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1-30-2k24+ Journal

Modal0154 January 30th

I'm letting the last entry in my previous journal count for a functional obituary.

Modal0154 OP February 17th

I suppose, I reserve the right to call listeners cowards for not better informing me if their dipping out or how come they dip out.

Modal0154 OP February 17th


Modal0154 OP February 17th

I had a good time.


Maybe one day I'll do a better browsing through this:

Modal0154 OP February 18th

I also sound differently (to others--my my voice I mean) from how I sound like to myself to my chagrin..


Modal0154 OP February 18th

F a c e b o o k is apparently a censored word on here ?.

To think that AI animation might catch on by the time my nibling more consistently decides what to watch on their own.

Modal0154 OP February 19th

I might be saying this because I'm kind of irked and find it unfair how much disparaging 'The Madame Web'* movie is getting but sure I can kind of understand that the movie really bungled in barely better than a B movie when there was so much imaginative opportunity lost.. but dang it people stop it.

We got it. Post-phase 4 Marvel is fizzling out and it's a pity how X-Men, Spider-Man stuff is going to get less attention and development because of the years of investment and risk of making things so Avengers-centric. I mean I get that, I get how that trend grew since 2007 because of how the Avengers were getting less attention in the comics around the turn of the century in contrast to Spider-Man and the X-Men not the least because of the contributions of artists who later on form Image comics like Todd McFarland and Jim Lee.

Like I mean I get it how it's starting to be superhero stuff is starting to become somewhat tiresome and the over the top-ness or cheesiness is starting to be more mawkish and trite but darn it even though it can be fun in moderated enough doses and is well intentioned in a sense, a fair amounts of the time when it's presented to children w/ the intention of trying to give them a showy presentation as to how positive change can be flamboyantly or stylishly undertaken.. I can darn well see such a genre taking a place in some back shelves more often than not for next while (like ppl did w/Westerns by the 70's) and I'm fine with that, for all the fondness I've had with it myself since I was little but who rarely finds time to watch live action, movies or series (or at least anywhere as much as I would like to).

I say this having seen my nibling for the first time since after the hospital, today.. I can understand if he won't be that much into superheroes even if OP characters in fantastical genre fiction will still get their attention.

I say this as someone who grew up with the 90s Fox kids Spider-Man as half of my intro to the Marvel Universe alongside the concurrent X-Men. Someone who always recognized Madame (*Constance*) Web(b) as not an overtly powerful character, but definitely enigmatic yet important character paralleling what I saw with the Professor and the X-Men. In my mind particularly with the Constance Webb version of the character there was an opportunity to have an involved 'long enough mini-seeies' quasi-experimental drama approaching the Spider-Man side of things, kind of how like how curiously for 3 seasons 'FX' made a series about Professor X's  estranged son David Haller..which was really only still feasible because of how it wasn't clear that how the Fox controlled X-Men were going to transition to the Disney run MCU (the movie Logan came out in 2017 narrowly 2 years before Disney would absorb Fox barely before the pandemic). I'd dare think it could have gone well with using at least most of the cast from the movie and kind of feel bad for how the actors like Dakota Johnson might be at this point. keeping a low profile regarding the reception of the movie and maybe even kind of bottling up how they actually felt about the accomplishment of it all.

However from what I saw in the trailers months ago, even I will concede however that it was short-sighted and kind of rushed to include the 'not Jessica Drew but pre-late 00's' variations of the Spider-Women though as that is a fairly intricate but semi-obscure part of Marvel lore involving characters who I don't really think have been too relevant since sometime during the 00's (compare and contrast w/how say Miles Morales, Gwen Stacey/Spider Gwen, Silk and maybe a few other characters have caught on more); an unfortunate effect of this increasingly foolhardy rush that Sony still apparently has to make a 'Sinister Six' movie when 'the jury is out' as to whether there is even a live action Peter Parker at this point.

A little comic based spoiler which has been a thing from what I understand ~ *=_= since sometime during the 2000s*..the Constance Webb version of the character a fair amount of people, including myself, grew up knowing (from the animated series) was killed by relative of Kraven and her clairvoyant like abilities and (maybe role (?)) was eventually past to the Julia Carpenter Spider-woman (The one played by 'Euphoria' actress Sydney Sweeney in the movie).. that I put this out here kind of reflects on my part, shows how I will agree and find it a pity that the movie won't really catch on very well.

