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Grapes’ thread 🍇 (Full of tw’s, be on your guard)

User Profile: thoughtfulGrapes1163
thoughtfulGrapes1163 December 4th, 2023

I wanted to create a thread for myself for a very long time, but I was very scared to, because I did not feel like I deserved it. Oh no, I’m going into my rambling already 😅😅. 

So, this thread is my first thread, and it’s my quiet space. It’s a space for me to be me, to not be hurt. I am going to be myself over here, not a jumpy, happy go lucky buddy. Not that it’s not good, but, I can’t be that all the time, you know? I can’t. It’s painful. But I can’t say this to peeps in the chat. I can’t say, hey, I’m gonna be a crazy, unstable psycho, don’t mind me. No, I can’t say that. Not to my buddies 🥺. 

That’s why I created this thread. Over here, I’ll be all I want to be. I’m gonna be my raw self here. I won’t care what other people say. I am going to be me. 😣 

Life has been hard for me. It’s been painful. I hold some pretty gut wrenching memories. To quote someone from somewhere, I am not who you think I am. I am not grapes, as much as I want to be. I am a scar, both mentally and emotionally. I have been through things that have torn me, burned me, drowned me, inside. I don’t how to live in this world. Without a debilitating mental breakdown every day. I’m broken, from the core. 

So yeah, that’s me. Might not be what you guys thought I was, but that is who I am. You guys are welcome to comment, but please, be considerate. Please. I would appreciate it. 
User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 4th, 2023


Yusss, this is your space and you're allowed to be however you want to be, here. I'm so proud of you for creating this little safe space for yourself to be more authentically, comfortably, vulnerably, hooman-ly *you*. All the love, always.💗

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User Profile: thoughtfulGrapes1163
thoughtfulGrapes1163 OP December 19th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you so much 🥹. You can't imagine how much your words touched my heart. 

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User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 19th, 2023


Aww *offers hugs* 🤗 and woah, I love your festive profile picture hehe. I hope you have a lovely holiday season, Grapes!🎄💗 

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User Profile: thoughtfulGrapes1163
thoughtfulGrapes1163 OP December 19th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thank you buddy 😍 I hope you're doing fabulastic as well this fine holiday season 🥰

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User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 19th, 2023



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User Profile: thoughtfulGrapes1163
thoughtfulGrapes1163 OP January 20th, 2024

❗ Very High Trigger Warning ❗ Please be careful going forward in this post 

TW : Violence, Rape, Weapons, Blood

 ( I shall leave a few spaces so that you have a chance to let it pass your eyes ) 

( Dear moderators/forum leaders, if this post is not allowed for any reason on here, please don't hesitate to bring it down and inform me. I would most definitely understand. It would hurt my heart, but I will understand )

I had a vision. A hypnotic vision. I was raped in that vision. I was beaten senseless by monsters, all around me. I was frightened, I feared for my life. I had tears streaming down my face. I was shivering with fright. I’m a monster!!!!!!! I’m a monster, I’m a monster, I’m a monster. I was beaten senseless. I was killed. I was tortured. I’ve been burned by white hot flames. I, I don’t know what to do. In my dream, in my vision, in what is being opened up to me, I am a little girl, surrounded by monsters with red eyes. Taking advantage of me. Raping me. Stabbing me with white hot swords. I’m begging them to stop, with tears in my eyes, I’m crying. shaking.

When I remember the above vision, I freeze. I dim down. I start shaking. It's my nightmare, that I live with everyday. I can hear her, you know. She’s in pain. She’s bleeding. You know what I’m experiencing rn? I’m flickering, from observing her, to being her. She’s lying there, under the spotlight, in a dark, pitch black backdrop. She’s ***. She’s bruised. She’s in pain. A pool of blood is under and around her. Her chest rises and falls at a rapid pace, like she had just done something extremely strenuous. Even with all her injuries, she looks so sweet, so beautiful. She has an awe - inducing aura around her. A flicker, and I’m her. It burns. Everything burns. The gashes and the wounds burn, from being exposed to the air. Consciousness comes and goes. Not completely conscious, not completely unconscious. My eyes, they’re blurry. I can’t feel myself. I’m numb with pain. It hurts, so much. So much. Help me, will you? Please. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. I don’t, I don’t know. They, they hurt me. They poke me. They rip away my clothes, and rape me. They heat a rod white hot, and stab me with it. It hurts, it hurts, so so much. I’m sorry. I know its my fault they’re doing this to me. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. I’ll try to do better next time, I promise. My head hurts. It feels like its going to explode. 
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User Profile: cocosand
cocosand January 22nd

@thoughtfulGrapes1163 Grappa, I know things are really hard right now, and I can’t imagine exactly how you’re feeling, but I’m here for you. You don’t have to go through this alone, lean on me whenever you need, even if it’s just to talk or being silent. You’ve got more strength than you realize, and I’m with you every step of the way💌 you don't have to go through this alone.

