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Mack’s Guide on how (not) to be an Adult

Mack May 23rd, 2023

Hellooooooo and welcome to another one of my threadsssss. This one will feature my new journey as a (legal) “adult” xD Mostly just to keep in touch with all of my lovely teenie friends when I age up since that was requested. I will tag a few people but I’m tired and can’t think of a ton of usernames so feel free to tag anyone I miss :’)

Tagging- @ALeXaNdEe0712 @TabbyCat97 @OliveTree1728 @Axtyn @Astraeuss @DarkerPlaces @selflessSpruce1515 @Nomifordays @teenytinyturtle and anyone else I may be missing. Sorry if I did miss you and I hope someone does tag you :’)

Astraeuss June 4th, 2023


im a idiotic person what can i say 🤷 but thank you💜 you’ve done so much for me over these past few years as well and it makes me so proud to say that you have helped me become a better person and brought me through so much. anywya dont be a idiot either ✨

Nomifordays June 4th, 2023


aww mack ❤ tysm:') ilyt and you got Alexa t to learn too. We can help each other yk? be nice to urself 😃

mysteriousClover June 4th, 2023


maacckk mackk that made my day (':

i hope the oldies haven't been treating you poorly, if they haaave just follow your own advice and bite them (:

how has the oldie side been :0

#1, thank you for being you too, i'm so so glad i was able to meet you, you're such a good friend too

now #2, i require those leggings, i have run out of all other black leggings, and since you are an adult now you must have big kid money to get yourself more leggings (: jooooooking but still. when i age up (yes i know that is 5 years from now and highly unlikely) i WILL get them (: no doubt about it

yess there will be plenty of tree mishaps, i guarantee that. and also yeeeesss camp is so so soon (:

and last of all before i leave you to the oldies, that is a good life lesson, tbh i'm surprised it doesn't involve biting peoplee xD

byee byeeeee mackkkk talk to youu sooonnnnnn

June 4th, 2023


u are missed Mack I don't like saying goodbye to people or people leaving, I really do miss seeing u around and it feels different without u

I hope u are ok and know that I'm always here for u too, remember u have people n ur corner Mack people that do care about u. And I'm thinking of u always, hoping u are ok and safe and eating and that mochi and yoshi are good and Asher, that won't change not matter what, when u make such an impact n someone's life u can't forget someone just cause they ain't around like they used to. And if when things get rough cause that's what happens remember that there's people that really care about u and that think u are amazing and u deserve the best and all good stuff and even if it feels like it, u ain't alone

ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ💜🤍


DarkerPlaces June 4th, 2023

Thx Mack we already miss u tons in SR n TCR lol i hope ur causing chaos as always 🤣

Mack OP June 4th, 2023

@Astraeuss @Nomifordays @OliveTree1728 @mysteriousClover @ALeXaNdEr0712 @DarkerPlaces

Thank you guys :’) You all are so sweet and I miss you all tons. Oldie side is… yeah. that’s all :’) it’s just is. I appreciate you all so much ❤️

And I may not have mentioned biting in my first lesson but biting is always and forever the answer to everything. Don’t you dare e v e r forget xD

Astraeuss June 8th, 2023


biting✨ first step of being a adult- respond to inconvincees the way a 2 year old would, bite and scream till ya get your way ✨

Nomifordays June 7th, 2023

m a c k

hru???? I miss seeing you around. hows adulting?

DarkerPlaces June 8th, 2023

Mack theres not enough chaos here anymore 😭

Nomifordays June 14th, 2023

mack come backkkkkkk you twerky turkey 😭😭😭

I miss youuuuu

what's up?

Mack OP August 21st, 2023

Hellooo my lovely teeniessss ❤️

Its been a h o t minute and I just wanted to check in on you guys and see how you are doing? I miss each and every one of you so freaking much 🥺 I hope you are all okay. I hope you have all been taking care of yourselves as best as you can even though I’m not there to harass you to do it daily hehe.

