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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

Iamspoons OP September 30th, 2023


Oh that is pretty weird.

My hair is greeeeeeeeeen💚💚💚💚💚💚💚. It looks super cool, I don't really look like Alex though, my hair is too long. But I want to grow out my hair to butt length, because I've seen some pretty cool nb people online have it down and look femme, then braid it and put it in a bun and look super masc. But rn my hair is at an awkward length, like just shoulder length. Eeeeeeee.

I might stay up a little while, because I'm going to camp tomorrow and can't message then

AvyIsKing September 30th, 2023



Iamspoons OP October 2nd, 2023


Omg I'm so sorry I wasn't on for two whole days. My phone was confiscated and then I had zero wifi.

I am exhausted, but I will talk to you tomorrow.

Ily tcks gn.

AvyIsKing October 2nd, 2023


ily too, n its ok. Glad ur ok

Iamspoons OP October 2nd, 2023



I missed you,


AvyIsKing October 2nd, 2023


me too


i wen to bed at two am then woke up at six thirty then rook a one hour nap on the couch

Iamspoons OP October 2nd, 2023


Oooo fun couch sleep.

I'm sorry I'm vaguely delirious, I've been laughing way too much. Over thing that shouldn't be super funny. Hehe swears

I've got money responsibility, gotta get money for fundraiser. That means not doing lunch cuz I didn't get *** done on study hall. So no eat get money.

AvyIsKing October 2nd, 2023


Um yes eat.

The book club book for this month is by the same author who wrote Coralie so I am like yes thus will be good. It's a horror novel for middle schoolers...... and I read like Stephen King so I was like yk what I ain't reading thus and didn't finish it

Iamspoons OP October 3rd, 2023


Sorry I didn't answer for so long, I got distracted and unmotivated.

I need to stay up till parents go to bed so I can do my homework. I completely didn't pay attention in math, which really sucks cuz that was an important lesson. Something about number lines in preparation for graphing. Or some bs

Arhgggg, when you get on lmk if you wanna hang in a room

AvyIsKing October 3rd, 2023

@iamspoons sure

Iamspoons OP October 3rd, 2023

@AvyIsKing oki. Rainbow?

AvyIsKing October 3rd, 2023


see u there

Iamspoons OP October 3rd, 2023



Good morning, I had a *** nose last night and I'm trying not to sneeze and start it again

Iamspoons OP October 3rd, 2023


Omg I'm so stressed. I have a slight headache, not worth complaining about, and my arms are sore, so I'm in physical pain as well as the mental stress.

Latin. Ugh. I don't like working with the person next to me because she's really smart but never slows down to like, let me do stuff so I don't feel dumb and useless. So instead of working with a buddy on this thing that is easier with buddies, because I didn't want to just be the useless third person, I did it all by myself, and did better than them the first couple questions. Ha.

And art is just going to ***, first my bowl broke then my vase fell over yesterday. Ugh. But I did get to go on the weel for a bit, I kinda liked that.

Um yeah, there's probably more I'm forgetting but yep.

Oh gosh my friends are talking about how one of them is "people smart" no you're honey. You suck at social cues. I've gotten ok at them cus I was forced to. Lol

AvyIsKing October 3rd, 2023


ew lol

i peeled my toe skin and its *** and hurts

Iamspoons OP October 4th, 2023


Sorry I meant to send a long message earlier but didn't have Internet.

Um one of the things I said was"ex won't even give a 'im walking behind you' while I'm using a machine, so they get hit. Sorry you can't give me basic stranger interaction, I guess you can just get hurt. Lol oops, your fault" and the other was "I don't need no man to do *** for me, I'm a strong independent woman, thank you very much"

I took my hair out of the braid and it's floofy, I would send pic but I can't. Green hair is making me very confident.

Gn ilysm

AvyIsKing October 4th, 2023


gn lyt, and cool lol

Iamspoons OP October 5th, 2023


*Bonk* good morning.

Sorry I didn't message you yesterday, I just kinda forgot. Weeeee.

My lower right jaw muscles hurt and my left pinky muscle hurts, like the outside of my hand, and my thigh feels like it's bruised when I sit, but it doesn't look bruised. And I didn't eat breakfast so my stomach and throat are burning, and I've got a bit of a headache.

Um. Yeah.

How's your day going ?

