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1-30-2k24+ Journal

Modal0154 January 30th

I'm letting the last entry in my previous journal count for a functional obituary.

Modal0154 OP February 3rd

Steel Panther is the parodic comedy one and Pantera is the serious rock group.

Modal0154 OP February 3rd

Drag how there's a lack of post-posting editing features for these forums.

Modal0154 OP February 3rd


1 reply
Modal0154 OP February 3rd

Current mood

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Modal0154 OP February 3rd

That's so often birthday gifts can be reducible to a amount of money even if you're not post-prepubescent.. I think that is part of the amount of the frustration of how there is a birthday in my family at least onceevery week after Christmas and New year's 

Modal0154 OP February 4th

This channel

makes me feel a bit better about the hot garbage that was (personally , developmentally) the 2000s for me.

Modal0154 OP February 4th

There's a part of me which wants to say "you're performing for your health since that, exercise etc is how you pay your body the rent to competently house consciousness', 'you're performing to be responsible'..but the ~' Where's the audience ?!. Life's a stage, but the theatre is empty !' really speaks insightfully to me `_` d


Somehow I'll find time to spontaneously post up funny and amazing pictures and videos--something for me to look forward to.

Modal0154 OP February 4th

The intensity of the funeral with my friend is attending, the aggravating inconvenience of having to arrange for return pickup on a bulky Amazon return in addition to so much paperwork like stuff that's not even from my job.. I want to have another mental health appointment later this week sooner than next week and I'm trying to not self-blame myself for thinking that it's mainly because I'm still lingering on horror movie nonsense which lingers is on in a way which makes me uncomfortable (the reasons which are initiating that discomfort).

-_- Okay, I'm maybe a bit more comfortable if not fully exercising this week.

Modal0154 OP February 4th

Penultimate, I mean

Modal0154 OP February 4th

~5:42 pm EST--from what I seeing go through my bedroom window the sun is receding.

Maybe later, I'll look into when this stops happening relatively early.

Modal0154 OP February 5th

Unknown whenst but around midnight nut butter eating w/or w/out cereals are meant to cease, mayhaps whence the hecticness subsides

