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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

Iamspoons OP March 3rd



*Gives you the biggest hug*

Iamspoons OP March 4th


Ugh I came into class and the guy who sits behind me has his foot up on my chair.

On another note, my brother let me read his book, shadow and bone, and it was so good that I read it in less than 5 hours. And it's a trilogy and he was on the third book yesterday so I was worried I would catch up, no he reads books as fast as I do. So now I have book two.

AvyIsKing March 4th


I love shadow and bone, ive read it like 3 times 

pain is really really intense today. i woke up on the verge of tears just trying to move my legs, let alone stand. my mom said i could go back to bed, that it was okay. sometimes the best thing is to just sleep through it. then she came in like an hour later screaming at me to get my *** out of bed and how she wanted to go on a hike today and now we cant go (i don't want to hike its like 4 miles, too much pain) and she told me if i was in the real world and pulled this crap there would be consequences (i really wanted to tell her that if i had a job my boss would be well aware of my condition and they would know i would only call out on the most intense days, and i would've called them and asked to come in late/unpaid miss work day) she took my phone for the day and said that i need to be punished. my sister is also grounded because she over-slept half an hour? we are exhausted she is over-working us. 

i miss my boyfriend  

and now she has a system where she is going to make a schedule for our sleep and if we do not wake up on time we loose our phones for certain amounts of time? this cant be right???? like i have insomnia and didn't go to sleep til 5 am. 

Iamspoons OP March 4th


Oh no, I'm really sorry that your mom is being a ***. It is now fair to over work you, especially when you're in lots of pain. And it isn't fair to take things away for oversleeping, sometimes your body is tired.

I'm glad you like shadow and bone.

Yea I understand that you miss your boyfriend, but you said you guys just needed different things in life. So it ended ok and you can keep in touch and maybe if the time is right later in life, then it's right.

P.S. my friend saw me typing this and told me to say hi for her

AvyIsKing March 4th


hi random new friend ehe 

and yeah im just fed up i guess idfk

Iamspoons OP March 4th


Yea she's very sweet but a bit out of the loop. she saw my keyboard background, which is the aro ace flag, and was like cool colors.

And yea life sucks but it's even worse when your parents are butts.

AvyIsKing March 4th


ah yes the wildly naive friend, we all have them xD

and yeah shes nuts and im exhausted but its life 

my sister is playing roblox rn and im doing math 

Iamspoons OP March 5th


I'm so *** tired, physically. I didn't even feel sleepy until like 4 am, and I have to get up at 6. And drama club is from 4 to 7 now and it's not worth going home in-between school so I'm at school for like 11 and a half hours. I just want to take a nap.

And we're doing circle trig and now I hate right triangles, and I'm so exhausted I'm not learning or remembering anything. And there's a test on Friday.

AvyIsKing March 5th


oh god, try and take notes to remember/review 

i only overslept 30 min because i got confused about time, so i only lost my phone for 30 min 

Iamspoons OP March 6th


Just made a propaganda poster in latin, feeling good.

Also yesterday at drama practice I wore my binder for more than just trying it on, and it was amazing. I could cross my arms without having to squish my chest. I'm not wearing it right now because I had swim and can't put it on a wet body and I don't want to over bind and have it hurt. But now I won't be bouncing on stage during our finale. Eeeeeeeeee

Ily take care of yourself

AvyIsKing March 7th


wooooooo, ilyt!!! 

I messed up my knee 😭

Iamspoons OP March 7th


Oh no, what'd you do.

My brother is getting a short cast today so he can finally bend his knee. But that means they all have a doctor's appointment so I am the only one who going to school today, and I was so tired I didn't want to get up.

And now my back is sore and I think it's because of the binder, but it didn't hurt to breathe when I had it on, so that's nice.

AvyIsKing March 7th


dont hurt ur back!!!

and i don't know, i might have torn something vital though. it hurts really bad. i do look funny with my walking boot and my knee wrap TvT

Iamspoons OP March 7th


Oh no, take it easy on your knee today

And my arms are sore too so I think it's just all the work I've been doing for musical

AvyIsKing March 7th


oh oh what show are yall doing?

i have a 4 hr booth sale today *dies*

Iamspoons OP March 7th


Omg I haven't had a booth sale yet.

