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nahoa negative affirmations

theboymoana August 5th

am tired pretending matter 

know do not matter know never will 

am tired be hurt all time 

What point be hurt when everything they say about me true

not everyone in world important

nahoa proof that some just stupid useless trash  

Is time give up trying be someone that matter

is time just accept I deserve all bad stuff

deserve abuse

deserve trauma

deserve pain

deserve be hated

deserve all struggles

deserve all bad stuff happen 

deserve be lonely

deserve be sad

deserve be alone

deserve all names get call

deserve be bully by anyone

deserve have no one care

hurt lot more keep trying matter and always be told it don’t matter then just accept how suppose be

can’t hurt when know just how is not going change

will remind self over over over over until stop ever thing maybe matter

disgusting stupid useless trash don’t matter and that means Nahoa don’t matter

PineTreeTree August 5th

@theboymoana you do matter! I feel pain that you feel you don’t matter. The world may tell you you don’t matter, but I say you matter to the most important person in your life - you! You matter to me! I’ve felt some of what you have felt. Our pain is worse when we feel we don’t matter. So if you can feel that you matter, your pain will be less. Decide that you matter because you do. And know that there are people who will be there to remind you that you do. But sometimes we don’t have those people around and we have to remind ourselves that we matter - not because of family or society but because we are here, we exist, we breath air in our lungs and we have a right to be here, not because anyone said so, it’s just true. If others judge us, that’s just their judgement, it doesn’t make it true. If others hurt us, it’s not because of us, it’s because they don’t know how to be happy within themselves. 

You matter. You mater to you. You mater to me. 
theboymoana OP August 5th


no i don’t matter ever never going matter 

theboymoana OP August 5th

today again ignore exclude 

only pretend care

tell Nahoa not happening when is 

All get rid me like want 

don’t matter don’t matter don’t matter don’t matter 

I’m stupid ugly freak 

Im stupid stupid useless trash 

deserve everyone hate me 

deserve no one care get leave out

am profound deaf hearing zero

not my fault can’t hear

not fault music nothing to me 

is ok person start talk music every time go in room

deserve it I deserve be ignore leave out 

stupid useless freak like me not deserve be include

inclusion don’t mean Nahoa 

inclusion mean people that not actual need different things 

That me huge stupid annoying freak always in way

get rid me like every else what deserve

no one care

no one want help

deserve be alone

deserve be sad

deserve bad stuff all time

useless stupid ugly idiot freak

trash trash trash trash

good everyone hate me

what deserve people like me deserve bad horrible life  

theboymoana OP August 6th

words people say to me say about me 

part one

  1. whats wrong with u er yea bad at communicating
  2. Nahoa you name is just my name but spelt by a 5 year old
  3. Moana, do you know commas?  
  4. suggest something for me in a complex sentence. 5-6 productive sentences even
  5. bro leave us alone
  6. just mute their texts 
  7. bro go away YOU are causing a problem here 
  8. your not invited to my post
  9. bro leave us ALoNe
  10. is throwing someone in a garbage can against the law

Everyone that mean hate me want me go away right about me im stupid annoying horrible trash of course hate me want me go 

do not matter 

never going matter 

Im pathetic loser 

deserve mean thing say to me

deserve everyone want me go

if didn’t deserve someone would care

someone help

but no one do 

PineTreeTree August 6th

@theboymoana The world is full of jerks and it’s easier for people to be jerks to others online. I’m sorry that people said things that hurt you. You definitely don’t deserve to be treated badly. 

theboymoana OP August 6th


people always like that no one stop them they don’t care happens to me 

PineTreeTree August 6th

@theboymoana If I see someone treat you badly I will tell them not to do that. But I don’t really hang out much in the group chats. Maybe the 7 cups admins can help?

theboymoana OP August 6th


im teen so won’t see just already ask everyone help million times nothing change 

theboymoana OP August 6th

Stuff people call me

Stuff say to me 

part 2 

  1. quit beingannoying
  2. Go to forum their getting annoying
  3. NAHOA youre an *** and a bully, i hate you, i once said id be here for you but theres a reason you dont have freinds, you are a bully and hurt people, you are an *** GO *** YOURSELF
  4. Ik...though ng...were not friends..(no offense)
  5. forgot one I Moana sorry if correcting is rude
  6. I don't understand how you can simultaneously claim that you can read time in the form of digits while not also knowing how AM and PM works.
  7. I don't mean to be...well...mean, but I barely understand your... sentences..
  8. some ppl r a little slow
  9. Moana, I'm only going to say this once so listen up. Not everything is about you. Others are allowed to share too. We don't all have to drop everything just because you entered the room. Stop pitying yourself.
  10. fine ill shut up and keep *** ignoring you whatever.

