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Modal0154 April 27th, 2023

Sigiendo desde aqui 5 of 5: The hypothetical equivalent to a journal from the old journal section - 7 Cups Forum

It is a weird thing when something goes bunk on my 'Archiver0' account, wherein I can access the listener account I tried making once which I thought long deleted but not the member account which I've been using for a while now but can enter through this rrreally old account, reactivate and continue my 7cups presence from here.

=~= All this b/c of how iffy the account deletion processes are and how this site seems to have an issue if you attach a previously used email to a new identity on here ?.

Modal0154 OP May 7th, 2023

Leave also body wash,Gunplay set and take tooth brush from there

Modal0154 OP May 7th, 2023

Still need to find backpack analogue

Exercise is either videos at parents or going to the place which I'm garnering reservations for. Biking would be nice if whether permits.


Do a few other appointment, maybe during a break week before circling back to counseling with someone else

Modal0154 OP May 10th, 2023
Gunpla set
Modal0154 OP May 7th, 2023

Call Amazon to check if I have prime or not plus whether refunds for certain things were ever processed.

Modal0154 OP May 8th, 2023

Kristen Schaal and Regina Spektor can both pass for relatives or sisters imo.

Modal0154 OP May 8th, 2023

The mortality and senescence of the family dog got to me on taking her out yesterday.

Modal0154 OP May 9th, 2023
It's 2023. I realize how come a bit after the turn of the year my father will be in the lowest
legal age for the age of retirement in Canada and come early into the 1/4 mark of this century, mymother will as well.Remarkable.
Modal0154 OP May 8th, 2023

D--n . An outcome of an extreme case of acute glaucoma.

The Dark Realities Of Being Blind - YouTube

Neat to see Cracked animating there articles (I Woke Up Blind: 5 Dark (And Drunk) Realities After Sight | )

Modal0154 OP May 10th, 2023

purposely will do unhealthy thing. Eat (even if healthy-ish cereal before sleeping..I find that I doze off more easily if the restlessness of my body is directed towards digestion so as let my mind settle down more (beyond the hopeful sating flavourfulness of a meal).

After fixations, I don't spell as well and my grammar might be a bit more off. The equivalent of slurred and mumbled speech by ppl who are 'in their cups'.

Modal0154 OP May 10th, 2023

meaningful for someone

Modal0154 OP May 10th, 2023

am I ever allowed to enter pornography use confidently and leave pornography use confidently ?

Modal0154 OP May 10th, 2023

Shopping is stressful. Shopping is a chore and we sucker ourselves to much in thinking it's a needed and unavoidable addiction (like cellular device use) if we seriously think that it's neccesary..

What f--g got to me yesterday was how my intended break days weren't do-able since it'd overlap with the non-presence of a coworker due to their break as well.

Draw string backpack and a pursuit of two literal 10 pound weights..>_< @~@ ...even I could drive to those locations that is still qualifiably a f--g chore in terms of mustering myself to accomplish the banal task of getting components needed for other banal, usually, honestly not too enjoyable tasks (exercising--f--k the neccesity of the doldrum, torture of upper body strength exercises in contrast to aerobics).

Modal0154 OP May 10th, 2023

massage therapy place is way limited for appointment openings,acupuncture appointment arrangement place is a I still have flotation tank place login info ?

Modal0154 OP May 10th, 2023

mild scolosis bring-up for massage therapy

Modal0154 OP May 10th, 2023

Even if I did know how to travel shopping would still be an unappealing chore.

Modal0154 OP May 10th, 2023

My morning was spent fruitlessly busing to both known Walmarts and the predicted disappointment of the best dumbbells not being there after 8 lbs. I meaning to call the stores after work, to inform me of when those specific products arrive.

Haven't eaten as much as I would've liked and I'm starting to see the appeal of a new vest.

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

+: Finally bought matching 10 lb dumbbells from a hardware store near the suburban second Walmart I went to

-: not being there to look out for the 2nd expected Amazon package meant for my brother which he texted me about as I approach the finally resultant store =___= >_< sister called and I brought this up to the recently house arrived her, who told me how she'd look out for it as it might well still be on the way

F--k and curse how the most inelastic inconveniences pop up just as feel on the verge of something plus it isn't wieldy to be lugging literal 20 lbs on locally famously crowded buses ._.