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User Profile: thoughtfulGrapes1163
thoughtfulGrapes1163 OP January 20th, 2024

Me truly broken.truly, truly broken. You know, I remember Sir asking me why I am so unable to show my emotions out like a normal person. Its because it has experience and the strength to resist ginormous reactions. Believe me, if a person was set through the same pains I am, the same urges of anger and rage, they would not be able to hold themselves back. I have mastered the ability to hold myself back. I have restrained much more than any of humanity has ever done, let alone my family. And she has the guts to say everything, every *** thing, is my fault. I’m breaking down, trying my hardest to stop myself from literally blowing up and going insane, and watching Youtube videos to help me calm down, and she goes on to blast at me, accusing me of corrupting the minds of the two younger siblings that I have surrounding me when I watch. ***, what do I do?????? Huh?!! Tell me!! What the *** *** do you expect me to do??? I have been holding in my pain and my anger and my rage and my utter madness at you for way too long, and when that small crack opens in my restraint, you blast on me like that??? Huh?? I’m not an ANGEL, MOMMY!!! As much as you want an Angel for a child, I am A HUMAN BEING!!!!! A HUMAN BEING, you understand?? I have my limitations!!! I have my pains!! I have my scars!! You have driven me mad, woman!! I am DONE holding any sympathy and kindness for you. YOU ARE A WITCH, LADY, A WITCH!! No matter what anybody says anywhere. I *** don’t care!!!! 

I loved you mom. I really did love you. I still do. I still love you. But you broke me, mom. You made my life a living ***. And for that, I can never forgive you. I will never, ever, ever forgive you for what you have done to me. I don’t know what to do. I am a broken soul. I guess I just have to accept that no matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, I am going to end up in *** for the pain I am giving my mom.

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User Profile: cocosand
cocosand January 22nd

@thoughtfulGrapes1163 ahh i hear the weight of what u r feeling, and I want you to know how strong you truly are, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.. It’s okay to feel broken sometimes, it doesn’t make you any less of the incredible person you are. The strength you’ve shown in holding back, in enduring so much, is extraordinary, really, but you don’t have to carry it all alone. It’s okay to let go, even just a little, and allow yourself to feel and breathe. I’m here not to judge or fix, but to stand with you. again, i am telling u you’re not alone in this grappa💓🫂

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User Profile: thoughtfulGrapes1163
thoughtfulGrapes1163 OP January 20th, 2024

I feel like everything is my fault. You know, after staying in a family like this, for my whole life, I learned the emotional vocabulary necessary to communicate emotionally in this family. I feel a strong urge to say that things were normal at home, from the beginning, nothing out of the ordinary happened in our home. But I know that is not true. I know that is not true because there are things that I see my mother do to the kiddos, small things, but that have huge impacts, and that happen repeatedly, and I know there were many such things that happened in my childhood as well, but I can’t remember it. My brain thinks its normal. I know its not. My brain, my mind, has adapted itself to survive in this environment, and by adapted, I mean it was forced to drastically change how it did things after something really frightening, something that hit it in its gut so hard, happened, repeatedly. Its from all those terrifying, reality shattering experiences that it has developed all these abnormal reactions, these confusing connections and pathways, this trauma. I really want my mom to go for therapy. I care for her, I really do. And I know that she needs therapy. I see it in her thought process, in her behaviour, in her emotions. She is so much like me. I see myself reflected in her everytime. Difficulty controlling her emotions, unreasonable and inexplicable behaviours, feeling like she has no control over anything. She is venomous, yes, but that is something she learned from her father, who was a very angry and explosive man back in his adulthood, and other behaviours she learned when she was young, to keep her ground in an environment where she felt highly vulnerable and exposed to the biting emotions of her father. I don’t blame her for her actions. But I can’t say that they haven’t broken me. There’s a part of me that really wishes that they could blame my mother for every single ounce of pain and torture she put us through, to lash out and bite her with the same venom that she bit me with, and to make her understand just how painful the things she put us through were. I’m not going to condemn that part, because I understand where he comes from. I feel that too, deep inside. I accept his anger and rage and vengence towards mommy, and while I won’t actively deal with it until later, I am not going to push him away either. Right now, I need to find a way to give some space between me and mom, find a therapy option for her, and prevent further episodes of trauma between us. Because we both are getting affected by it. I don’t think my therapy will ever completely be done until I have at least started mom on her journey of therapy. 

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User Profile: lavau2
lavau2 March 9th, 2024


hugs must be extremely devouring n exhausting for u to hold everything in 

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User Profile: thoughtfulGrapes1163
thoughtfulGrapes1163 OP March 9th, 2024


🥺🥺🥺 😭😭😭😭😭 Thank you lava 😭 Sorry, I'm shivering all over after reading all that again. Thank you for the hugs dear 🥺🥺 they mean more to me coming from you than anyone else 🥺🥺 I really appreciate it 🥺

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User Profile: cocosand
cocosand January 22nd

@thoughtfulGrapes1163 😔what you’ve shared shows how much love and understanding you have, even with all the pain you’ve felt. It’s okay to feel hurt and conflicted. you can love your mom and still be affected by her actions. you’re so strong for seeing the patterns and wanting to break them, not just for yourself but for her too. i want u to know how proud i am on ur thought process and just remember you have to till may last breathe. i'm burning but i want u to fight through this. maybe that's what i want from Allah above even my own desires. and feeling vulnerable n acting on it makes u no less brave; you are brave and i won't assure u that much but i dont know how long i would live but i would pray for u everyday till then

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