Everyone say Nahoa ASSUME people be mean 

everyone say need move on get over 

everyone say just MISUNDERSTANDING 

know isn’t so know people just don’t care

do not matter to them how am treated

am not person to them

just stupid rotting trash

People all allow say what want to me 

no one care

people like me deserve be treat bad 

Apeatrice August 6th


Warm hug (if accepted)

I love you, nohoa. And will always be here for you, buddy.

Torean August 6th

You don't deserve all those bad things. Take that to heart. You deserve to be cared about. I don't fully know what your situation is, but I hope at least someone starts to understand.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 6th

Agreed! Nahoa, you are loved and wanted and you matter <3

theboymoana OP August 6th

More stuff people say about me say to me

part 3

  1. Okay. Nahoa, that's your name? Bet you've never heard this before. Deal. With. It. 
  2. Sometimes people do things that we have no control over. Its not my fault it you are triggered by my proxie. You can leave.
  3. try go skydiving off a cliff fr. without a parachute tho'
  4. im sorry if you find it offensive 
  5. dont take everything we say to heart
  6. Moana you're a piece of shi
  7. You don't have to be such a sensitive bith all the time
  8. You ruin all fun
  9. You can't get mad at people for everything
  10. Yeah I barely understood anything

everyone welcome except me

no one want me be around 

school don’t want me

parents don’t want me

friends don’t want me 

cups don’t want me

Im most worse awful kid whole world 

when foster parents get sick me where going end up 

be alone like deserve

no one help me like deserve 

be how was but worse

that how life suppose be to me  

Where people like me don’t matter but need lot help end up 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 6th

I WANT YOU!!! <3

And so do the rest of us. Right, guys? <3

Dont listen to their lies. Negative talk is from the pit of ***, and that’s where it belongs. The devil is a liar. Jesus made you and He loves you <3

jesusredeemedme2425 August 7th

lol the 7Cups censor XD It’s where the devil lives!!! It won’t let me write it lol

Tinywhisper11 August 7th

@jesusredeemedme2425 h3ll 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 8th

Yeah that. lol

Tinywhisper11 August 7th

@theboymoana hi sweetie ❤ I'm sorry I didn't find this post earlier. Moana you are not know or never have been, worthless. You mean a lot to me🙂 and many others here ❤ you don't deserve to be hurt 🙁  it makes me so sad to read this post. No matter what happens, remember you are loved, I love you. To me you are a beautiful soul,  who will one day prove to all those haters and bullies, that you are worth so much more than they will ever be. Gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤ 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 7th

Agreed a thousand times over! <3

theboymoana OP August 10th

am nothing every day worse and worse and worse why something not be ok😭😭

wildfire so close to us

keep have wait see will need evacuate 

waiting make so worse every day

scared have go lose everything 

don’t decide want yellow room or no

what if never get decide 😭

losing every one 

where my best friend go

am sorry sorry did not do enough

am sorry im stupid horrible person 

come back please 😭😭

my mom taking my brothers from me 

why i deserve be alone

everyone leave me 

am not important 

do not matter

stupid stupid stupid freak loser

I just am trash 

disgusting ugly stupid trash 

hate it hate have be me 

not fair not fair not fair 😭😭😭

Tinywhisper11 August 10th

@theboymoana oh no wildfires are scary, if you do have to evacuate take your favourite plushie with you ok? I'm here for you, keep me updated ok. I like yellow, that sounds like the perfect choice ❤ I'm sorry about your best friend🙁 hopefully you will hear from them soon ❤ your not trash, your not disgusting, you are beautiful inside and out. You have friends here sweetie, people who love and care about you, I love and care about you ❤ and not a freak, just unique ❤ gives you the giantist tiny hug ever ❤❤❤

theboymoana OP August 23rd


am sad none them care just want matter want belong somewhere 😭😭😭😭

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

You belong here, with us <3

theboymoana OP August 16th

am sad sad sad sad

hate me so much am stupid stupid stupid

deserve all bad stuff 

stupid freak trash nahoa

is reason everyone hate me 

is reason not allow have anything good 

hate me so so so much 

everyone hate me 

Part 4 stuff people say to me say about me 

  1. Id rather starve to death then have a feeding tube like you
  2. You dont make sense
  3. I don't like that idea of using robots to help disabled people instead of fixing them bc i feel that plp will turn out more lazy than they are lol
  4. i hate you
  5. you make me sick
  6. Everything about me hates everything about you.
  7. Moana my brain had a stroke reading that
  8. I was trying to be hopeful to moana...but was being a jerk about it (i feel bad for you)
  9. mma be honest for a sec...........what do you want us to do? we're only one person. the one time we try to be nice and help you get mad at us....but when were not helpful and ignore you "oooooohhhh stop ignoring me" do you want me to do?
  10. we're trying to be hopeful. isnt that what you wanted? attention?