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

To confirm a positive element, both my brother's intended package arrived

Modal0154 OP May 10th, 2023

Hating having to shave again and the whininess of this journal.

The Jamie Hewlett art book arriving for me was cool as was seeing a publicly shared bike with the exact spelling of my mom's name.

Modal0154 OP May 10th, 2023

Do what bit of exercise I can..

so much food at risk of spoiling, so much hassle time it'd take to buy the drawstring backup and weights before or after work, so much effort to visit parent's place again just by tomorrow

Modal0154 OP May 10th, 2023

lousy grip strength

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

I've been having such questionable stresses since April that I think I'll decide to gush about something I can assure some amount of positivity whence expressing about:

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

b/c I don/t want to risk starting taking things for granted and/or overlooking them,I'll say stuff about the MTV unplugged events I've watched

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

in what follows is a lack of mention for country, which I sympathize w/but seems somewhat daunting to get into esp.since the 'high hit-or-miss appeal' will wear me out particularly with older stuff I worry and jazz since I went through that phase ~2 yrs+ ago and came out of it saying how I'm not too sure that I like 'pure jazz' all that much but can at least say that to me, 'cool jazz' come Miles Davis takes away the maudlin vibe of big band and the likes of Jethro Tull, 'A tribe called quest' instrumentals and Scatman John have special places of fondness to me.

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

Rick Beato might come off to me as something of a griper. A proficient, musically professional griper but a griper nethertheless:

In the video wherst he brought up what he thinks caused the decline of rock music after the turn of the century he explains mainly pinpoints it to how nu metal was the first drastically less blues based rock genre (even though the signs were already beginning to show with grunge). I can see where he's coming from since lyrically it takes a fair amount of methods from hip-hop and instrumentally I suppose it's closer to punk rock more so than it's claims to heavy metal..

I remember him bringing up how shifts in pop,hip-hop, some American music copyright law stuff in the 90's were also factor but the mention of the MTV unplugged events being a part of it..`_` =_= I mean given how the events were highlighting the most popular of the then contemporary groups to hypothetically perform really stripped down and near acapella (which might well make you do paradigm shifts for what you do lyrically once your that popular)..I can see where he might've come from w/that..

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

Korn unplugged

My fascination with Jonathan Davis which offshoot w/my fascination with Anne Rice after finally watching 'Queen of the damned' and it's earnest mediocrity after years of memories of the enticing trailers 11 yr old me saw on that one channel that always looped through pay-per-view content commercials was fruitful in one sense b/c of what learning about Davis's multi-star invoking soundtrack involvement panned out to

non-sequitur: as embarassing as it might be to say..Linkin Park's late Chester Bennington and Coldplay's Chris Martin are to the two vocalists I prob. have the longest familiarity with. Really think that Rooster teeth/'Death battle's' Brandon Yates takes after Chester in some of his less power metal-y outputs with his yelling (exs. , "Hedge of Tomorrow" by @BrandonYates alt vocal clip for @deathbattle - YouTube )

I'd like to admit now how I've got limits as to how much loud limits I can listen to not only b/c it can exhaust me into feeling ennui maybe promptly but b/c of my somewhat tinnitus so it makes dipping my toes into rock via the unplugged events all that more appealing to me

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023
Korn unplugged was fun is what I mean to say
Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

Also why I loovve lullaby covers of adult age music artists

ex. Tender - Lullaby Renditions of Blur - Rockabye Baby! - YouTube

easier on my ringing ears

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

Pearl Jam..

'_' *sigh* ._. this is where I can see ppl getting upset or disappointed by me..

>_< ^~^ *sigh*...I didn't really like it too'd be too mean-spirited to call it a waste of time but I was trying to enjoy it but didn't really see the appeal of that name I hear get thrown around somewhat.