AvyIsKing October 5th, 2023


Im not good.

Just a mess.

Fighting with my partner.

Dealing with my ex.

In the car.

My back h u r t s

Iamspoons OP October 5th, 2023


Oh no. I hope you get out of the car soon.

It sucks that you have to deal with your ex and fighting with your partner at the same time.

Sorry I didn't respond, I've been sorta busy, just finished shucking corn. I hate corn.

I hope you feel better soon, ily.


AvyIsKing October 6th, 2023


Corn is so gross


Iamspoons OP October 8th, 2023


***, I meant to respond like an hour after the last post. It's been two days.

I'm really sorry, I've been pretty stressed lately with school and new social/existential dread. Lol growing up problems, I'ma be able to drive soon. Aaaaaaaa

So my replies will probably slow down a bunch, but I will make an effort to post everyday, most likely in the morning.

AvyIsKing October 8th, 2023


that's ok

I went to a dance and I got asked out hehe

Iamspoons OP October 8th, 2023


Oooooo. Do tell more.

Do you wanna have a little sleepover in rainbow room? It won't be too long tho, I have to sleep and so do you.

AvyIsKing October 8th, 2023


SORRY I was talking to him. His name is Macon, he's super sweet and cute and he adores me. 

I just... Miss partner

Iamspoons OP October 8th, 2023


Hehe that was 666 posts.

Oh that's ok, I kinda fell asleep like pretty soon after I posted that. I woke up and 8:30 almost exact, but am still in bed at 12:30, so yea.

Iamspoons OP October 8th, 2023


Hehe. Parents fighting. Over cars. Weeeee.

And mom is a teacher so she gets tomorrow off too, so I don't get to try any of the utub voice stuff.

My molars hurt, I'm pretty sure I have a couple cavities but the dentist didn't see anything last time. Aaaargh.

Gtg eat dinner. Ttyl maybe

AvyIsKing October 8th, 2023


Sorry I've been cleaning all day. 

What's tomorrow???

I'm so tired and my foot hurts so diddlydarn bad

Iamspoons OP October 8th, 2023


Columbus day.

Cleaning is fun when voluntary, was it fun?

Oh no, bad diddlydarn foot. You should sleep. * stern face *

AvyIsKing October 8th, 2023


No I'm busy. 

Also me and my mom went out today and I drove home!!

Iamspoons OP October 8th, 2023


I'ma just lurk for now cuz there's too many people.

This new guy has my seal of approval.

Omg don't talk about driving it reminds me that we're getting old. That stuff is freaky.

AvyIsKing October 9th, 2023


im very old

Iamspoons OP October 10th, 2023


Rant Incoming!

So it started by putting laundry away but then all my pants won't fit in the same drawer so I start cleaning my closet and I make some real good progress like I can see the back of it and the only stuff in there anymore is my parents old stuff that they put there probably before I was there and so all the stuff that was in the closet before is now in my room so it's a mess but like a controlled mess and so I'm like can we look through the stuff to see if we can put it somewhere else but mom's back has been hurting and it was already too late so I'm sleeping on a crowded bed tonight and my laundry is still not put away not even a little bit.

Hehe sorry for the blob.

How was your day?

AvyIsKing October 10th, 2023


i had a breakdown (:

Iamspoons OP October 10th, 2023


Oh, do you want to talk about it? Or just hang out? /Nf

AvyIsKing October 10th, 2023


its ok, I'll prolly go to bed soon. My arm hurts ):

Iamspoons OP October 10th, 2023


(Oki I hope you sleep well and that your arm stops hurting.)

(Sorry I'm talking in parentheses, I kinda disassociated somewhere before you started to talk about sign language or I would joined. It helps to talk like this. My phone screen just keeps melting.)

(Anyways *bonk* *mwah* ily ttyl ily)

Iamspoons OP October 10th, 2023


Ugh I have a pimple in-between my eyebrows and it hurts. And my jaw just twinged. And I have a hangnail. :(

I'm complaining about stupid little things, just because. Don't mind me. Ily gn

Iamspoons OP October 10th, 2023


Some guy in here just called the opposing football team the f slur, and I was sorta tempted to tell him to not call them that, it's an insult to the f slurs.

Um yeah stupid boys, being ***.

Good morning ily

AvyIsKing October 10th, 2023



boy is now technically-yes-technically-no boyfriend 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