Tinywhisper11 August 16th

@theboymoana trigger warning, abuse... on my stomach, my owners cut some words in me 'wh@re, 'r£*** and f*** toy. I hate those words, but they are just scars now. They mean nothing anymore. And when your a bit older the mean words people say to you now will also just be scars, and they won't mean nothing to you anymore either. You are much stronger than they will ever be, you are  you, and you are perfect, a beautiful soul, always remember that ❤ hugs you tightly ❤

theboymoana OP August 23rd

Why im here don’t *** belong here

stupid useless piece crap

hate me so much

no one care what go on

just matter say stuff wrong because English stupid language 

more things people say to me about me 

  1. would you rather us like say yes moana it sucks and you cant do anything with life because of it?
  2. if you can’t handle feedback don’t say anything in the first place
  3. its fine i just mute moana
  4. I waant being mean moana, just honest is all
  5. Pls make *** sense
  6. It's not out fault we try to be nice and you are rude to us. So yeah you are kind of jerk Noha.
  7. You can't snap on people for making honest mistakes and expect them to still be nice to you sorry not sorry.
  8. Moana, use your big boy words.
  9. Do you always speak like this, Moana?
  10. Please can you A. use proper English that I can understand and B. take this convo to the SR
PineTreeTree August 23rd

@theboymoana Hey Nahoa, don’t let these jerks get you upset. There are lots of people here who love you! 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd


You only speak differently because you're following the grammar rules of sign language... Haters not tolerated here. We love you and we're so glad you're here! Please report those people to the mods. They need to know about it so they can block those people.

Tinywhisper11 August 23rd

@theboymoana keep trying moana ❤ we are here for you ❤ hugs you tightly ❤ when do age up and come to the oldies side?? We'll look after you here ❤

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

@heather225 and @Sunisshiningandsoareyou, can you please connect with Nahoa and get these cruel forum members blocked? Or get the powers-that-be involved, so they can put a stop to this? Nahoa doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. Thank you! <3

PineTreeTree August 23rd

@jesusredeemedme2425 ❤️

mytwistedsoul August 23rd

@jesusredeemedme2425 It happens way too much 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd


Cruelty has no place here.



On it.❤ ( @tommy @cheerymango ) 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

Thank you Sun <3

mytwistedsoul August 23rd

@theboymoana Hey surfer dude 🤙

Ah man sometimes people just really the worst.  This is a place for everyone and everyone should be treated with kindness. You do matter. You definitely don't deserve all the bag things that have come to you

I know words like this hurt. Especially when you're already hurting. I'd say to just ignore it but I know that's hard to do too

I think you're pretty awesome ya know? You've been through alot and you're still a sweet and nice guy and it's not right how their treating you and talking to you

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

Agreed. People are cruel. Remember your worth and don’t listen to them <3

theboymoana OP August 23rd

is part 6 ? Maybe 5 ? Not know really don’t matter just More things people say to me here

all this lists copy paste from screenshots

try get help so much

what people say ? Nahoa misunderstand Nahoa take wrong way Nahoa need move on Nahoa drama Nahoa always problem Mean person say sorry so Nahoa need accept that get over it

why allow people say this why it do not matter

all this just what got new phone August 2023 to now

this happening since join cups February 2022

why instead tell people need stop always Nahoa problem because get upset disrupt chatroom is only couple mods say direct to person that say thing and don’t just tell move on ignore what say

  1. Why there's something up with him no? I have a theory or two. Moana, do you have any conditions we should know about?
  2. I think I'm having a stroke
  3. Person 1 Moana you had bad grammar so l meant like "when I read this I get a stroke" Person 2 lol same not to be rude
  4. You wanted the truth so don't blame me now
  5. Quit your whining.
  6. I'm not trying to be rude, but l get it. Everyone's sad lately. Can we all just shut up for one freaking second?
  7. Loser.
  8. moana if u wanna survive then u have to grow up a lil bit and don't be so sensitive when people talk abt stuff u dont like
  9. all hail oppressor Moana! That's sarcasm, if you couldn't tell.
  10. if you dont like it you can leave moana

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

These people are so evil. :( I’m so sorry… We’ll get the mods involved. This can’t be tolerated…

theboymoana OP August 23rd


always I get blamed 😭