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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

AvyIsKing December 20th, 2023


lemme pop in for a few, i have til 12

and she doesn't but my best friends do. Shed tsll my mom :/

Iamspoons OP December 20th, 2023



That is all

Gn fr this time


AvyIsKing December 20th, 2023



Iamspoons OP December 20th, 2023


: )

Ikr he's so cute.

Good morning

Iamspoons OP December 21st, 2023


Woohoo my period started just in time to go visit the *** grandparents!! Yaaaaaay. At least it'll probably be gone by Christmas. And I'll have the worst day on a day we aren't learning anything. "Find the silver lining, ✋🌈🤚"

AvyIsKing December 21st, 2023


good silver lining

pain got real bad and I threw up ❤️

Iamspoons OP December 26th, 2023


Sorry I haven't said anything in like 5 days.

Merry crimis!

How was your day?

I spent at least half of the day at my grandparents house, my cousin and uncle came, and great grandma was there too. Sooo that was fun. I'd share more but idk if you wanna hear it.

Oh I have a hair appointment tomorrow, which is really good considering I haven't really washed my hair in like three weeks. Idk if I wanna grow it out or if I want to get it short, oh the woes of being gender fluid. Umm yeah.

Iamspoons OP December 26th, 2023


I just popped in to sr and backread, and I'm guessing you didn't have the best day. Sorry

I love you so freaking much. *Huggles*

AvyIsKing December 26th, 2023



ofc me wanna hear

Iamspoons OP December 28th, 2023


Hi, sorry I haven't been on since then, but you will be able to hear about it soon ish, I think. I've just been busy and I'm kinda super tired, so I'm gonna try to sleep. But this was my "I love you and I'm not trying to ghost you" post


AvyIsKing December 28th, 2023



Iamspoons OP December 29th, 2023


Hey, do you want to hang out in the rainbow room. /Nf

AvyIsKing December 29th, 2023


I have a fever, imma just sleep if that's ok

Iamspoons OP December 29th, 2023


Yeah, that's fine. Take care of yourself. I love you and hope you sleep well.

Iamspoons OP December 31st, 2023


Urgh, I pulled an accidental all nighter, but then I settle back into bed at like 8:05 and now it's 1:45 and dad just made me come out and have breakfast, but I'm not hungry but also I'm super hungry. Great now they're talking to me about "not procrastinating" after I get out of the shower, it's not like I'm trying to lay in my bed for like half an hour.

Umm anyway, happy new years eve! *Huggles*

AvyIsKing December 31st, 2023


Happy new years. I didn't even realize it was new years eve. 

I can't breathe lol 

Iamspoons OP December 31st, 2023


Oh nu, y can't you breathe

Sorry I was forcibly cleaning

AvyIsKing December 31st, 2023


Sicky lol

Iamspoons OP December 31st, 2023


Oh yeah, you have the flu, right?

That sucks, I hope it gets better.

AvyIsKing December 31st, 2023


Yeah, me feel terrible 

Iamspoons OP January 1st


Do you want to hang out in rainbow room?

I'm feeling awkward irl, and kinda just want to talk to someone comfortable.

AvyIsKing January 1st


Sorry I was making a care. You good?

Iamspoons OP January 1st


Yea, I'm just bored ish

Iamspoons OP January 4th


I'm so tired. Gym was fun but exhausting. I ended up on a team of basically two when we were supposed to have like 6, we started with 5 but one went to join another team, one just kinda disappeared midway through the game and one just stood there. So yeah


AvyIsKing January 4th



gym seems wild xD im homeschooled and if i wasn't id be excused from gym lol its just wild

Iamspoons OP January 9th


Aaahhh sorry didn't mean for bold

life is being miserable (it's just gonna keep going, ok then) school is boring, I'm too tired but I can't fall asleep. I had a bagel this morning for breakfast and now I'm hungrier than before, and it tasted awful because it was plain, I wanted some Nutella that I had picked out in the store, but the knife had butter on it and I didn't want to open the jar to my vulture of a brother, who absolutely decimates it, just leaving the sides untouched so I get blamed when I finally tell mom that it's gone. (*** it's pretzel ham and cheese melt for lunch, and they only have one other option in the other line, there used to be like five. Tw guess I won't eat. )

i got a new backpack because my old one was literally falling apart, and now the shoulder straps hurt my collar. And I haven't been able to wash my good sweatshirt so I've been wearing the *** ones, the pockets don't really fit my phone but they fit it enough that I try to fit it anyway and then it falls out, and also the pants I put on today and yesterday don't quite fit so if I bend over, it shows my skin and I feel uncomfy

sorry gtg watch a documentary about tornadoes and fill in a worksheet for earthquakes by watching the documentary. Lol

um yeah ily

AvyIsKing January 9th


*hugs* sorry you got so much going on *snuggle* ily

Iamspoons OP January 10th


I'm really fine, I'm just tired and mad at the world and my mom in the morning and posted to rant. I forget about it by like 9 and everything's fine again.