Don't you just resent when you put a lot into a posting and it looks bad in hindsight because of grammar or spelling mistakes ?-- what will it take for voice to text to really catch onto my cadences ?.

* =_= plus frankly chauvinistic even.. it's reminding me of the first Brie Larson captain Marvel movie reception, from a while back before even the streaming series She-Hulk came out

Modal0154 OP February 19th


I mentioned how the movie Logan came out in 2017, Fox was bought by Disney in 2019, the 's--t got real' global recognition of COVID click during the 'March breaking' of 2020 and the radical restructuring which went on until 2022 arguably distorted how the passage of time was felt, to say nothing of the feasibility of being able to lead an 'ordinary life' since..

[Imagine the top image saying 'mental health crisis' and the bottom unmasked image being 'cost of living'*-- can't find the exact Reddit link which I remember seeing it on but I remember it being that]


Something which might amuse me in the days to come will be the honest trailers video for this year's Oscars.. I don't want them to forget to weave in at least a few elements of this one


* The smart thing to ask is how come most politicians are insulated enough with their lucre as to not look like this more overtly much more often ?.. consider the ire of everyone after the millennials regarding such politicians in going from to

Modal0154 OP February 19th

~"It was okay but felt under-baked--I can and know it had potential but didn't peak" --it's how I felt about 'The new mutants' movie being aware of the muddy post-production and release process and I'd like to think that I can reserve that thought for the 'Madame Webb' movie if I ever watch it even I do feel 'the B movie vibes'.

Modal0154 OP February 25th

"Julia Carpenter became Madame Web in the "Web of Spider-Man" comic series, specifically in issue #98, which was published in 1993." said ChatGPT to me

Modal0154 OP February 20th

I'm not keen on traveling this year. I feel an impulse to book two days off in regards to a wedding and 2 days off in March. Not only for a day on which I might book for massage therapy appointment (d--n the available times for those are scant ! >_< )..2 days off in months ahead, maybe 2 days in March, let's say 2-3 come December and I'd yet have several days to spare 7 .

Modal0154 OP February 21st

~7:25 am :Nice reddish hue bright on tree leaves outside of bedroom window this morning


Modal0154 OP February 24th

Cute how it finally got a tvtropes article

Modal0154 OP February 24th

I found this map of Peru looking like a Super Mario overworld map cool as a contrast to've done it in the vein of the pre-Gen 6 Pokemon overworld map 


Modal0154 OP February 22nd

Sugar in cereal is so unnecessary. Sugar consumption that gives me a headache.

Modal0154 OP February 24th


Modal0154 OP February 24th

~ <miserable piece of Wednesday>

As I thought trying to put five relevant images up, screenshots of what recently upset me and trying to explain it wasn't feasible while using a phone.

As a distraction this video

has redirected my attention to not dwell on something which is going to make me lose sleep in angst etc

Modal0154 OP February 24th

~"Our relationship to the content is sometimes more important than the content itself since the content can be bunk at times" -- memory of words of a past counselor

Disappointing my mom and explaining my non-conviction for theism (or at the least recognizable enough Catholicism) is what worries me, not the details of my non-conviction for theism in and of itself.

"Sure bud", I can imagine someone saying with stupidly casual sarcasm =_=

Modal0154 OP February 24th

Obnoxious a--hole whooping away with music on full blast living in the apartment beneath me who I think that most everybody on that floor is basically afraid of (=_= how much remorse do the reps have for even giving them a spot ?) + foul memories of the obnoxious ragging of an a-hole cliche who slept at the info desk for wasn't reluctant to go in chest-puffing with that idiotic chauvinistic stride ragging on me for being barefoot while doing yoga (my shoes were right next to me and actually trust myself to not break my own ankles since yoga is so controlled and slow, jacka-- !).

Human society collectively will be destroyed before we ever get the kind of consistent cross generational baseline competency that we badly need and will be one of the benchmarks of having achieved post-equity..

-_- '_' Something, something, is there like a phrase among mental health professionals for when you can't really blame a person for being so fixedly misanthropic ?.

