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my journal: various subjects, opinionating, CW at times

slowdecline48 June 24th, 2022

The title explains itself.

If you're interested in the ramblings of a middle-aged man with chronic conditions who, at times, sees things a little too clearly for his own good, then read on.

Sometimes I get political, but it won't be all the time.

I don't mind comments in general but if you're going to differ with what I write, that's fine--as long as you can explain your position clearly & reasonably. Rants, shouting & general incoherence will be ignored or flagged, depending on the situation. Try to remember that not everyone else in this world holds your beliefs.

Every so often I may post art or snapshots of projects I'm working on.

If you're still interested after reading all the above, great. (I do wonder at how much time you have on your hands, though)

tearstruck August 30th
@slowdecline48 @iloveyouxx

hiii Nadia and Slow!
I'm okay, I've been inactive on cups since June for health reasons <33 thank you for thinking of me, it means a lot :):) 
Yep I've got chronic fatigue syndrome, I've got worse and am housebound, I'm doing alright though <3
How is everything going for you?

slowdecline48 OP August 31st

@tearstruck Belay the question I posted in the appreciation thread. CFS is no joke, from what I've d**n sorry you have it. Have you looked into any nutrition-based therapy regimens for it? Supposedly they've helped CFS sufferers gradually recover.

Yes, we've been thinking about you. I wondered why you disappeared rather quickly.

tearstruck Wednesday


Yeah, CFS can be v serious, surprisingly its not uncommon but a lot of people haven't ever come across it before, myself included before I got sick. 

I eat pretty healthy, gluten free, mostly low fodmap, can't tolerate sugar (causes a v exaggerated sugar crash), somewhat helps with the digestive symptoms but not the fatigue.
Any particular one you've heard has helped? 

Thanks for thinking of me :):) 
Yeah, I guess I did disappear quite quickly, I've been getting progressively worse over time - not sure why but its concerning - probably from ending up using more energy than I have (called post exertional malaise)

(P.S. sorry if theres months between my replies, I'm not online too often. Take caree :))

slowdecline48 OP Wednesday

@tearstruck Oh s***....

I wish I had advice for ya, girl. 😔 At this point I don't know what else to say...

You are in my thoughts. I surely hope things turn around & you recover...indeed I am hoping.

slowdecline48 OP August 12th

My takes, my takes!...get 'em while they're hot!
(comments with the obscured name are mine)




Yes, when it comes to America's future I am firmly in the declinist camp. Never been more sure of it than now, in fact...with every passing year the indicators keep piling up.

slowdecline48 OP August 14th

Murphy* worked his dark magic today...thanks a lot, you sonofab***h.

There was a major data breach not quite 24 hours ago. It was worse than most, according to the articles I read. SSNs, names & addresses were taken & leaked on a forum frequented by black-hat hackers. I spent the rest of today's business day trying to secure credit-related stuff...gonna change all my passwords the next time I get up.

Now I'm too tired and lazy to do much of anything.

*The demonic entity behind Murphy's Law. In the Garden of Eden the serpent was named Murphy, straight up.

slowdecline48 OP August 14th

Yesterday's major data breach, plus my body not getting enough sleep again....


slowdecline48 OP August 15th

Christ in a bucket, not this again...

Flare-up today. I believe it's because currently it is raining (lowered barometric pressure) & my having overextended myself a bit yesterday, hours-wise. Still need to get stuff done!...guess some of it can wait....uugghhh


mytwistedsoul August 15th

@slowdecline48 Sorry to hear you got sidelined with a flare-up today. 😕 It always sucks when our bodies and/or the weather don't cooperate. Make the best of the rainy day though and rest? How's things coming along? 

slowdecline48 OP August 16th

@mytwistedsoul I managed to get a few little things done this afternoon...even handled someone calling me back. An okay convo...though the caller & I have our differences, we're on the same page on a number of issues. (Neither of us trust the government very much)

I have plans for when I get up. It's Friday!

mytwistedsoul August 17th

@slowdecline48 I have to agree with you both on the distrust of the government. All those little things add up.  Hope your plans all worked out for you today and tomorrow is a good day for you too! 

slowdecline48 OP August 16th

Thanks for the upvotes, @AquaNyo303 ...if I weren't already occupied, I'd consider starting some kind of comedy skit thing. I could handle it in podcast format. Not YT, as I don't like being in front of a camera.

