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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

Iamspoons OP April 8th


Are you excited for the eclipse? It's all everyone is talking about but we still have school but they're going to let us out early. We're pretty close to totaltally.

AvyIsKing April 8th


im going to a block party for it, im pretty sure that we are like idk 50% or something

Iamspoons OP April 8th


We just hung out in our front yard, we didn't get to see a lot because of clouds. How much did you see?

Today's being a really bad texture day, mostly sound texture but soap and the edges of plates for touch. Urrrg

AvyIsKing April 9th


We didn't see any 😭😭😭😭

Iamspoons OP April 10th


Urg I just got my third *** nose in 24 hours, the first two made it so I didn't get any sleep. Speaking of, I was laying my head on my desk in math and maybe shutting my eyes a little bit but I was listening and I already knew the premise of what he was teaching, and he kinda called me out, like sir I'm sorry I can't pay attention I feel like crap

Iamspoons OP April 10th


Due to me getting almost no sleep I have had no social battery, and I ran away from my sheltered friend K and my boy crazy friend N when they followed me in the lunch line and then this guy who has become friends with them showed up, btw his little sis is in our grade and she bullied me and nobody believed me till I retaliated. And I just had to ride home with E, the obnoxiously extroverted one, and I'm going to epac with her in like an hour. Gonna have to tell them all that my social battery is low and my patience is non existent, and if I walk off don't follow me.

But on a better note, I got to help the art teacher move stuff from their old storage closet upstairs to the one in the basement. The physical labor helped me be in a better mode and I was helpful and I knew the trick to the elevator ( you can't call it from upstairs so somebody has to go downstairs and go up in it, it's a vibe). And I get to skip pe tomorrow and help them again, woohoo no stupid reverse volleyball.

Ily I hope you had at least a manageable day.

AvyIsKing April 11th


reverse volleyball???

Iamspoons OP April 11th


Yea it's called nitro ball it sucks. did I already mention that I get to skip that today ? I'm very happy, but they might say no but I have a pass

AvyIsKing April 11th


sorry I havent been posting much. my life pretty much sucks, maybe ill post a big ol vent/rant/update here soon, idfk. but my friend from ohio is coming down tomorrow to visit, so that's exciting 

Iamspoons OP April 18th


Yea I'm sorry back for waiting a week to respond.

How was your friend from Ohio?

I went to see hadestown last night and we didn't get back home till almost midnight, so I'm going to be feeling it during math. It was a really good musical it almost made me cry like multiple times but there were these ladies behind us that apparently didn't know how to speak to just themselves. They were so loud, luckily they didn't talk during the musical, just about how they saw themselves in the last song before intermission. Like analyze the songs on your ride back home. And one of them turned to the other and said 'he turned around' when he turned around and then all was silent, because this is a tragedy and we were warned. Also the songs were really good and a lot of them reminded me of "the ritual" song in stray gods (which are all really good songs, you should check them out), and I had other musical songs stuck in my head. It was really fun


AvyIsKing April 18th


it went okay, we had an amazing trip and we went to the aquarium and i got to feed stingrays which made me too freaking happy and we went swimming and we just hung out a lot and it was an awesome time <3

hadestown seems amazing, god i wish i lived closer to NY.

I've been feeling extremely lonely and needy and attention hungry these past few days. my friend from ohio is extremely affectionate and she gives me all the affection and attention i want, which i never get. my mom just isn't a hugger, she never was, she really doesn't like me touching her, never has really 

i have band tomorrow, and then we have 1 more rehearsal before our concert which is super sad to me because im going to miss all my band friends. maybe ill text my friend and ask if i can have a hug on Friday. idk im feeling super super clingy 

Iamspoons OP April 18th


Aquariums are so much fun, I'm glad you got to see stingrays

On no band is almost over, I'm sorry you won't get to see your friends from there anymore.

If you want I can hang out in the rainbow room with you. I can even have a 'sleepover'

AvyIsKing April 18th


ouuuu rainbow rooommmmm :0 i go there, can stay for a bit ehe

Iamspoons OP April 18th


Hey sorry I just disappeared, I got distracted. So it's ok that you had to leave too. I hope your blood sugar is back up and that you got some rest.

I don't have any rat pics tho, it won't work.


AvyIsKing April 18th


Im ok. Just tired.

I saw a hot guy at the mall and we kept making eye contact and he was hot and then me and my friend and sister went I the store he was in and we made him laugh and giggle then he left and we wentinto hot topic and he was in hot topic so my sister asked for his number for me and he said 

Oh I have a girlfriend 

I wanna know 

Why tf he was staring at me then 😭😭he's really cute tooo

My sister says he looks too much like my most recent ex but like thats my type too

AvyIsKing April 18th

Maybe it's cause I was wearing a mini skirt 

They make me euphoric for some strange strange reason 

Iamspoons OP April 18th


Ok reading that was a ride, I was skimming that and saw "oh I have a girlfriend" and thought you were talking about yourself, nope the cute boy in the mall has a gf. Um speaking of seeing cute people in public, there were so many cute people at the theater like ahhhh.

Yea I have to go eat dinner

Iamspoons OP April 19th


Omg have I ranted about stray gods yet on here. I don't think so, so I'm going to now.

It's on the switch and I won't say too much rn in case you want to play it.

But Orpheus' voice is so dyiuyduidtdisth, it's just so good and his talking is so playful and just jsudydhdhd ahhhhhh. And he's only in one song. "I have the floor, it is mine after all" so cheeky.