Modal0154 OP February 24th

The latter is a case of a indifferent cliche who is taking for granted how they are seeking control* of someone abusively and arbitrarily while the former is a cliche who x,y and z, maybe I'll add more to that later.

 that reminds me of this one time that my mom told me something after someone was just loudly saying stuff about her not doing well in driving through a certain parking lot to get to a certain street-- this is sort of thing which kind of sinks in more to you when it's coming from this one arbitrary person in an area which is not only reputedly grungy, but it's just so bizarre that among the few people who actually bother to appear there during those rare instances when you actually go for such an area, they say that kind of shlock with such immediacy 

Modal0154 OP February 24th

There's a part of me that feels like doing orangutan grumble sounds because of the smugness that I would immediately judge the face of the YouTuber on this thumbnail.. yet on the basis of the title of the video alone, it does sound the beneficially appealing:

Modal0154 OP February 24th

When ppl bring up how 'cancel culture' seems to've outed a certain Looney Tunes character (who goodness knows I can understand if they've has been reformed somewhat at the least by not really having Penelope the cat near them too often)..a point which highlights the unsavoury negligence of consent or sense of entitlement to act with so much immediacy on impulses of infatuation..

  • "Black Comedy Rape: Presumably not the intention of the character in his original incarnation, which was to parody romantic comedies, but this trope is a common interpretation of Pepé's cartoonishly extreme womanizing, albeit a light example. Although according to some sources, [Chuck] Jones apparently claimed that Pepé was a Stealth Insult to a particularly creepy Warner Exec in the 50's whose secretaries kept quitting because he was way too handsy, meaning that this was completely intentional."
Modal0154 OP February 24th

Speaking from experience, the amount of nonsense which occurs around computer use areas at library it makes me wonder if it'd incentivize a return for Internet cafes.

Modal0154 OP February 24th

Come the first spring day of 2024 on March 19th or the around the relevant Easter days


Modal0154 OP February 24th

Coolea's ~'An ignorant guide to folk punk' thumbnail

Modal0154 OP February 25th
'The challengers of the unknown' are one of those DC characters which are based on an interesting concept, but seems borderline forgotten at this point.

Indeed, the Challengers of the Unknown are a fascinating group in DC Comics, known for their adventures exploring the unknown and facing various challenges. Created by Jack Kirby, the team first appeared in 1957. Comprising individuals who miraculously survive a plane crash, they decide to dedicate their lives to investigating the unexplained.

While the popularity of some characters or teams in comic books can fluctuate over time, the Challengers of the Unknown hold a unique place in comic history. Their concept of daring exploration and confronting the mysterious has resonated with fans, even though they might not always be in the forefront of DC's current lineup.

Sometimes, characters or teams experience revivals or renewed interest in different periods, so it's always possible for the Challengers of the Unknown to make a return to the spotlight in the future. If you're a fan of their adventures, there may still be stories from various comic runs that explore their intriguing concept.


Modal0154 OP February 25th

Maybe I've said of such things before ?

The gulf of outcomes of attitudes which grew out of a development of patience which grew out of a comfortable and leisurely choice rather than choicelessness is vast.

Better canned chickpeas than tofu forthgoing since tannic acid does my teeth 'dirty'.


I could see the old 'Elephantmen' comics being animated and adapted in the designs of Invincible or Critical roll.

In this world of streaming productions where do 'mockbusters' and Asylum films fit in, in contrast to the 2010's ?.

Apathy is a deaf ouroboros running away from it's own tail, too incompetent to keep a promise to commit to feeding itself.

Modal0154 OP February 25th

I'm here in part because I would rather be here than to become hooked again with Reddit, I'm here in part despite how a part of me would rather be on another website.

I'm here despite my pornography inclinations still lingering not knowing if it would be too forceful to look up stuff about self-improvement and self-compassion if a part of me would want to be defiant, rebel or do some kind of self-sabotaging or self-harm reverse psychology to myself  in going on tiresome pornography again.

I'm here not knowing what I'm going to do next because of how tired I am in a sense always loaded with chores to do yet never, almost never unless it is specifically exhausting, almost never weary enough to sleep.

It is it still futility if you know what you need to do but does sheer amount is never enjoyable even if the routine is familiar and you are well understanding of the unpleasant factors ?.

I just want attention from an attractive woman and an assurance that the feeling of finding someone appealing is mutual even if for barely several hours.

--boil water for tea ?

--nap, exercise, start returning to my apartment ?

Modal0154 OP February 25th

This x the number of this day