AquaNyo303 August 16th


That could be interesting

slowdecline48 OP August 16th


The spot price of gold (per oz.) as of 2:56 p.m.

This was what I was hoping for, off & on. It topped the $2,500 level. It almost certainly won't stay there--you can see it dropping back down with that red candle--but the fact that it reached $2,500 per & kept going is a good sign for us goldbugs.

slowdecline48 OP August 18th

Tired now... Worked yesterday & today, afternoons to early evenings. Maybe 40 minutes ago I wiped the first coat of semi-gloss varnish on the 8th cane. This was after much sanding, then vacuuming up the sawdust & wiping it down with mineral spirits (to get rid of any grease remains.

...soon enough I will pay for my folly.

slowdecline48 OP August 18th
One other thing - Later that afternoon I made a late brunch. My usual breakfast/brunch deal: two eggs scrambled with sauteed veggies (usually bell pepper) & cheese mixed in. Works every time & it kept me going into the evening. The only problem is that I used up the last of my cheese...not good.

Granted, there are way worse problems to have. But still. I'm out of cheese! And I can't get any more of it right away. And right now I'm awake. Phuk.
slowdecline48 OP August 18th

From the Random Thoughts Dept.: With every passing year, I become more opposed to plastic surgery. Correcting a physical flaw for medical reasons, that's fine. But most people don't have it done for medical reasons--they have operations because they think it will make them better-looking. Yecchhh.

slowdecline48 OP August 18th

New post in the "hobby journal", here.

slowdecline48 OP August 19th

What I'm reading today:


slowdecline48 OP August 19th

Also, it's going to rain this afternoon. I know it for sure...not just because of my weather app but also because I'm having a flareup rn: headache, tiredness. Ever since 2012 or so, I've been a walking barometer. (From the early 2010's to 2016-ish, it was knee pain)

slowdecline48 OP August 21st

[CW: the oldest "adult" subject]

One side effect of looking for, selecting & buying land, planning out the move & eventual build, etc: I've been a bit more physically active in the last several weeks. That & the mood lift I've gotten here & there has rekindled my appetite (when I'm not having a flare or other condition acting up)...

Obviously a relationship is not in the cards, not in the present or the near future. But a quick bang with something young, nubile & dark-haired would be great.

slowdecline48 OP August 21st
That's all I can find time for in any case...if I can manage that much.
slowdecline48 OP August 22nd

[CW: my politics--it usually needs a warning]


slowdecline48 OP August 22nd
How in Muhammad's unwashed loincloth am I supposed to have unwavering faith in the electorate if the electorate is so easily fooled?
mytwistedsoul August 22nd

@slowdecline48 Muhammad's unwashed loincloth 😂 omg I'm dying 🤣 

We the people are supposed to be dumb as a box of rocks and unable to figure things out and think for ourselves 😐 

slowdecline48 OP August 22nd

@mytwistedsoul Yes, because that's how the elites, the top asset holders/top income tax bracket/their allies in gov't/etc. want us to be. Once I figured that out, I realized that public schools do not, in fact, function in the purpose of education. The last thing any of them want is a populace made up of those who've learned to think for themselves....

Took me a while to figure it out, but once I did it hit me like a ton of bricks.

mytwistedsoul August 22nd

@slowdecline48 You are absolutely right. Free thinkers are squashed and looked down on. If we have a hive mentality or herd mentality we're easier to control and more pliable. I refuse. I try to follow the laws. I pay my taxes. I don't commit crimes. I refuse to have someone who thinks they know better control every aspect of my life. It's not going to happen. I can tolerate alot but there are something's I will not compromise on. The government already has more power than they should and our forefathers would be extremely p*ssed that we let it happen

slowdecline48 OP August 22nd

It would be nice if I could finish the godd**n refinishing project... I did the 8th cane (beater) earlier this week. Next one I gotta do is the 5th...that one needs it for sure. Would also like to take a little bit off the 7th (I made that one in 2020), here & there. But the weather is making it impossible. I keep getting notifications from my weather app.

