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Pieces of the Jigsaw

Everlee October 9th, 2021

Hello there, I am Everlee, a teenager who is struggling with a couple of issues. I just want my thoughts to be somewhere and that's why I am starting this thread. I don't mind having comments on this thread as long as they are supportive. :)

There might be some triggers in my posts, so please be careful of not triggering yourself and read further at your own risk. Have a great one!

Everlee OP June 17th, 2022

I don't know, I just don't know, why me? What have I done? How can I make this right? How can I just get rid of this? How can I start again? I am so clueless. I don't know how I got here, I don't know how to get out of here, I don't know what have I done I don't know why I'm wandering, I don't recognize myself, I don't know who I am, why me? just why me? I wish there was a way out of this but I don't even know where I am, in the middle of nowhere? and how do I talk about something that can be expressed?

Everlee OP June 19th, 2022
And I drive myself crazy
Thinking everything's about me
Holding on
Why is everything so heavy?
Holding on
To so much more than I can carry
I keep dragging around what's bringing me down
If I just let go, I'd be set free
Holding on
Why is everything so heavy?

- Heavy by Linkin Park
Everlee OP June 19th, 2022
I sometimes wish I was a better daughter lol like how bad can a person even be? So disrespectful, so annoying, someone who has so much but she still is so selfish, someone who always got most of the things and yet she couldn't be grateful, how bad can a person be? Just how much, I sometimes hate myself for this, this depression, this abandonment, everything I hate him for no reason, he is trying to become a good dad but I end up being the depressed annoying kid and then i complain about his anger? isn't that something I should already expect? But nah I feel that he manipulates me, nothing in this family is working right, honestly it's better if I leave them but then would I not be even more selfish, i am afraid to take up the responsibilities and I dont wish to abandon these people at all but this wont work, this just wont I think i would be more grateful for them, I think i would love them more and know their importance coz I am just a failure and look at them, bro they are where they wished to be, they dont regret their jobs, they love it where they are and me? I am just a disappointment, I wish someday I could stop crying I wish I never thought about it, I wish I never did that, I wish I stayed, I wish I turned my back on time, I wish oh how I wish for many things bich you are selfish nobody can love you and nobody should love you you are the worst, what are you? a living corpse who is waiting for death to come to her coz she can't do anything to herself? Wow such a failure lol, ah how I wish things were better but la vida es la vida
Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 20th, 2022

❤ @Everlee ❤


Andddd some icecream-cake! 🤗

Everlee OP June 22nd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Aw hey sunny, thank you so much for all of thoseee *Sending some right back to youu* how have you been? c:

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 22nd, 2022


Aww hehe thankieees *receives* 🥰

Leee Leeee I'm doing okie. How's you?

Everlee OP June 27th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Awe sun the okie is more like there's a scope of improvement, any better than before? c: *gives sun ice cream* I'm doing pretty good *the* exam is finally over haha and I have some more left before I am active on cups again! c':

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 28th, 2022


Hehe you lovely lovely! Yess, scope for improvement always lol :') hanging in there hehe, the tight hug and comfy blanket wrap sure helped 🥺❤

thankieees for the ice cream tooo 🥰 *shares with you and nomss*

Glad *the* exam is over lol, and aww too many exams, we miss our lovely Leee Leee, no worries though, worth all the wait always. 🤗

How's you doing? Besides well the exams c:

Everlee OP June 22nd, 2022


Everlee OP June 22nd, 2022


Everlee OP June 22nd, 2022


Everlee OP June 22nd, 2022


I was 9 when I was 9 🍂

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 22nd, 2022

Haha these last 4 posts are so relatable xD *hugsssss*

Specially the last one lol :') not relatable per se, but hits differently!

Oooh and yes yes, we all can use a quarantine from our brain once in a while hehe 🤧❤

Everlee OP June 27th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou not relatable? Sun were you 15 when you were 9? how? :p /j

Haha I understand that and *hugssssss tightly the wonderful sunshine and wraps you in a comfy blanket*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 28th, 2022


Smh Lee Lee 😛

Awww *heart melts* you are sooooo lovely! *gets wrapped and hugs back tightttt* 🤗❤

selflessSpruce1515 July 1st, 2022




Everlee OP July 9th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 Aw sprucee thank youuu so much for this, I know I'm super late but it really means a lotttt to meee! You are wonderful! c:

