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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

AvyIsKing July 29th, 2023



SneakySnakeBoi July 29th, 2023


wait she didn’t tell me u yelled at her, what did she do to deserve it?

Iamspoons OP July 29th, 2023


She didn't really deserve it. I was really tired of the younger kids bs and then as I tried to remove myself from a stressful situation she came over and I just kinda snapped. I will explain in more detail later cuz I need to do all of the week for the max effect

AvyIsKing July 29th, 2023


nuuuuuu u don't bug me please i need u im really freaking triggered :<

Iamspoons OP July 29th, 2023


I'm kinda fake binding rn. I've got two sport bras on with one backwards and it's kinda comfy. And it's giving good vibes so I'm definitely not femme today.

Also I need you guys favorite colors so I can make something

AvyIsKing July 29th, 2023


Im wearing a tight af sports bra and a cami I feel ya

Yellow and green

SneakySnakeBoi August 3rd, 2023


i like black, hot pink, navy, royal blue and sometimes purple

AvyIsKing August 3rd, 2023


literally the gender fluid flag love 😭

AvyIsKing August 2nd, 2023


My finch is cosplayed as hamilton

Wtf is your micropet and where can I get it

Iamspoons OP August 4th, 2023


The original name was blizzard the wizard, but just now as I went to answer you my brain went " oh Whizzer, Whizzer Brown" so that is now his name. @SneakySnakeBoi I blame you for that. I got him from one of the mystery eggs.

Sorry I'm posting this so late, I did get my phone back at 3:30 but then the wifi wasn't working, and I had to do stuff and we drove one of my counselors home so we got home a bit later. And we kinda started unpacking as in doing laundry. Then mom and dad started yelling at each other, then we had dinner, and they're back to yelling again. Wooooo

Ily/p I might be hanging in one of the rooms later

AvyIsKing August 4th, 2023


Oh noooo

I just got home and I have a dance tmr so I migjt be in the rooms later but I haven't slept since Sunday so................................ I might be asleep

Iamspoons OP August 5th, 2023


You haven't slept in 4 days ?!?!!;!!! That's not healthy. Get some sleep

I had a *** nose in the shower, that's been happening alot this week ( and by a lot i mean the only two times I've showered this week, I've been at camp( I'll tell you more about that later) ). I hate when that happens.

I'll see you when I see you ily go to sleep drink water and don't die

AvyIsKing August 5th, 2023


I took a 1 hour nap today and a 2 hour nap the other day im fine.

Now for the *** nose it's cause it's too dry lol the pressure /whatever change causes ur nose to just bleed, happens to me all the time lol.

And no I'll see you tn I have to tell u about the dance

Iamspoons OP August 5th, 2023


Yea I know what's up with my nose, I just hate it.

You need to sleep, I'm going to make you go to sleep at two if we're still up.

Iamspoons OP August 5th, 2023


I think I'm going to just go to bed. I'm really *** tired and will probably not stay awake. And by me going to bed at a reasonable time you might too. Probably not but I can hope

AvyIsKing August 5th, 2023


sleep well

Iamspoons OP August 5th, 2023


Why's it in italics

AvyIsKing August 5th, 2023


it got stuck like that, now sleep

Iamspoons OP August 5th, 2023



AvyIsKing August 5th, 2023


I slept 8 hours, I hope you got the same

Iamspoons OP August 5th, 2023


Idk how much I got, might've been more might've been less, but I did sleep.

Rn I'm sitting here eating leftover spaghettos and waiting for my frozen blizzard from two weeks ago to thaw.

I'm going to a party later, it's more of a yearly reunion but the adults call it a party. This is probably gonna suck, I'll try to be on if cups works at their place. I'm just in that stupid age range that the kids don't like playing with me and I feel awkward hanging with the adults.

AvyIsKing August 5th, 2023


Sounds delightful/sarc

I just went to Walmart and got stuff I need I have to go home and shower and do my hair for the dance

Iamspoons OP August 5th, 2023


I hated it. There were lots of people smoking and drinking. I felt very unsafe but I was fine and nothing was going to happen, it was just an uncomfortable experience. But I'm back.