Shrek, just like she who must not be named. It's led to some fun times (both sarcastic and not)

(I also only wore the binder for like 5 hours the last two days and I'm taking a break today)

AvyIsKing March 7th


oh fun!!! 

also this is like my 8th one, my troop is trying to sell 6,000 boxes, we are at 4,800 rn. my sister has sold 616 boxes and im at 453, just cause i was sick for 2 booths 

i have 4 hrs today, 2 tmr, 4 sunday, 4 next Thursday, 3 that Saturday, then 2 that sunday then im doneeeeeeeee

Iamspoons OP March 18th


Sorry I kinda disappeared for 11 days, lots of strees with tech week. I'll tell you more later. Ily

AvyIsKing March 18th


ilyt it's oki

tmr is jeffys bday and im getting my nose peirced, and Wednesday is my bdau :0:

Iamspoons OP March 19th


Ooooo, cool, send pictures of your piercing please.

Yea ik Wednesday is your birthday, I was going to surprise you by knowing it.

Umm musical season is over, we took down the sets today it still hasn't really hit me that it's over, but I cried twice during tech week so I may have run out of tears for now. I say that but my hand is shaking, but that might just be from erasing a script for an hour. And now that it's done I might be able to get my stuff done, until c.i.t. starts up or mom makes me start working on my gold. Ugh

Ilysm say hi to jeffy for me < 3

Iamspoons OP March 19th


My mom is driving me bonkers bcuz when I talk about the little things that stress me out at drama club her solution was " well I'll just let you do less things that you want to do, that will cut down the stressers right" no, you're still going to push me to get my gold award taking away epac on Wednesdays for just an hour isn't going to help that much, if anything it'll make it worse.

Gtg ily

AvyIsKing March 19th


gold awards are nasty af

AvyIsKing March 19th



uh whens ur bday 🥺🥺 i forgor 

Iamspoons OP March 19th


In 9 days

I asked my mom if I could skip tomorrow morning and she said we'd talk about it later. I have gym in the morning and now I have to work with this person that I'm starting to hate because I was put in a position where I couldn't say "I don't want to be on a team with this person who I don't know" so yeah, that's fun.

I'll probably rant more in a bit, when I get to deal with the problem person

AvyIsKing March 19th


ewww problem person 

Iamspoons OP March 19th


Eh she wasn't horrible today. Im definitely gonna eat lunch in a different room and not the cafeteria today, cus I have a headache

AvyIsKing March 19th


good idea

sorry having a rough week lol 

Iamspoons OP March 22nd


I just cried in latin class, and not because I was stressed.

Umm tw fictional death

We read a story about Pompeii and normally I'm unaffected when people die in books but we were translating out loud and I guess hearing it was worse, and also it was a mother and daughter and I had really liked Lucia. And Freddie died in my game last night too, and I am still missing sleep so, it was probably all those combined

Tw over

Omg, I asked my studyhall teacher if I could go up to guidance but when she called everybody was busy and just now she came to me. She was like they said Mrs A was busy, and I was like it's ok I just read a story and was sad. Cuz I did just read a story and I kinda wanted to keep crying and sorting stickers.

Ugh I also feel kinda sick, my throat feels kinda like tight I guess, but I really don't want to be sick. Tomorrow will be the first time I've gotten to celebrate my birthday in like 3 years. There was the virus year 2020 and we didn't know we would be quarantined that long so we thought we were going to wait it out, then idk what happened in 21 and 22, but in 23 I wanted to do an escape room but my ex (who I was still with at the time, but we were strained) texted a whole group chat in January like "do you guys want to go to an escape room with me" and so stole what I wanted to do, I had even talked to them about wanting to do one for my bday, and so when that failed I wanted to hang out with she who must not be named, and I just kept getting pushed off, and then she and E had broken up and it's been a lot about that since.

Sorry for the looong rant

Um I love you, I hope your week gets better.