And then it's night and I have a social studies and Latin assignment due tomorrow and I haven't even started on one and I don't have any study halls until after all your classes but I always think eh I'll do it tomorrow and then I don't and I panic. But that's ok. Also I have to rearrange my bookshelves because I got a bunch of new books, and I have to do laundry because there is literally clothes laying on the floor. But ✨drama club ✨ so I don't have any time to do stuff when I'm motivated.

But it's fiiiiiine, I'm just spiraling rn and I'll go back to coping tomorrow.

But ilysm and I will gladly take those snuggles.

AvyIsKing January 10th



Iamspoons OP January 10th



Good news: I just speedran finishing my social studies homework.

Bad news: the Latin assignment is to finish translation but I'm too tired to think. But good news again my Latin teacher will probably understand

Extra bad news: I have two nights of math homework that I forgot about. And math is the period I almost fall asleep in, and we're doing new stuff. Aaaaa.

Anyways I should probably sleep so I don't actually fall asleep in math tomorrow. *Huggles*

AvyIsKing January 10th


*huggles* sorry im super stressed rn lol

Iamspoons OP January 12th


Omg I thought I replied to you when I saw that, I'm really sorry and I hope you feel better soon.

My fingers are not live-laugh-loving.(TW injures)On my thumb+pointer+middle finger, of my right hand, are hangnails and then on the first knuckle of my left pointer finger I have a paper cut on one side and, this morning carrying laundry up the stairs (whole other rant) I bashed my finger between the doorjam and the laundry basket and now I have a mini skinned knee, on the other side of my knuckle.

Ok now the laundry rant. I'm going out to camp right when I get out of drama club so I won't be back home until Monday. And I've needed to do laundry and I did it last night but mom made me go to bed before it was done. So I had to get up early to get it out of the dryer and pack, but I didn't really, I got up at the normal time 650 and by 714 I was dressed and packed. Yaaaaaay.

Umm I think that's it. I gtg to science and relearn what my brother is learning in like a week.

*** I just sneezed and got a *** nose bleed

Iamspoons OP January 12th

Woah, I just had a whole cry in gym class. Wooooooo

I have tears in my eyebrows. I'll explain more later if you want, I gtg

AvyIsKing January 12th


why are you going to camp in JANUARY??!?!?!!?!??!?!?! 

and oki ill listen to you, take care love, and just so yk i prolly wont be here for the rest of the day kind of or at all tmr 

Iamspoons OP January 17th


Hey sorry I just kinda disappeared for 4 days. I don't really have an excuse.

How are you doing?

We were in a building all weekend and I was lazy AF even though we were out at camp and I love camp, but then I got my period yesterday and it made sense. Lol. (⁠*⁠_⁠*⁠)

Um yeah ily, I should probably go to sleep my mom found out about my sleep schedule being messed up. I love you so freaking much.

AvyIsKing January 17th


ok so i had that crazy band audition nd I got first alternate basically if someone cant go i go which is crazy/ cause i took a break and i just came back n I'm against kids who geg privates and crap but than they reviewed the scores and i actually GOT in!!!!! In a lot of pain, took meda, feeling floaty

Iamspoons OP January 17th


Ooooooo congratulations on the band thing. !!

I'm sorry you're in pain, glad you took some meds to manage it.

AvyIsKing January 17th


i get to go on a 3 day band trip, me is happy.

meds didn't last long, went to bed at 7am, just woke up at 1:30

im sick of hurting its exhausting

Iamspoons OP January 23rd


Hey I'm so sorry I've been away. I was busy, then my friend's grandma passed, then I was at camp (and I've got a whole thing about this weekend if you wanna hear. Um yeah.

We upped the dosage of my med and it's been counterproductive, I'm more irritable but yk just fun stuff, I'm gonna stick it out for this week and if it still sucks I'll go back to my lower dosage, cuz I got a refill right before we upped it lol.

Oh golly gosh I had another thought to write but it's gone now. I'll post if I remember it.

Ily so freaking much

AvyIsKing January 23rd

@Iamspoons ilyt sorry about ur friends gma. Sorry I havent been ok either. Homes gotten real bad :/