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@amiableBunny4016 space

amiableBunny4016 November 20th, 2022

Hi everyone,

Im gonna be posting here every week. So.. you may or may not have seen my poems across 7cups or my writing. Anyways, if you have not then thats okay.

Let me introduce myself. You can call me Bunny/Violet/Bun Bun. I am from the UK and I am 13 years old. So I came here to inspire, to love, to show kindness and to be respected. The biggest power on this planet is love and kindness. Humanity is in a state of disaster. Panic. Hatred. But hate never beats love. Because love has more power than hate.

I was bullied for over 6 years. I learnt alot across the years. I learnt to overcome. Learnt to love. Learnt to forgive. I am human. I am not a robot. I am not a stranger anymore. I am me. And if people wanna judge me for who I am then I say.... I forgive them. And I know that they can change.

Like Martin Luther King once said, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Humanity is changing. The world is awakening. And more and more people are realising the reality. The reality of social media. The reality of trauma. The reality of life. This is who we are. And together we form as 1.

We live in a big world. Scary. Isn't it? But its to beautiful. Its so beautiful how the sun rises. How then stars glimmer every night. How the wind howls. Isn't it? and we dont realise how beautiful it really is until..... we think about it. Think deeply about it and you will find how beautiful it is.

If your feeling alone right now. just know that.....

Your strong. Even if you dont believe it.

Your worthy. Even if you dont believe it.

You can get through this.

I am here for you.

We are here for you.

Thanks for reading, This is me, Bunny and this is my world.

Take care,


LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


Couldn’t have said it better 💙

amiableBunny4016 OP November 6th, 2023


Alright the more phrases I can name that are *** about me the more I win 😭 because why not remind myself of my *** self and what people think of me! Readyyy? 

mytwistedsoul November 6th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 No. Those are her words you're reminding yourself of. Her words don't count. They hurt I know 😞 but they don't count

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


nope. they don’t count. not one bit. 💜

amiableBunny4016 OP November 6th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul @LoveMyMoonflowers @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

this isnt fairrr 😂😭😭😭😭 i win and thats the end of the game. 😭😭😭 because im gonna pull out the "@amiablebunny4016's space" thread and being older doesnt count 😂😭 because you are gonna have to cope with the 14 year old baby eyes 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and you cant reject the baby eyes? 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 6th, 2023


but you never said my bullies or my dad doesnt count :p or anyone else's on here

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


bullies certainly do not count. you don’t deserve that bunny bean 😞 i know it can be so so hard :/ they keep doing the same things over and over and it just gets too much. like soul buddy says… it hurts, yes, but what they say doesn’t really count. it just doesn’t. 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 6th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul @LoveMyMoonflowers @Sunisshiningandsoareyou


LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


in that case we’ll go with sunshine’s plan B. Naps + magical cookies 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

cookies for all 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪


mytwistedsoul November 6th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 *closes eyes* nope nope nope I see no baby eyes. Only people who agree with me count in this argument- so there. Nah nah boo-boo 🤪 I'm sure we can get together a list of people here that feel the same way about you that we do 💙 

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


baby eyes from Nii 🥺🥺🥺🥺 we win yes we do 🥺🥺🥺 here’s a cookie or two for you 🍪🍪

mytwistedsoul November 6th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers *peeks through fingers* what magic do these cookies possess? 👀  Protection from sad puppy eyes? 

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


ah, well, magic. these cookies possess a great power, the power to cause the tongue to crave more of it, uh… the power to cause one to crave more cookies 🍪🍪🍪 i believe this power is called sweetness 😋😋😋 also they possess sleepy beams 💤 for those who wanna sleep 🛌 no you won’t be protected from sad puppy eyes 🥺🥺🥺

i know that didn’t make any sense 😭

mytwistedsoul November 6th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers I'm always ready for more cookies! It's good that they make people that are ready to sleep sleepy. It made perfect sense to me 😁

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


Mhm 💜 im glad it made sense 😅 lols. 

mytwistedsoul November 6th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 If you were an awful person you wouldn't be here in the way that you are. You wouldn't be trying to lift people up and helping them see the good in them. You would encourage and support them. You wouldn't care about them the way you do. You wouldn't hold the hurt you feel so close to yourself. If you were bad - you wouldn't do so much good 💙

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


I need to save that. That was beautiful 🤧 and absolutely true. 

mytwistedsoul November 6th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers 1000% true! 💙

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


90000000000000000000000% true 😁

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023

I think I just broke my calculator 🧐

mytwistedsoul November 6th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers LOL! That literally made me laugh out loud 😂

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul always happy to make you laugh buddy 🥺💕

mytwistedsoul November 6th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers I can't argue with that number at all! 

Is @amiableBunny4016 preparing her argument? 😊 

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


nope because we’ve won already. now we can all eat cookies together 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 nom nom nom 

mytwistedsoul November 6th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers Happy cookie dance!devsisters-cookie-run.gif

hmm.... These cookies don't really look very happy 😬 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 6th, 2023


i gotta go to sleep now :p ill argue with you lot tommorow after school /jkjk. take care for now <3 love you uu both

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


bunny bean wait, take these cookies 🍪🍪 they will make you sleepy 💤 i hope you can get some rest bunny bean. please be safe <3 love you so so much. 

mytwistedsoul November 6th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 *hugs Bunny tight* sleep good 💙 Please know you're loved - in the here and now - you ARE loved by us here 💙

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


always. Always loved. 

mytwistedsoul November 6th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers definitely 💙 Always

*Sigh* The cups cops said I voted up too many of your posts today (apparently that's a real thing people do?) 😐 so I'll have to get them later 😊

LoveMyMoonflowers November 6th, 2023


ouh :0 i didn’t know that was a thing. No worries 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 7th, 2023

welcome to bunny having a panic attack

LoveMyMoonflowers November 7th, 2023


awwe no ): *sits with you* 💜 do you think some grounding would help? 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 7th, 2023

i cant *** breathe

LoveMyMoonflowers November 7th, 2023


bunny bean…? 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 7th, 2023



LoveMyMoonflowers November 7th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 OP November 7th, 2023

her words keep circling my head

amiableBunny4016 OP November 7th, 2023

i hear screaming in my head

amiableBunny4016 OP November 7th, 2023

everything hurts