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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

Iamspoons OP January 24th


Oh no, I'm really sorry home's bad, I will pray to the elder gods for you.

Sending huggles

(Btw I'm sorry I didn't reply yesterday, was super busy then got sent home early from school and was stuck doing chores then my dad kinda yelled at me for being on my phone. )

AvyIsKing January 24th

@Iamspoons thats ok. i have a dentist app today , and lots of other stuff ): huggle

Iamspoons OP January 29th


Sorry I haven't been on, I was at camp so I wasn't supposed to have my phone.

Umm we got to camp and realized my mom forgot my meds, and then all the adults were like "your mom forgot, your supposed to pack yourself, if you forgot it's your fault" like no it's not she said that she packed my retainer and my meds and she did pack my retainer. Sooo yeah, no meds.

And then my brother broke his leg, and so mom went home and I only found out when someone told me, and then I only got like 5 texts throughout the day which only had three pieces of info max. but everyone kept asking me, when my mom would be back, if my brother was ok, and then after I knew they were in the ER, which one they were in

It was very stressful but it was my brother who broke his leg, so he gets the attention. Which is fine, but I'm gonna rant to you.

AvyIsKing January 29th

@Iamspoons thats horrible ): 

ive spent the past few days in bed watching horror movies xD

Iamspoons OP January 29th


Ooh fun

So he just fell and I spent like 2 hours in the ER and now I smell like hospital. But Dad came and picked me up so now I'm at home, but I don't have my backpack so I can't distract myself with math homework.

I might be hanging out in the rooms, if I'm not there just tag me and I'll probably show up.

AvyIsKing January 29th


Ok, sorry I've been busy, I'm playing stardew rn 

Iamspoons OP January 29th


It's ok, I'm making food for me and my dad no cuz we don't know how long my mom and brother will be.

Is stardew fun?


AvyIsKing January 30th

@Iamspoons yes!!

I had a dr appointment today and it's a good step into surgery. I have one tomorrow and another onThursday, I will most likely end up in a boot, and I am picking up crutches on Wednesday (: 

Also I won't be here Thursday Friday or Saturday 

Iamspoons OP February 2nd


Ahh stress

Ill make a longer post later

Iamspoons OP February 3rd


I finally washed my hair, yaaaaaay, it hadn't been washed in like 8 days and it was so greasy that when I took the ponytail out it stayed in shape. ewww. And it's still not really clean. Ugh

I haven't been sleeping well this week, so that's fun.

I stayed an extra half hour after drama club was scheduled for me because we really needed to work on the choreo and mom came to pick me up at 4 but I had to stay till 4:30 but I didn't know when it would end and I didn't have my phone on me so I couldn't get her texts.

But, hey, I'm not going to camp this weekend so I get to sleep in.

Oh speaking of camp there was a fire, lol, so fun

Ily, I hope your surgery goes/went well, best wishes

AvyIsKing February 3rd

@Iamspoons I'm on a band trip right now, surgery is during the summer sadly. I'm just really really happy right now.

SneakySnakeBoi February 5th


as in like camp was on fire or as in campfire???? 

Iamspoons OP February 5th


He he he he

Iamspoons OP February 5th

*deadpan* the viking troop house roof caught on fire. And dipper had to go down with a fire extinguisher. Wish I took a picture.

SneakySnakeBoi February 6th



Iamspoons OP February 6th



Iamspoons OP February 6th


There was a ventilation issue with the wood stove. We don't really know how it exactly happened. But nobody was in there so we were all safe. Lol.

AvyIsKing February 6th



Iamspoons OP February 6th


*Clings back*

What's up jiffy pop

AvyIsKing February 6th


me and bf decided to take a break, meaning we broke up both of us are just too scared to admit it, im sad and lonely and i didn't sleep and im just

he freaked out and even if he isn't my bf he's my best friend and i need to take care of him but we arent talking ):

Iamspoons OP February 6th


oh no *huggles*

I'll be here to listen if you need me.


Iamspoons OP February 15th


Ahh stress.

Iamspoons OP February 15th


My mom restricted my phone time, so I can't be on after 8:30. And I can't be on Spotify for more than 15 mins.

SneakySnakeBoi February 15th


dang that sucks

AvyIsKing February 15th


Ugh that's the worst

Been having a rough time mentally I'm sorry I haven't reached out, my mom has gotten way way way way worse and I'm just a great big ball of sad 

Iamspoons OP February 20th

She went and *** did it again. I'm really kinda ***. Nothing horrible just more stupid *** about my stupid math homework. And I was feeling good about life too, but nope.

@AvyIsKing I'm really sorry you're a big ball of sad, and I know I'm overreacting. I'm here during the day if you need me. Ily

AvyIsKing February 20th


Ilyt, please bd careful 

Iamspoons OP February 20th


Ik I will be, I was just angry last night. Ilysm

AvyIsKing February 20th


Just stay safe. 


Iamspoons OP February 20th



You stay safe too

AvyIsKing February 26th


sorry i havent been posting much lately, been having a crap week, i have like some terrible sickness and its in my lungs so i can barely breathe. and i dunno, loosing nora hit really really hard. i had just lost macon too. i just needed some time 

anyway how are u? i hope u are good! girl scout cookies are terrible i hate them 

also can u tell nora that suddenly seymore came on on glee and i literally started sobbing and its her fault (: 

Iamspoons OP February 29th


Sorry I haven't been responding either. Life is pretty stressful right now, it's nothing huge but the little things stacking up.

Yea girl scout cookies are stressful, we'll get through cookie season though.

I'll tell her.


AvyIsKing February 29th


ilyt, I have a chest infection so I've been in bed all week literally not able to breathe it has not been fun, but hey i picked up a new addiction.. i mean skill- crocheting! i crocheted a stingray purse and before i make myself a giant manta ray plush im making my sister a hippo plush 

Iamspoons OP March 3rd


Ooo fun, I'm crocheting right now, I'm making a gift for my friend who's birthday was like more than a week ago but I only started two days ago, lol no motivation.

I'm going to my cousin's 8th birthday party tomorrow and his mom's birthday was yesterday and one of my other friends birthday is Monday so I'm crocheting him a phoenix.

Um yeah.

I came here cus I was mad at my dad. We were playing an escape room game and I had an idea but the thing didn't get passed to me and they solved it, and I started not playing anymore and he was like "oh are you going to sulk now because someone else solved it first?" Yes I am, are you going to be mean about it.

Ok, I'm better now. I love you, stay safe.

Iamspoons OP March 3rd

And they just called me over to solve a nonogram. You did need me, dad. Ugh

AvyIsKing March 3rd


Ur dad is a poo head 😔

Iamspoons OP March 3rd


Meh, he's ok

Do you want to hang out in rainbow room?

AvyIsKing March 3rd


sorry having a rough night

Iamspoons OP March 3rd


It's ok, my phone locked really soon after that so I couldn't really be on.

I hope your doing better today, even just slightly. Ilysm

AvyIsKing March 3rd