I'm playing fluxx rn, it's the fantasy pack, I really like the Cthulhu pack it's fun.

AvyIsKing August 5th, 2023


Ewww glad ur back

Iamspoons OP August 6th, 2023


I'm glad too.

My teeth hurt cuz I didn't put my retainers in yesterday.

Spotify timed out on my phone.

Sorry this is all really random, I'll be in the rooms, probably

Iamspoons OP August 7th, 2023


I'm sad cuz I watched gog vol 3, and then read the webtoon loving reaper. I'll go to bed soon but I got some stuff to do first.

AvyIsKing August 7th, 2023


noooo sleepppp

i was up til like 3 reading and i vividly remember waking up, turning my alarm off, and laying in bed for 20 min....

My alarm went of 2 minutes ago while I was drying off from my shower.

So I got un obnoxiously early

Iamspoons OP August 8th, 2023

I got up at like 3 and I've made a promise to myself that I'll get up before mom today.

I get to be by myself today, my brother has a Dr appointment today. I yelled a lot yesterday cuz I haven't had a real break In a while. The week of camp I was supposed to use to refresh and not be with my family I had other expectations. And I'm going to a different *** country with my family on Thursday, I'm scared. And I think I'm supposed to start my period like tomorrow, so part of this might be PMS.

Just occurred to me that I didn't tag you yet @AvyIsKing

I know you're probably logged off for the night but I wanted to tell you this. I was going to tell you earlier but I was supposed to be packing and mom took away my phone.

Iamspoons OP August 8th, 2023


I'm trying to talk to people cuz I like doing that I guess, and the mod isn't like present in the Convo like isn't that what they're supposed to do, it's been like 6 minutes since they responded to me. It kinda hurts

Iamspoons OP August 8th, 2023

@AvyIsKing I'm tired so here's my trian of thought rn

I love my stretch marks. Ok I'm weird for this, but idk there's something weirdly comforting about them, especially the ones on my hips.

Also I have another quote for you avy " I love cheese soup. Here's the recipe: a pot of boiling water and then add three pieces of yellow American cheese product "

Iamspoons OP August 10th, 2023

@AvyIsKing @SneakySnakeBoi

Hi guys.

Holy ***

I'm getting on an airplane tomorrow at noon. I'll be gone for like 12 days.

I won't be able to talk to you while I'm gone. Dw I'll send prince pics but still, holy ***.

I'm really *** scared, not for the airplane, but for being away from you guys and being stuck with my family (who I love but they have been driving me nuts) in a foreign place. Oh and I'll probably get my period tomorrow, cuz I was really hoping to get it today to get the uncertainty and worst day over, and idk when it's gonna happen I could be a thousand feet in the air.

***. I'm so scared guys.

Ik ik, it's going to be amazing and I'll make memories. But I'm really scared rn.

The last time I was this scared was when my therapist (I don't go to her, personality clash) told my mom I was having ideations, my mistake telling her. (Dw those are a lot less now)

So I'd really like it if you guys would respond, and I'll definitely be hanging in one of the rooms

AvyIsKing August 10th, 2023


sorry poki pie I'll be in a room

Iamspoons OP August 10th, 2023


I was not in any of the rooms. My dad took away my phone. Lol.

AvyIsKing August 10th, 2023



Ur gonna be okay. Ill be here when you get back.

It's probably better we didn't talk last night I'm a friggin disaster

Iamspoons OP August 10th, 2023


Lol yea, ik I'll be fine but I was still really scared.

I don't even get to bring jiffy pop and princey with me. So I won't have that security blanket.

Last night I dreamed that I took some water of Lethe to forget about y'all temporarily so I wouldn't be so incredibly homesick for you guys.

AvyIsKing August 10th, 2023



Also I wanna call you Bob the spoon now

Iamspoons OP August 10th, 2023


I was like sure do that until my brain caught up. Don't make me cry : (

AvyIsKing August 10th, 2023


Come join me in the crying club :0

Iamspoons OP August 10th, 2023



I need to appear put together, or else I'll cry forever

AvyIsKing August 10th, 2023


I finally ugly sobbed last night for the first time in.......... years

Feels great but also I feel sad and drained and empty