Them plus Tool,Alice in chains and Nirvana, I get it, something like 'the big 4' of grunge that important faction within 'alt-rock' when rock was trying to find it's way after the glam and hair metal showboating of the 80's. Alt-rock which led to the 00's flavours of pop rock like Creed, Breaking Benjamin and after The killers, Panic at the disco, Bullet for my valentine, My chemical romance, Evanescence and the those overlaps btw alt- or pop rock and emo which I'm remorse to say I can't name any of, but it remains memorable to me in terms of what I saw in high school

...cue the late 00's+, music downloading being an industry m.o. everyone needs to chew on, the questionable mellowness and/or melancholy of the indie stuff for which you raise an eyebrow thinking "is this truly them doing their best ?, or are they just lazy and/or low on ideas ?,this is what they're doing in the face of so much apparent rip-offs from music downloading models ?' yadda, yadda, etc,etc

This might d--n well be more deserving of explanation with little charts by someone more knowledgable than I ..

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

my jab at making a timeline trying to explain this..


Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

`_` >_< next to 'pop punk' how could've I forgotten to input 'Green day' ?

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

somewhere the RHCP ?, in a less limited chart maybe

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

Pearl Jam..

'_' *sigh* ._.

>_< ^~^ *sigh*...I didn't like it too much. I tried too, I really did. The 'Keep on rocking in the free world' finale was fine ( )even if mainly b/c it reminded me of one of Nardwaur's slogans but I kind of sympathize with this Family guy take (Family Guy 90s Singers. - YouTube)


=_= don't pretend like hip-hop after Drake, after 'mumblecore' doesn't do something else just as low effort and tries to get away with it via uninspired and bombastic presentation

that jokey observation on 'making every vowel into an a' and saying it through a moan-y, dragged out groan like yell..I hear it in Alanis Morissette and Shakira

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

I would like to say how much of an influence moan-y, dragged out groan like yell is for me even if I won't try to contrive out an 'a' sound..I felt myself opting for that approach during karaoke of 'Dreaming Californication'. You might say it was b/c of the strain getting to someone as unskilled as me getting to me but it truly is a feature I associate with English language music which isn't hip-hop or too on-the-nose pop like


Second behind in my mind, is the dragging yelling of the late Bennington like in this contribution into Aaliyah's last movie

Queen Of The Damned - Chester Bennington - System - 2002 - Lyric Video - YouTube ..Scream like Chester Bennington from Linkin Park - YouTube <-- '_' d this is what I hear in what Brandon Yates does for a fair amount of 'Death battle' songs

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

Oh look mumblecore =u=


Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

0:05-0:40 ^_^ Admittedly clever

Modal0154 OP May 12th, 2023

It's astounding how the non-American production which the 'Jet set radio's soundtrack still holds up. What little I can say with more surety about my opinions on hip-hop.

Modal0154 OP May 19th, 2023

Alanis Morissette unplugged was barely better than the Pearl Jam unplugged thing to me. '_' `_` Again it bothers me to say it in that, I should like them b/c they were so significant if not innovative during their novel prime but it's none too outstanding to me.

I'm realizing now that the songs I liked which they did near the end of both those events were covers ('Keep on rocking in the free world' is a Neil Young song which Pearl jam covered and 'Kings of pain' was originally 'The police' but I enjoyed Morissette's cover as I could see it as a slow dance song)

Modal0154 OP May 11th, 2023

I knew here initially in the barely comprehensible accent and voice of the music video for 'Suerte' ('Luck') or 'Whenever, wherever' as Anglophonics might know it better as* when she entered that market w/'Laundry service' but the MTV unplugged event for her is something special to me, like it was a final capstone of what she accumulated solely while performing in Spanish before trying her hand in English language stuff (my opinion on that is a blurb for another day) hearing her signature moan-y, dragged out groan like yell from when she still only did stuff in Spanish is going to stick out to me and take on a different significance since (I don't know how intentional this was of her all those years ago now etc) but in my mind it's not all too outlandish a vocal texture b/c of that..Morrissette is the closest there is among English language female performers to do something akin to that

* MadTV was too mean Mad TV - Shakira (Whenever Wherever Parody) - YouTube


but Grande was more fair ^_^ and had the right idea