document of what happens and what will happen in my adult life as I keep going. I was gonna make the forum a little later in the month but I thought it would be good to start now so that way everyone has time to find it (and share it if I'm not online to do so).

About Me:
Joined 7cups November 8th, 2020
Birthday: January 6th
Pronouns: cis she/her
Questioning Bisexual
Favorite animal: Cats
Wears Glasses, has curly hair, (light) brown skin
Currently in 12th grade
Spotify is life
Plans to do Computer Science or something

Feel free to ask questions! <3
AvyIsKing January 11th

@jemmyx0x0 how's oldie land? 

Miss me/ j 😅

JemmyX0X0 OP January 12th

@AvyIsKing Yes I doooo! I'll make a post update on all things recent soon! I have a lot of tea to spill!!! 👀👀👀 Very juicy I promise

AvyIsKing January 12th


Oki good ahaja 

JemmyX0X0 OP January 15th

Adulting Update: Sunday 1/14/2024

Things are going a little crazy. I'm balancing applying to college and unis, high school, self-care and mental health, and also all my social life.

First of all, be safe (especially you feminine-presenting friendos) because random people (particularly men) do not give a craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap. On Friday I was walking home and I was close to my home when a random man on his bike called out to me to get my attention with a "Hey!" and then I turned to see who it was and he said "Sup babe!" 

It was after dark too (literally like 5:45 PM -6 PM) and I was so mad because I was having a good day with friends and then I got catcalled like absolutely the *** never again!

But on the more interesting side, I got my first kiss last Monday. It wasn't bad actually. It was short because we were in public and we were about to part ways and go home but it was pretty good. Gave me another short one the following Thursday 🦋🦋🦋🦋

And that's on life so far 👁️👄👁️

AvyIsKing January 15th


A k I s s 🥺🥺

Me got a forehead kiss today, kisses are amazing, me is so happy for you!!!

As for the other guy 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪

thoughtfulJet2917 January 15th

@JemmyX0X0 <3

JemmyX0X0 OP January 27th

1/27/2024 Adulting Crap:

My mental health declined TF (⊙_⊙;)

On the plus side, I got new art pens and ate with friends yesterday. I passed this quarter with straight As (somehow) and will make honor roll again. Field trips are coming up and also college applications and FASFA and stuff.

TW: Mention of Death

But on the downside and in between a hundred assignments and this being senior year, my grandmother (Dad's mom) is also declining and the anxiety of not knowing when she'll eventually pass is draining me.

AvyIsKing January 27th


Oh Jen knee, I'm so sorry 😔 I know it's hard to watch someone die. 

As for the Grades I'm so so proud of you

Also I read that as I ate an art pen 

JemmyX0X0 OP January 28th

@AvyIsKing I do believe i cried like 5 times in the past week T_T

JemmyX0X0 OP January 28th

@AvyIsKing Wow this a roller coaster. I got my first acceptance letter into a university and 30 minutes after that my Dad got a call saying that his Mom (we call her GeeGee Mom) passed away. Wtf is life.

AvyIsKing January 28th

@JemmyX0X0 I'm proud of you for getting into uni, also I'm so sorry for your loss ):

Heartsandrosesandpaws January 28th


 Congratulations on getting in to uni and hope u get into more.

so sorry about your lost. I can relate since I loss  my grand aunt recently.

JemmyX0X0 OP January 31st

So far I've been accepted to 4 colleges and universities!!!!! 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼 I hope more keep coming :D

AvyIsKing January 31st



JemmyX0X0 OP February 9th

@AvyIsKing that number has grown to EIGHT!!! 🥳🥳🥳

AvyIsKing February 9th



JemmyX0X0 OP February 13th

Adulting 2/13/2024

omg he bought me Chipotle (I'm hungry :P)

My grandma's funeral was on Thursday the 8th and then my sister's 20th birthday was right after. Sometimes I feel like I can't properly be sad or be excited/happy about things because it happens right after. Like something bad will happen, but then something good or vice versa. I've been experiencing things one after another without processing the previous emotion or event.

Also, catholic churches go so hard (she was Catholic so it was a catholic funeral, and also she was cremated) 

AvyIsKing February 13th


hugs, its a lot, im sorry 

JemmyX0X0 OP February 14th


update: I got the veggie burrito and it was so good :D It was HUGE though. Like a tub of butter /hj

            This is the 3rd time he's (offered and) paid for me (this past month) I swear to god I will get him tons of stuff on his bday in April 😝

JemmyX0X0 OP February 13th

Bro there's a therapist recommendation on the side of my screen and she has the same name as me 😂😂😂 and I was so confused at first because it sounded similar to a review I have on my listener account but then I saw the profile picture and was like "ohhhhh not me 💀💀💀"

AvyIsKing February 13th


its you from an alternate multiverse

JemmyX0X0 OP February 18th

Life update 2/18/2024

I'm considering getting a cute ID card holder thing for my voter registration card :D

I had my eye on this cute green dress downtown that I'm going to try on later this week. I don't know if green is my color but I'm going to find out haha

I know this was mad fast @AvyIsKing but I don't feel anything for that boy I was talking to because he said something that I overheard on Thursday and I was like *side-eye*. Then when I saw him the next day I felt NOTHING. ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ

So what happened was we were with a group of people (6 of us) and I was lowkey in the back because you know that horrid dread of being in the back because there's not enough room on the sidewalk! And then they were talking about something and I heard him say if he had the chance he would screw with [my bff's name] and I almost choked on my Sprite because damn I'm stupid 


And then I try to get my bff's attention and I'm like saying her name over and over because I wanted to talk to her but she doesn't hear me because she's too busy talking and yada yada and I'm literally invisible and I hated it so much I'm never going out with this many people again unless it's with my main girls (you know?)

AvyIsKing February 18th


Wow such an eventful time!!! Every color is your color btw

JemmyX0X0 OP March 17th

*pokes forum* I miss y'all TwT

JemmyX0X0 OP March 17th

If anyone's here, say Happy Birthday to my Dad in the replies :D

He's 59 today :D

AvyIsKing March 17th


ill be 16 on Wednesday 😭😭😭

JemmyX0X0 OP April 10th

Hi :D

LoveMyMoonflowers April 11th


Hi Jenny 😮 

JemmyX0X0 OP April 13th


*screeches* Yay the forum isn't dead!

TwT Tell ppl to visit me, adulting is lonely lol 



missing u on the teenside



we have a teenie aging up in may 

LoveMyMoonflowers April 13th



*summons avy*

AvyIsKing April 14th



JemmyX0X0 OP April 14th

@AvyIsKing hiiiiiiiii! I'm graduating in June aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

AvyIsKing April 14th



JemmyX0X0 OP April 23rd

I'm so glad my body image issues aren't as bad as they used to be lol

I used to be like: ≡(▔﹏▔)≡

then: 👁️_👁️💧 *neutral*

then: *attempts to hype myself up* 

and then: *genuinely believes the hype* slAAAAAy

AvyIsKing April 23rd



Jen knee fr be like she came, she saw, she slayed, she left

JemmyX0X0 OP June 11th

life update 6/11/2024

I graduate tomorrow ┻━┻ ︵ \( °□° )/ ︵ ┻━┻

I am also experimenting with she/they pronouns



congratulations. Good luck with  college 

AvyIsKing June 11th