AvyIsKing March 22nd


thats ok! i hope u have a good celebration

TWWWW- cancer

my grandmas cancer is uh like in full force rn and we don't know how long she has left and i just found out yesterday and im scared lol 

AvyIsKing March 22nd


let me explain babygirl 

okay so my friend from ohio and my tennessee friend (irl off cups) are in a server on disc, and my friend, we shall call them S and F. so S was on the server n was like hey im with *nickname for me* cause its their birthday, and one kid said 'oh its my moms birthday' and i said woah i didn't know i had a kid, and then things got really really complicated but 

basically me (demisexual and demiromantic) and F (asexual and demiromantic) were in a 4 way relationship once, along with Dazai (my pfp) and Britney Spears and basically we had a son. then F kept saying she was down bad for me and things got real out of hand, and S and i were once married for about 30 minutes and then we got divorced, we were watching hamilton and i went to say i went to visit the house hamilton and eliza lived in after they were married and i said after we got married, so boom we were married and we whipped each other with fidget toys and then we got divorced. so anyway F is my Babygorl and S is my Stupid Ex Husband. xD

Iamspoons OP April 2nd


Hey I just wanted to let you know that I love you and I'm sorry for not reaching out, I've just been going through "my friends don't really care and I can't focus on important things" phase rn, it *** sucks

I'm building my 2nd Lego flower set that I got 5 days ago. I made my first set the night before Valentine's Day. My thumbs are going to hurt.

Again ilysm, I'm sorry you're going through *** rn

AvyIsKing April 2nd


iyt, and buddy im always here ok? ❤️❤️ i think i missed your birthday, sorry i had a raging stomach flu. Happy birthday buddy (:

Iamspoons OP April 2nd


Long rant tw caps implied swearing cuz censor bleeps it. Period cramps

Ugh didn't even finish building, dad only got in the shower at 6:30 and my and mom have to leave at 8 (oh well it's 8:09 now fudge) and mom has to shower so like I didn't get a shower, so my hair is greasy and I smell overwhelmingly like mens deodorant thats going to stop working in less than a day and the can say 72 hours.

I'm collectively mom-ing everybody my mom is complaining that she feels like crap, and I sitting here smiling nodding saying that sucks I'm sorry, and trying not to yell at her that the only time I felt like that was getting really bad . cramps and I was at girl scout camp, the place where people should have sympathized with me, instead I was told "everyone in this room has cramps none of us have LIED ON THE FLOOR CRYING, you're just being dramatic" (I really hated that lady, but one week after I screamed at her, I came back in later and apologized to her because I'm the bigger *** person all the *** time) and the only thing the camp nurse could do was give me over the counter pain meds.

And mom is nagging me about rain gear because we're going up to Vermont with our girl scout troop, and Idk where my stuff is cuz idk if I have my own raincoat I've just been borrowing moms cuz I outgrew my old one. And her stomach is not feeling up for tuna, and I'm kinda upset because I kinda wanted a tuna sandwich, but no, I made her a PB sandwich. And I'm having ice cream cuz there's no cereal and I wanted cereal so we're *** compromising.

There's more but that's all for now

AvyIsKing April 2nd


hugs if ok. That sounds like a lot ): doesn't sound fun. 

I was supposed to come home from new Jersey today but yesterday my mom woke up and said ehhhh we are leaving at noon, get ready. So im home now.

Iamspoons OP April 3rd


Hugs are always ok, sorry for the late reply we were in a car then had no Internet and then if I went on my phone I would look attached, so I'm in a sleeping bag rn and these mattresses are so weird.

We got to see lots of rivers, I want to just sit in the middle of one or walk through it with no shoes, but it's cold and public.

Ily gn

AvyIsKing April 3rd


we had bad storms 🥺 i was in the basement

Iamspoons OP April 5th


Oh no, big storms are scary I hope everything is ok

I have my girl scout consoler in training in an hour and I am not prepared, ahhhhhhhh.

I have cramps, ugh

AvyIsKing April 6th



Also tell Nora 


I reached

2nd base 

Tonight 🥲

Iamspoons OP April 6th


Oh, is that's good or bad?

And I thought Nora could be on cups sneakily now? Cuz I have something I want to tell you but I want to surprise her.

AvyIsKing April 6th


is vvv good

you can tell me in pms 🤭🤭