And Hermes is trans, uses they/them and has a afab va. I love them so much

Iamspoons OP April 23rd


I feel like I haven't told you I love you enough lately

I love you 💖

I may take awhile to respond to forum posts but i will always respond to DM's asap

AvyIsKing April 23rd


I love you toooo ❤️❤️ sorry i was like in a crisis and busy, i got a drs appointment in a few! More stuff later

AvyIsKing April 24th


Oki Oki life updates TvT 

i have a band concert next friday for, which we have 6 pieces and like half an hour of playing time so that's nice!/hj ill also never see some of my friends again after that day and im real sad and scared 

the theater camp i do every year changed the ages to 5-8th grade, so i cannot participate but the lady said i can go assist and be stage manager so that's super fun! we also have 2 summer camps this year (:

some kids kept telling me i look 12 and called me an ugly rat and it triggered my TW eating disorder even worse. i was doing so good and at my last jazz concert some little girl was like "are you heavy" and i said "i dunno, heavy is a relative term am i?" and she said "yeah ur heavier than josh, he's so skinny and well you are...." and i said "what makes josh light and me heavy" and she said "family" so i was confused but felt terrible about myself. I've lost 7 pounds since then (: i asked my mom if i was pretty and she said "some of us can be pretty and some of us can be smart. what makes the world beautiful is we are all different" so no i am not pretty 

i was in a crisis for 3 days because i was just so sick of being in pain.

i went to the dr yesterday for my knee and i did tear something but it healed naturally (forget what it was) like he was like oh yeah ur symptoms match its no biggie dw about it. and then i found out i have a patellar tracking disorder, basically instead of my knee cap going up it goes up and way to the right. i start physical therapy today for it. 

im so mad at my mom. i don't get to make my own choices regarding my health. i have to have major reconstructive surgery this summer and then soon id have to get the other leg done, and id very much rather get them done at the same time, bing bang boom done. but shes like you'd be non weight bearing and i cant pick you up.... i could do it myself. but shes like oh no you cant do that, that's not what i want you to do. its my body, my choice. i might just put surgery off until im 18 then 

Iamspoons OP April 30th



Sorry I fell off the map for almost a week, life started pissing me off, had a huge argument with my mom about my brother and about my girl scout gold award. All better now.

I have a super special event with clay on Friday and I get to miss a whole day of school, yay, but my ex is there, less yay, but I'm completely over them (at least that's what I'm telling myself).

Um yeah, I dyed my hair again, woo. I am a bit absolutely done with K, but struggling to not just tell her to f off.

Ilysm (look at Levi, he's cosplaying Nico)

AvyIsKing April 30th


ew to the argument, yay to the event, ew to the ex, yay to the hair xD

i have my band concert on Friday and my director gave me a 16 measure jazz solo last Friday cause he hates so (no he loves me and loves making me solo) 

Iamspoons OP April 30th


Ooooo fun. But is a week enough time to prepare?

AvyIsKing April 30th


No 💀

Im re coloring my hair 🥺

Iamspoons OP April 30th


Ooooo, what color?

And if you are still on cups, do you want to hang out in the rainbow room?

AvyIsKing April 30th


Purple and red with blueish bangs 

And sorry I'm busy 🥺🥺

Iamspoons OP April 30th


It's ok, I had to do stuff anyway

Ooooo that sounds cool, will you send pictures?

Iamspoons OP May 6th


We won the competition for the first time in school history. There were two ties, first place had two schools with 26 points and second place had 9 points and third place had two schools with 7 points. Our coil tower was 71 inches tall.

AvyIsKing May 6th


OOh my gosh yayyyyyy

Also I nailed my jazz soloooo

Iamspoons OP May 13th


Congrats (sorry for getting back a week later again)

We just came back from the dentist and I can feel my pulse in my gums, I hate that hygienist, she was asking me all sorts of questions like I'm giving one sentence answers please take the hint and just clean my teeth. I also hate the floride that they paint onto your teeth and she didn't even do it right, I was a model patient until she put that paint brush thing in my mouth, I screwed up my face and was kinda crying.


Ily how's your week been?



Avy’s mom went through their phone, they aren’t allowed on, just wanted to let u know so u don’t panic

Iamspoons OP May 15th

Oh, alright then

Thanks for letting me know


AvyIsKing May 16th


yeah sorry basically my mom went through my phone, found cups, found disc, freaked out, now im like not even allowed home alone or alone with a device, the only way im on here now is cause shes cutting the grass and im supposed to be taking an exam. 

im so sorry. i messed up so bad. im so sorry 

Iamspoons OP May 16th


No it's ok, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm just glad you're safe and not ignoring me on purpose.

I love you so much/p and I hope she lightens up on her restrictions (even though I know that will take time)

Just stay safe.

AvyIsKing May 16th


no i really really messed up. i was... idek... talking about doing non asexual things with a friend who has a girlfriend :D we even like... idk did some stuff. i messed up so bad. like so so bad. im so sorry. im so so sorry 

Iamspoons OP May 16th


Hey I love you so much, and my love is not conditional. I will still love you no matter how many times you ef up.

You don't need to apologize to me, but you might need to apologize to your friend, but that's not really my place.

Just ... I love you, don't ever forget that

AvyIsKing May 16th


I said sorry to him so many times. so many times. he keeps saying its not needed and its ok and im just so so sorry 

Iamspoons OP May 16th


Hey, so maybe that's not what you believe RN but maybe just give it some time and we can calm down and try handling this again tomorrow.

*Sits on floor and beckons for a hug*(if wanted)