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in the wonders of my mind💗.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didn’t look like me🧐makes sense doesn’t it😛since there can only be one *me*✨one of a kind now arent I😁/sar. one out of 8118835999✨🌷can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss you’re also one of a kind💖 sorrysorry haha :P🤍im just messing around xD💞also it’s 2am- but shush no snitching🤫I’ll sleep in a while😁when I’m feeling a bit more sane :>😛🩷

wanted to have my own space.💜 for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.💙

to whoever's coming across :'3💜please dont lurk here.🩷 I know anyone can have access to this forum :')💙but please be respectful🩷.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :P💛 y’all get crazy nosy haha- it’s alright.💛nothing too interesting will be here anyway💛if you would like to come in and be supportive it’s completely okie💛but please don’t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limit💛because I’d still like this to be just my space ^-^💛)


iloveyouxx OP May 6th

they have me on a leash.

iloveyouxx OP May 6th

nobody wants a broken girl.

iloveyouxx OP May 6th

in lead.

iloveyouxx OP May 6th

shadow’s in today.

iloveyouxx OP May 6th

I thought he’d be absent but whatever. he just came in late.

iloveyouxx OP May 6th

I had to go pick up a calculator from a girl in my yeargroup-

i have 21 minutes-

iloveyouxx OP May 6th

I had to go pick up a calculator from a girl in my yeargroup-

i have 21 minutes-

iloveyouxx OP May 6th

school internet-

iloveyouxx OP May 6th

I wish I could give guys something else to physically stare at.

iloveyouxx OP May 6th


iloveyouxx OP May 6th

I just don’t get it :’) I don’t understand. I don’t get the difference between me and her- what can I do to be enough..? I’m so genuine at this point. because I’ve gave everyone my everything. and now I’ve apparently "lost that spark to my eye". I’m gone. I can’t go through stuff and be so perfect but when I’m expected to do something I do it-? I try. I just try. I swear I’m so hurt. I swear it hurts. you hurt me. what does it take to see it. you hate seeing others hurt but you hurt me you literally stole who I used to be. I came here so. not gonna say hopeful because I thought this was something for sewerslide but whatever. innocent? people are actually so fake here. it’s insane because when im at school I feel like I just can’t keep my eyes open because of how mentally draining. being surrounded by friends and friend groups everywhere but you’re the only freak. I complimented a couple people today. and I helped some randoms. I like doing it. but now- you just do stuff for how everyone else sees you? literally no one cares. if you want to fit in you can’t just be nice. but that’s why I thought it’d be different here because almost every time someone would go against a rule or be rude/mean/hurtful in any way everyone would get involved. but what actually happens that hurts people isn’t seen. I swear I’m hurt but I don’t get the difference. a hurting girl and a "hurting" girl.? the minute you can’t be anyone’s pawn anymore you don’t even matter. you don’t matter. at 2% I’m gonna go. 

you didn’t bother. you couldn’t bother.

May 6th



mytwistedsoul May 6th

@iloveyouxx *offers safe hugs* I'm sorry someone hurt you here 😞 This place has changed so much since I first joined. I've watched it slowly get worse and no one does anything 💙

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

my heart-

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

at school.

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

slt are looking for me.

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

I got home late. 

for I’m pretty sure the third time ever.-

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

one was an hour after school detention ( I literally didn’t do anything- )

second was when I actually had friends(ikr it’s wild-)and they made me stay after school until my full name got called in a microphone to go down to reception- where it pretty much got..a lot- but I didn’t care. It was just some random seniors and it didn’t matter

and now I just. I’m lost.

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

after school detention is horrifying. 

I was really new to the school and it was my first year of secondary where we had to find our classes- it was so much more complicated tho. it didn’t say things like "math" it’d say things like "S082"-?

there are so many and the numbers aren’t even in order. there’re 6 big staircases and some others and just the whole school is huge in general- when I was being introduced to the whole school it was so much I thought we were already outside it at some point because there was no possible way all that was still just one school..?

standards cards are so unfair. uniform, 'corridor conduct', makeup, missing equipment, late to lesson, swearing- I forgot the rest-

late to lesson in 3 on a standard card and if you get 5 teacher signatures that’s an after school detention.

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

I told my only friend at the time (who’s now expelled for attempted murder and getting sum stuff to school but whatever-) that it was just all guys there and she wasn’t surprised.

"what’re you in for?"

iloveyouxx OP May 7th


iloveyouxx OP May 7th

they thought it was funny that I was "in for" a full standard card.

why’re they so scary tho-

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

It was- peaceful. today.

I came home late but no one cared. I used to come at 3:07 and my family would give me a whole lecture. that’s when I first tw sh’d but whatever. 

idk why I hate the idea sm tho. every time someone assumes I do I do anything I can to prove that I don’t. which- I don’t. :’). it doesn’t do anything. for me at least.

that hometime sound goes off at 3:05 for non bus students but teachers still choose to dismiss us late either way.

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

I just hid for a while. In the english girl’s bathroom- everyone skips there. 

I left pe at 2:50 cos that’s when bus students leave but pe teachers never notice because- they don’t memorize who’s bus ofc like what- and there’re way too many of us to notice. 3sets in one lesson-

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

then I just. well first I went to my arabic class cos I forgot my water bottle and my teacher just threw it next to the garbage bin on the floor like really-

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

there was a little girl in her class :’) I just said excuse me cos she was clearly distracted and I couldn’t find my water bottle- but she just kept looking at her ipad so I said nevermind-

i accidentally said "she’s so cute" out loud because—

im not horrible right now. I mean. I’m- I’ve gotten in such a bad state where I just can’t :3 I lost my voice- idk how it happens- I can’t smile and my eyes are half open. I just have a dead look to me. 

I love doing things for people more than anyone. I shut down but I’m not the type of person to shut down and "stop being able to love" or care. 

I just try. and don’t say it’s enough I know it’s not. (you weren’t gonna say that you don’t care I’m just talkative I’m sorry-) 

(I’m sorry-)

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

god how irritating can you get.-

iloveyouxx OP May 7th


I know.

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

my water bottle was in another class. pointless details but I’m meant to be studying- it’s for french tho- I’m good at french-?

please shut up-

iloveyouxx OP May 7th


maybe it’s boredom-

..I wish like was more boring.

iloveyouxx OP May 7th
iloveyouxx OP May 7th

it’s my space. but it feels wrong. 

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

it was so quiet.

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

oh yeah. the school teachers made a meeting. because apparently there was an incident in the bathrooms and obv there always has been because that’s where everyone (everyone-) skips and vapes and fights and all that-

and made this agreement/decision that now bathrooms in class/lessons are banned. not allowed. all my teachers already know-

i just feel bad because some people didn’t do anything- and that’s kinda a big decision-

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

I just got my water bottle and started walking down the arabic corridor. then the french that lead to the math corridor-

no one was there at all. 

I did see one teacher and apparently that was my math teacher- 

it was so quiet tho.

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

math corridor was the easiest way to the biggest stairway that lead to the secondary gates. 

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

I just. sat down in lost and found- probably sounds weird but no one ever went there, no one was anywhere either way, and the ac there was the best and I just needed a minute to breathe.

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

pe is so intense.

iloveyouxx OP May 7th

dads back I have to go.-

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

I can’t live like this anymore. It hurts and I’m not sorry.