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My little lone space

navyHouse3677 December 18th, 2021

Well there's nothing good about me.... Everyone just want me teasing everywhere around.....

I have started feeling depressed again... I don't really love to be a girl who don't deserve to be cared because I am not the one who actually ever helped anyone over here....

I am just over reacting again and again.. No matter what.. I am just gonna live like a stupid girl....

I know this post would be worst feeling post but.... Still I just want to write my feelings down somewhere...

Really sorry for making stupid post..

navyHouse3677 OP March 3rd, 2022


Bhaiya 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Best of luck for boards and college entrance exams..!

*hugs tight*

If I am not wrong boards are from 26th April right?

navyHouse3677 OP March 3rd, 2022


And Bhaiya🥺 do take of yourself too.. Idk.. I send you a letter by someone.. Idk if you got that Or not..

navyHouse3677 OP March 16th, 2022


How are you bhaiya 💜💜

How's your preparation going on?

navyHouse3677 OP March 1st, 2022

I don't think I amade for anything!!!!!

Just stupid everywhere, I know I always made my cups friends upset sorry for that, I don't deserve to be anywhere in this world...... I .. Am sorry to everyone I've troubled on cups

navyHouse3677 OP March 2nd, 2022


*hugs angelevil🥺🥺🥺*

navyHouse3677 OP March 2nd, 2022
  • @Angelx28
  • Jamaica is having a competition of pain between headaches and cramps 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
navyHouse3677 OP March 2nd, 2022


Can't go with it anymore.. Have exam tomorrow

navyHouse3677 OP March 2nd, 2022


Need to study.. Angelevil...

This post has been deleted
navyHouse3677 OP March 2nd, 2022


No reileif don't even have a chocolate.. Today 😭😭😭

navyHouse3677 OP March 2nd, 2022



navyHouse3677 OP March 5th, 2022


Angel 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💜💜💜.

Thank you so much 💜💜💜💜 it matters a tons to me!!!

navyHouse3677 OP March 5th, 2022


Angel 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💜💜💜

*hugs you tightly*

navyHouse3677 OP March 5th, 2022


Idk.. I just again feeling sad :( ....

I don't know angel maybe navy can't ever be.. Happy in world

navyHouse3677 OP March 5th, 2022


Trying to be happy but .. Can't.. Feels all time different..mood swings bad.. Bery bad..

navyHouse3677 OP March 5th, 2022

Hello my diary 💜

Yesterday... Was a day i never thought.. That it would go that bad... But yeah anyways I guess I should just move on with grief that no one even care in my relative about me... Just once I wish I want to meet my nani... Before she left me.. In this world.. I wrote a poem too on her.. But idk.. It might be not good.. One..

I just miss every old peeps here who used to be a lot online before October came... Everything got changed. Almost everywhere... November became worst month for me... Then December.. What can I say month passed in exams but in end of December we were taken to picnic.. Idk what I felt there. I was someone else inside me who was enjoying.. Picnic.. Like a inside child woke up suddenly on picnic.... But again that went somewhere else from early next day ...

January starting was even crying then wave 3 hit india... Making another lockdown .. And that time we were just told to prepare for final exams.. And whole month passed in preparation.. Then February came.. A month full of exams again.. And March is going on now.. Let's see what happened next...

navyHouse3677 OP March 6th, 2022

Hi if anyone here on my diary..

I yesterday had an exam.. And.. Idk.. How it went but it just.. Like I feel it went good at sometime and sudden moment I feel worst like I would fail.. Idk what to do :/

navyHouse3677 OP March 7th, 2022


i wish my brain say same thing.... but it isn't it is saying you did all worst no body can do any thing of you even after so much hardwork you are a loser...

and with body wieght same things happen and mostly ... it has only negative names...

navyHouse3677 OP March 7th, 2022


🥺🥺🥺🥺 yesh you're right angel 💜💜i should stop listening this voice.

navyHouse3677 OP March 7th, 2022


Hugs angel 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 7th, 2022

Leaving lots of comfy hugs for Navy. 🤗💜🤗

navyHouse3677 OP March 7th, 2022



Hugs sun tightly

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 7th, 2022

@navyHouse3677 *is here with youu* 🤗💜

Shares chocolates 🍫🍫

navyHouse3677 OP March 7th, 2022


Sunn 💜💜 noms chocolate and shares cups cookies 🍪 with u 💜



Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 7th, 2022

@navyHouse3677 how sweet, thankyouu, lovely. 💜 *Noms cookieees* super duper yummm these are, I'll have to hop in again for more. 😛

navyHouse3677 OP March 7th, 2022


Sure 💜💜💜

*offer more cookies🍪🍪 to sun 💜💜*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 7th, 2022

@navyHouse3677 *nomsss* thankieees. 💜

༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

How's Navy doing today/ night?

navyHouse3677 OP March 7th, 2022


It's almost 2am for navy 😛😛😛

Rn navy 😛 isn't sleeping that's all

How's sun 💜😛😛 doing💜?

navyHouse3677 OP March 11th, 2022

Hello my diary.

I just want to say.. These days aren't planing to go away.

I just want these stupid worst days to end.. . But it doesn't seem to end..

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 11th, 2022

@navyHouse3677 (I'm sorry I didn't receive your previous tag :/ and i don't even see the option to reply to that one lol... *Blames it on forum changes* 😔)

Sun is doing alright and hanging in there too, hang with sun? :p 🦥❤️

*Sits with Navy and hugsss* ❤️

navyHouse3677 OP March 11th, 2022


Angel 🥺🥺🥺🥺..

I mean seriously i don't want myself in these bad days...

navyHouse3677 OP March 14th, 2022


Angel💜🥺🥺🥺 don't even have words to express my tears currently

navyHouse3677 OP March 15th, 2022


Angel 💜💜💜💜💜💜🥺

How's you 💜?

navyHouse3677 OP March 16th, 2022


How's your preparation going on :0?

navyHouse3677 OP March 17th, 2022


I am doing great

Wanna see what I made today..

It's not that good but still

This is what I made -

navyHouse3677 OP March 17th, 2022


Oh :(...

This post has been deleted
navyHouse3677 OP March 22nd, 2022


Check out this then

navyHouse3677 OP March 22nd, 2022


I wish same my parents said :'D

navyHouse3677 OP March 24th, 2022


I made one more too wanna see : )

It's not that good.. But yeah..

Mom said stop these drawings or dad will be mad on me

But that's ok, this was my last :')

navyHouse3677 OP March 29th, 2022


Aww angel 🥺🥺🥺💜💜💜💜

Thanks for the reminder 💜

navyHouse3677 OP April 4th, 2022


I'm alright, just preparing for my new day in school from 6th April and thinking how far I've came in my school life so many memories and all..

What about you angel💜💜?