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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

ThePizza July 17th, 2020


That's okay

mikenai July 19th, 2020


I appreciate your understanding.

ThePizza July 19th, 2020



mikenai July 16th, 2020


Have you ever - gotten so side tracked while doing a post in here - you had to close the box to make sure you were where you should be? Ah - good times

I have a ratittude today - oh yes
and a short fuse and Idgaf

One of my major behavior flaws with technology + multitasking.

The lost of mindful-ness, objectivity, concentration when I start Multi-Tabbing.

Worse when you get a higher resolution display.

Until I get so mentally and physically exhausted (sometimes even breatheless) when I started off doing just one thing, exploded to multi x multi tasks - If i can catch/shake myself out of it, I try to snap out of it and do as follows...

(For Windows 10 only) Save any "unsaved" stuffs -> Start Button -> Power -> Shut Down -> Sit down on bed or Walk off the computer.

Come back again, once I know what you want to do.

ThePizza July 30th, 2020


These are good

I laughed a lot at the guy turning the handle to flip someone off

mytwistedsoul OP July 30th, 2020

@ThePizza His look of surprise at the end - lmao!

ThePizza July 30th, 2020


Yes laugh

WhiteButerflee July 30th, 2020

@mytwistedsoul 😉😁

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WhiteButerflee July 30th, 2020


I so much agree with this year's logo and every single one of the pics...

WhiteButerflee July 30th, 2020


Thank you for these Soul and returning the smirk and laugh sparkles in my eyes...Ialso like the one with the "Star-Lord" from the Guardians Of The Galaxy also agreeing to the year's theme...😉😎😀😂😁

mytwistedsoul OP July 30th, 2020

@WhiteButerflee You're welcome - it is a good logo for this year - maybe they can replace the Olympic rings with it lol!

WhiteButerflee July 30th, 2020


😉😁...nice streak Soul, a very good one...

mytwistedsoul OP July 30th, 2020

@WhiteButerflee 😁 😋

WhiteButerflee July 30th, 2020



WhiteButerflee July 30th, 2020


We can deffinitely introduce a new year in the chinese zodiac: the year of the finger...

mytwistedsoul OP July 31st, 2020

@WhiteButerflee Lol! The party favors would be amazing! 😁

WhiteButerflee July 31st, 2020


You just can't quit making me laugh...😊🤗❤..

mytwistedsoul OP July 31st, 2020

@WhiteButerflee Guess maybe it's a little sadistic on my part. 😈

WhiteButerflee July 31st, 2020

@mytwistedsoul chance in that...destiny seems to do a purrfect job on that or whomever rattles the ant farm...

mytwistedsoul OP July 31st, 2020

@WhiteButerflee Karma man! She's sharpening her claws and will be with you shortly.

WhiteButerflee July 31st, 2020


So be it...

mytwistedsoul OP July 31st, 2020

@WhiteButerflee She's slow. Probably had to go back and get her mask and sanitizer.

WhiteButerflee July 31st, 2020


She knows someone gave me ducttape...

mytwistedsoul OP July 31st, 2020

@WhiteButerflee Beware the duct tape!

WhiteButerflee July 31st, 2020


"If I'm the calmest one in the room, we are all faxed..."

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mikenai July 31st, 2020


For once I gave a "HARD" read repetitively.

Tried to think about it.

How true. I didn't notice it when I was "accumulating" them. Guess its too late. Already exploded everywhere.

WhiteButerflee August 1st, 2020


Yes, that one is very wise and true...

mikenai August 2nd, 2020


Its so tough to clean up the mess that I have made. I wonder if I am still putting effort to clean them now, or am I still in denial.

mytwistedsoul OP August 3rd, 2020

@mikenai Maybe it's a combination of both - you're trying to clean up but sort of deny you made the mess all by yourself

mikenai August 3rd, 2020


Well it could be, and also the fact that I just simply cant let go only just make things worse.

WhitteButterflee August 4th, 2020


Kt is better to make things worse even though in fact you make them better...

mikenai August 4th, 2020


Honestly though. I feel it cut both ways. Somethings just gotta give.

It is so sad. So hard to balance or at least get out of the both worlds.

mytwistedsoul OP August 4th, 2020

There's a storm coming.

mytwistedsoul OP August 5th, 2020

Found out yesterday that there's a cousin that has covid now and her kids tested positive too. Maybe I should feel more about it then I do but - I don't really care ya know? All it did was bring up alot of bad feelings family wise and alot of anger

ThePizza August 5th, 2020


Found out yesterday that there's a cousin that has covid now and her kids tested positive too. Maybe I should feel more about it then I do but - I don't really care ya know? All it did was bring up alot of bad feelings family wise and alot of anger

Your feelings on the matter are valid-- I think it's wrong that we are taught that we must feel connected to every single person in our family. I've had a few great aunts who passed away, and even though I met them a few times I didn't really feel much about it either. Mainly I just felt bad for the people who had been close to them. And it doesn't help that there are already bad feelings associated with family-- yet another thing to have to deal with it. NTW (I hope she doesn't mind me calling her that lol-- hi @NoneTheWiser is it cool if I call you NTW?) is right, it is noticed when you've been quiet. I hope you're well :)

mikenai August 5th, 2020


Found out yesterday that there's a cousin that has covid now and her kids tested positive too. Maybe I should feel more about it then I do but - I don't really care ya know? All it did was bring up alot of bad feelings family wise and alot of anger

I thought the response for this will be sensitive to different individuals. So I gave abit of consideration thought.

I may not reply any comment further after this following comment.


If you noticed, you actually did considered both thought process. I will say it is what that makes us human to have such behaviors?

There aint a right or wrong way to behave, nor how one-self should be thinking.

The final decision or outcome of the process is also up to no limits. Furthermore the made decision does not require to be justified nor critisied upon.

In your case, if you felt it that way, it could be affected by factors like emotions or hurt or guilt or anger or karma or grudge or anything. - Well 3rd party viewers can blame it on the mind playing tricks on you. But no one can understand the pain you felt to have chosen the said decision.

Yes that it hurts to hear the news. And in certain situations, we are also unable to think in our own ways but to hold the "grudge" pain and still help out. It sucks, and still we have to hold on.

Don't blame yourself for the choices you've made. So long you are agreeable with.

Take Care.


mytwistedsoul OP August 5th, 2020

@NoneTheWiser Thank you :) For your reply - and for understanding. It's hard fighting that loyalty - it's been pounded into our heads. Allmost one of the first lessons you learn maybe - Idk

It gets frustrating - to start to feel comfortable with yourself alittle I guess and everytime you do - someone has to do something to take that away. I don't think of family often - but when I do - god - it's like it sinks it's teeth and and worries you like a dog with a bone

Lol - Thank you - I've been trying to write but - I guess I got it in my head that noone needs to hear about me lol - Thank you though - for noticing the silence - that made me tear up alittle

mytwistedsoul OP August 5th, 2020

@NoneTheWiser LMAO! Oh man - I didn't notice that before! You have to love it when a new page starts and it's got something with attitude right there at the top!

ThePizza August 6th, 2020


Badass name for the ninja cat >:)

mytwistedsoul OP August 8th, 2020