Here’s a little daily self care checklist for you all to follow (this is mandatory -_-)

  1. Eatttt foooddddd. It doesn’t have to be a lot or anything in specific, just be sure to eat a little bit everyday, food is important 🫶🏻
  2. Drink water- yes water. Plain old boring water. At least once a day. I mean it!
  3. Shower or take a bath. You don’t have to wash your hair or any of that good stuff. Just let the water run on you I don’t care if you don’t feel like it, just do it. If a shower feels too hard or feels like too much just sit in the bathtub. I promise it’ll help even if you don’t realize it right away.
  4. Say something kind to yourself. Even if you don’t believe it. You are wonderful people and I know you’re amazing, so if you don’t believe it, I will believe it for you.
  5. Take your meds (if applicable). It’s important!! Do not forget or put it off on anything like that. Just take them, it’ll only take a moment.
  6. Do something you enjoy, even if only for 15 minutes. I don’t care if it’s reading, writing, listening to music, some sort of art, going for a walk, watching your favorite TV show or movie, ect. Just do something you enjoy)

As for an update on how (not) to be an adult- do not base your worth on what others think of you. Do not allow others to tear you down or destroy you. Always remember the only person you will always have is yourself, be kind to you. Trust you. Stay true to you, and ALWAYS speak YOUR truth. These last couple months have been really difficult for me to apply that to myself but I’m getting there. If I can do it, I know you can too. I believe in you all.

Last but not least, just in case you haven’t heard it today or lately, I am so so proud of you. Don’t try to tell me there’s nothing to be proud of because there is. Even if you haven’t accomplished something big or anything like that, you woke up today and you existed and that’s huge. So I am so very proud of you today and always. And you can always find me here if you need anything, I’m just a tag away ❤️

Be good my friends, and stay chaotic 🫶🏻

@ALeXaNdEr0712 @OliveTree1728 @Astraeuss @Nomifordays @Axtyn @DarkerPlaces @mysteriousClover @BirdKing449 (I tried to remember everyone but it’s been so long so if I missed someone it wasn’t intentional XD)

Axtyn August 21st, 2023


awee mack ive missed youuu!! teenie side isnt nearly the same without you! How have you been holding up?

thank you for all the great reminders, and ofc the words of wisdom 😭💗 we miss you loads!

- axtyn 🍭

Mack OP August 21st, 2023


I’ve been alright. Ups and downs but I’ll be okay. I’ve missed you toooo and I hope everything is going okay for you 🫶🏻

Axtyn August 22nd, 2023


awh- stay strong mack 💓💓💓

DarkerPlaces August 21st, 2023

Hey Mack aw i miss u. Hows bein an adult? I hope ur havin fun n lifes bein good to u. I wish u were ATL so we can all still annoy u in SR lol fr tho its good to see u in forums

Mack OP August 21st, 2023


I miss you tooooooo, you can still annoy me in forums 😛 Being an adult isn’t my favorite thing ever but at least now I don’t need anyone’s permission to do most things XD How’s life been for you? I hope you’re taking care of yourself 🫶🏻

DarkerPlaces August 21st, 2023

Lol i cant wait until im 18 lol iv been ok its summer holidays just now n iv been so lazy lol not looking forward to school starting again next month tho 😭

DarkerPlaces August 21st, 2023

How the geckos? 🦎 i miss seeing all the pics of them n stuff, i agree with olive we need u back in teenie town to be chief chaos spreader lol 😂 theres a lack of chaos since u got old lol 😂 hope ur causing chaos on the other side 🤪 stay awesum mack 🤩

Mack OP August 21st, 2023


I spent my entire last month teaching y’all how to cause chaos, we’re you not listening?! 😭😭 All the animals are good and I added two more to the reptile collection :o

Nomifordays August 21st, 2023


Oh my freaking cheese sticks its mackkk! elloooooo. Thank you for all the lovely words of adult life and the checklist :') I hope ur doing alright ive missed u so muchh. I hope our kids are okay and you as well. be nice to yourself and take care of bingo and rolly ✨ tcks

Mack OP August 21st, 2023


MY babies are okay 😛 I’ve missed you heaps and I think about you all so much. I hope you’re doing okay? If you ever need anything just tag me here or somewhere else in forums and let me know 🫶🏻

Nomifordays August 26th, 2023


fine ill be mochi and yoshi fun aunt then 😀

im getting by and thanks. I miss u sooo much. im yeeting anyone/anything that harms you buttt I'm not yeeting you (:

BirdKing449 August 21st, 2023


I didn't end up getting the tag, but it did end up coming in my feed for the first time today which is awesome!