Welcome to Florida, where you must evolve gills in order to breathe on land. *smfh*

slowdecline48 OP August 23rd
slowdecline48 OP August 23rd

Have noticed I get sluggish & tired whenever it rains... Is this a YKYGOW moment? Until someone has convincing evidence otherwise, I'm going to assume that it is.

slowdecline48 OP August 24th

The S&P500 index, over this business week:


It went up 1.33% since Monday...Jpow's speech today made investors & traders rejoice. How mass sentiment sinks & flies on the smallest nudges. 😏

On a more realistic note, my thoughts on Kamala Harris's statements re the Israel-Hamas war in her big speech...& a prediction:


 The reason is twofold:

  1. Muslim populations are growing throughout the Midwest & Northeast, they vote Democrat & are uniformly opposed to assistance to Israel...& to Israel itself. That includes its people.
  2. American Jews are, as a group, shrinking along with the white American majority.1 We also vote Dem & have been doing so for too long;2 the main result is the party is used to having our vote in its back pocket. When you have a vote on lock, you don't have to pay much attention to the voting constituency.

Add 1 & 2 together. Now extend them out three decades or so, & tell me what you see.

1We're not really white. It's complicated but in a nutshell, we don't quite have the genetics to qualify.

2There are several reasons for that, mainly due to early to mid-20th century events & most of American Jewry not having gotten up to date since then.

slowdecline48 OP August 25th

I don't buy into every story online or told to me by any source. At the same time, there is more happening in this world than we know about.

The trick is to be aware of where your knowledge ends, & not make up a narrative out of inadequate data & pattern recognition run amok.

slowdecline48 OP August 27th

The past weekend wasn't too great...had a couple flareups; when I wasn't having them I was still lazy & sluggish.

So much to do, & I gotta summon up the energy to do it all somehow...

Last night I had an unusual nightmare. It wasn't scary at all but incredibly irritating, & featured my mother. Stupid woman won't shut up or stop screwing up even years after her death. It was so bad, I drank a few minutes after waking up & got nothing done today.

slowdecline48 OP August 27th

Btwn the head pain & the storm gathering outside, there ain't much left to do but lay back...

Waiting for it all to pass.


Life is boring ATM. Please tell me something interesting, gentle reader.

iloveyouxx August 27th


mmm…did you know that it’s illegal to own a guinea pig in switzerland😁(I saw a website explaining it I can send it if you’d like🩷) a sheep was the first animal to be cloned xD bees can fly higher than mount everest. I’m really bored right now too

oh and after reading your post I just noticed that my heads been hurting too but I only noticed now. :p I hope you feel better soon💙

slowdecline48 OP August 28th

@iloveyouxx 🤨 Illegal?... Please do. I can't think of any sensible reason as to why guinea pigs would be outlawed up there....on the other hand I'm not Swiss, so what do I know? 😄

Am sorry to hear your head is also hurting. If I could, I'd send over a bottle of ibuprofen. (Is ibuprofen available in your country?)

iloveyouxx August 28th


i have to go to school but here’s the link🤍and we do have ibuprofen here xD

slowdecline48 OP August 28th

I already knew about the sheep, but thanks anyway. Yeah, it was big news... Dolly, the world's first publicized animal clone.

mytwistedsoul August 27th

@slowdecline48 In 2014 scientists feed creamy peanut butter to 250 jellyfish. We had peanut butter & jellyfish lol

Did you know that a woodpecker's tongue wraps around it's brain to keep it from getting concussed when it's pecking wood? 

Rats laugh out loud if you tickle them. And can learn any trick a dog can 
mytwistedsoul August 27th

@slowdecline48 @iloveyouxx I hope both of you feel better soon. Headaches are 😝