Everlee OP July 9th, 2022

What did 3 am thoughts teach me? To cry about the things I can't change? Well, done that, a heck lotta times. Did things change? No. Did it make things worse? Yes for sure, gave me anxiety, panic attacks, worst thoughts, nightmares, made me overthink every single thing, wasted so much time, added so much unnecessary hate in my mind, made me question my decisions. Is this any similar to how I wanted my life to be? No, never. I was surviving, I had hope, I wasn't getting better but I wasn't this bad as well. To the person I've become today, my lovely anxiety, thank you but I didn't ask for it. I'm thankful for the knowledge I've gained but I can't live like this anymore, the time has come and I need to change this. No this isn't coz of the random motivation or anything like that but coz I feel the need to change and this time, it isn't for anyone else but me because clearly, running away from things got me closer to them, maybe facing them will help me get rid of them. Old doors don't open new ways and when I need to survive in this world then why to hide when I can fight? I know I can do it, I know I have wasted just so much time but I also know that I have chance to live the life I wanted to and if not now then I am sure I will never be able to do it. I will never be able to change people's opinion but at least I can work on myself to be strong enough to ignore all the unnecessary hate because I've learnt that fighting with some people is just useless and even winning those fights is just as useless. I can't love everyone but I can at least stop this random hate chain that I have been a part of for such a long time and was surprisingly blind enough to not to notice it. If the conversation is about hate, I won't talk, if it's about something that makes me cringe, I won't talk, if it's about something because of which I feel bad about myself, I won't talk. Boundaries are important, everywhere, learnt it the hard way but proud to accept it. Trying to part with the things that are not required will only make me try more and fail eventually but stopping it completely, I wouldn't have any excuse left and I'll do that, I'll be harsh on myself now to earn the future I dreamt of. I will do everything to get there and I am ready to give what it takes. I need to work today in order to get where I wish to because it may be a series of bad chapters but I know there will be a good chapter, a better one, that will make me feel all of it, all the trauma, all the flashbacks, all the urges, everything was worth it and I'll patiently wait for that chapter to come. I will get there eventually. I am confident enough that I will but till then I'll work on myself, I won't sit with the dreams, I will make them happen because I don't want this to continue, I don't want that cycle of doubt to continue and only I can change myself, only I can change my situation and only my efforts can make my dreams come true because I want to be optimistic for once and even if all my plans don't work out, I won't feel bad because I've already wasted enough time thinking about all the worst things that can happen, thanks to overthinking for showing me every single way how things can go wrong and I'm even more ready to prove my own thoughts wrong. I'll do what it takes, I'm ready to fall, I'm ready to fight with the pain, I'm ready to be the last one in the race but I'm also ready to complete the race because even if I am the last one, I'd be proud enough to say that I completed the race and I won the fight with my own thoughts which is what matters the most to me. One day I'll get there till then, I'll work hard.

Everlee OP July 10th, 2022


Everlee OP July 9th, 2022

Follow the regular exercise schedule.

Complete at least 3 topics everyday.

Do not overthink about those who spread hate.

Leave what is unnecessary.

Think about all that they have done for you.

Don't stop, move ahead.

Stay away from -----

Keep track of your time.

Do what is important.

Think about what you actually wanna do.

Time wait for nobody, you need to be quick.

There's a long way ahead.

You haven't even reached 50% of it.

It will be worth it.

You got this!

You will get there.

Hope, for the last time, just hope.

Everlee OP July 10th, 2022


selflessSpruce1515 July 10th, 2022


That's so powerful, my friendsie 🤗 It shows a lot of strength to leave behind someone who doesn't give you the love you deserve 💖

Everlee OP July 10th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 🤗 That is extremely true!

Everlee OP July 10th, 2022

Stop it. Stop it. They aren't going to be there for you and you aren't go to be there for them so why are you overthinking about something that isn't going to help you in any way? Just let it be, you gotta stop being jealous of people and yes you are jealous, admit it, ADMIT IT. Now, we can finally try to work on how to find peace in yourself rather than being jealous of someone else for any any any damn reason. You don't need them. You weren't like this, you need to cut off the people who have made you this way. You need to let your actions speak more than your texts. You need to stop with finding flaws in everything. You need to believe in yourself and to work on yourself till you get where you wish to. You have to accept yourself but you don't have to settle with this version of yourself. You need to move on, you have a life ahead. You have so much more to do. Your dreams are big and these factors won't let you achieve them so eliminate them, just do it for yourself and you'll be proud of yourself, one day. It's okay to be selfish for yourself. You need to be selfish sometimes but you don't need to behave like the beast you have become, let it go. You know there's more to come.

Everlee OP July 11th, 2022

You need to know that you only have so much time left to prove yourself and if you don't start now then there's no fucking way you are getting where you always wanted to. Work hard bitch, you are nowhere near your dreams, a little bit of harshness won't affect too much. This leniency ain't gonna take you anywhere.

Everlee OP July 11th, 2022

Pretend you never saw this, sorry for my language 😀👍

selflessSpruce1515 July 11th, 2022


It's okieeee 😀 ❤️ I had a feeling that the text was supposed to be white 😀

Everlee OP July 11th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 You're smort Spruce, it was definitely supposed to be white, thank you for ignoring it though, Imma send some holy water jic anyone needs it after reading the post 😀👍

selflessSpruce1515 July 11th, 2022


Hehe, of courseeee 💖 And lmaoooo, holy water cures all 😌✨

Everlee OP July 12th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 facts 😌

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 12th, 2022


Magic ✨

Everlee OP July 12th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I knew it, I kneww!! I alwayss kneww you were magical!! Thank youuu for showing your magicc, you magical sunnn!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 12th, 2022

@Everlee aw hehe *hugs leee* ❤

Everlee OP July 12th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou *hugsss hugsss sunnn* 🤍

Everlee OP July 13th, 2022

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Dont say a word. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Dont tell them. Show them the results. Show them the results. Show them the results. Show them the results. Show them the results. Show them the results. Show them the results. Show them the results. Show them the results. Show them the results. Show them the results. Show them the results.

Everlee OP July 14th, 2022

You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. You need to change. For yourself.

helpfulOcean6350 July 14th, 2022

@Everleehi there

Everlee OP July 14th, 2022

@helpfulOcean6350 Hello there

helpfulOcean6350 July 14th, 2022

@Everlee good to hear frm u

Everlee OP July 14th, 2022

@helpfulOcean6350 You too!