Hey Mack, hope you are well <3 I really really appreciate the reminders. I've missed you tons, and to be honest, before I saw this forum post I thought you might have deleted your account since I hadn't seen anything for you, and to be honest, I was too scared to check your profile. I know that sounds really silly, but what can I say? I'm a silly bird :p

Anyway, I hope you have been following your own reminders. I need to do these today. I've been struggling a bit, but wooooo 59 days clean!! I have a boyfriend, not sure if you were here for that. We've been dating nearly three months, and he is everything every guy should be. He accepts me for being trans, he makes sure everything is consensual including just kissing (he knows I have trauma from a past relationship), he's constantly making sure I'm okay, and that I'm safe and taking care of myself. I know it hasn't been three months yet let alone 6 months or more, but I love him so much. And I hope you find a partner (if you want one) that is like him, and who treats you with kindness. I hope everyone does, because that is what everyone deserves.

Sorry for that little rant, but I'm so glad to see you again, and I can't wait to keep up with more posts.


-Bird (River) (King)

Mack OP August 21st, 2023


I’m glad you were able to stumble across ittttt, hopefully this tag works XD

I miss you too and I hope you’re doing okay!! I’m sorry you’re struggling ): if there’s anything I can do to help let me know 🩵 But 59 days? :o That’s HUGE and I am beyond words proud of you!! Just keep taking it day by day, you’re doing amazing!

I’m so glad you found a partner who respects you for who you are and respects your boundaries, you deserve that. I hope everything there continues to go great, I’m happy for you 🫶🏻

BirdKing449 August 21st, 2023


Thank you so much <3 And yes the tag works :p I think what happened is I didn't realize they changed the colour of text when mentioned in a post so it just didn't register in my silly brain smh

I've very glad too <3 It's been a long ride but here I am, still going.

How are Mochi and Yoshi btw? And how about you? Here if you ever need anything, My friend <3

August 21st, 2023


🤨 u first

what was our deal? u eat I drink water ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

Mack OP August 21st, 2023


you need to do bothhhhhh smh

mysteriousClover August 22nd, 2023


mackkkkkkk i've missed you so muchhh, i hope the oldies are treating you alrightt

thank you for those lovely words of wisdom, but the same go to you always.

i finally made it to camp mack (': it was 6 weeks of utter awesomeness, and im so so glad i was able to do it. i went on a backpacking trip and a canoeing trip, and spent the rest of the time running around and being free. i needed it so much (': being back is something elseeee tho

i also made the 8th grade volleyball teammmmmmmmmmm and we had our first game today and lost but i started and played most of the game which was goodd

how have youuuu beenn?

Mack OP August 22nd, 2023


I’m so glad camp went well, I know you were really looking forward to it and it makes me happy to know you had fun ❤️

Yayy for volleyball team. I’m glad you were able to start and play most of the game. Not all of them will be a win but I’m sure you did great and I’m proud of you!

I’m okayyyy. Adult side is so much different than teen side and I’m still trying to adjust but we’re getting there. I miss you all a ton and I really hope things are going okay. Always here if you need me 🫶🏻

mysteriousClover August 26th, 2023


just because you're an oldie doesn't mean i've forgotten about those leggings that you owe me.

Mack OP August 21st, 2023


I hope you understand how bad all of that sounds out of context because…if I didn’t know the context I would be genuinely concerned 😭 I miss you so much and I hope everything is going okay for youuuu. Feel free to give me any life updates here if you’re comfy, I think about you all a ton and just hope you’re doing okay 🫶🏻

Mack OP August 22nd, 2023


I hope when you say insane it’s good insane :’) Getting lost seems like fun 😁 I’m okayyyyy and my life is boring as always lol. I haveeee been drinking water though, but you probably won’t be getting a frying pan xD

JemmyX0X0 August 21st, 2023

Mack are you an oldie now or are you aging up soon? 🥹🫡

Mack OP August 21st, 2023


ahaha I aged up a couple months ago. how are youuu?

JemmyX0X0 August 21st, 2023

@Mack omg no one told me 😭💀

Also I'm doing okay, on September 5th I'm going back to school but I'm okay

Mack OP August 21st, 2023


Oops xD I’m glad you’re doing okay and I hope school goes well for you!! 🫶🏻

JemmyX0X0 November 8th, 2023


I'm almost to the oldie side >_<

2 more months and then on January 6 I'll be on the oldie side

Mack OP November 9th, 2023


Aww you’re getting close!! Make the most of the time you’ve got left with your teenie friends, the last couple of months go quick :o

Try not to stress too much about aging up, it’s an adjustment and it can be hard- it’s wayyyyy different over here. But you’ll have some familiar faces (including me) to help you settle if you’d like ❤️

YourLocalBelle August 21st, 2023

@Mack hai^^ it’s nice to meet u and thanks for the thread

BirdKing449 September 27th, 2023

*pokes around for a wild mack to maybe help me :') *