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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

Iamspoons OP July 8th, 2023


Hehe, oki. That's kinda the direction I was going to go if neither of you responded. I'ma bring them both to camp.

AvyIsKing July 8th, 2023


I need to figure out a book cosplay for a convention next Saturday. Basically i have access to a blonde wig that's like end of my ribs length and whatever clothes I got. I wanna do something fun so I was thinking annabeth but that's kinda basic so I don't know

AvyIsKing July 14th, 2023

@Iamspoons @sneakysnakeboi

today had gs training

something funny

lady: we accept anyone who identifies as female

me: *! leaves the room*

anyway tmr I have a weight check and ik I'm gonna fail n I don't know what that means and I'm scared and no one responds because its summer and they have a life and I miss you guys and if u get this I love you.

I just want it to stop hurting

AvyIsKing July 14th, 2023

Im tired

it hurts

im alone

and its cold

I'm worthless

I'm killing jeffery

I'm fat

im ugly

I miss my controlling ex because at least she was there

why did I stop responding to her

she should have texted more

everyone has friends and lives

I don't

everyone is a novel

a work of a t

I'm a short story

and I'm running out of room for words

Iamspoons OP July 14th, 2023

@AvyIsKing nuuuuuuu, we love you. hang on I'm really bad at helping.

Princey can't get onto her account, but I will give my device to her.

AvyIsKing July 14th, 2023


Nu it's okay dw about it

I'll be alright

Iamspoons OP July 14th, 2023


Nuuuuu absolutely not. You are a wonderful amazing person who deserves all the love we can give you

AvyIsKing July 14th, 2023


Idk who u know but that's not me

Iamspoons OP July 15th, 2023

I'm tired AF but I need to listen to several musical soundtracks (per request by @SneakySnakeBoi ) and I want to hang out with you @AvyIsKing.

AvyIsKing July 15th, 2023


Go to bed, after the msucials, I won't be on til like 11 30

Iamspoons OP July 15th, 2023


Mmmmm fine. But only because I have been sleeping in a tent all week and I finally have my bed back, and four solid walls and roof. omg the lightning storm last night was ***. I also didn't really like my tentmates. Lol

Also I *** love you /p

AvyIsKing July 15th, 2023


I *** love you too brother/sister/nibling

Iamspoons OP July 15th, 2023


You're my uncle now?!?!?; Lol

And also I a proposal but I will say it when prince has her iPad back

AvyIsKing July 15th, 2023


uncle? Ew no we are siblings

Iamspoons OP July 15th, 2023

@AvyIsKing I just realized I never told you that story.

So I'm in acting class and I get paired up with this guy who's been going for much longer than me, and we're doing an activity where we get a line from a generator and ours was "I can't believe you actually got me a pony" and he said "oh I get to be your daddy" Im sure there was absolutely no $exul innuendos intented, but my and my stupid overly dirty mind, kinda just *** short circuited. And I kinda facepalmed and walked upstage and then back over to him and just said "I'm glad you didn't try to combine dad and mom (and get dom, but I just kinda implied that part)" and that's what I remember. Also I was a really bratty child of a brokend family. Lol

AvyIsKing July 15th, 2023



I was dancing in the dark with my strobe speaker and I saw my reflection in the glass of the China cabinet and scared myself so bad I peed myself

Me and sister are home alone btw

Iamspoons OP July 15th, 2023

Oh... Fun


Rn I'm sitting in bed, waiting to see if we're going to watch the new marvel series, we are. Also the live action Cinderella is buy or rent on prime so I can't watch it princey

AvyIsKing July 15th, 2023


I am vibing t. Broadway with my sister

And I'm just idk I'll be back later

Iamspoons OP July 21st, 2023

@AvyIsKing @SneakySnakeBoi @Princetomyanxiety

I'm going home soon. Like whenever mom stops talking to people. I *** miss you princey and you've been gone for less than an hour, like wtf.

I'm tired. And I'm going to an amusement park on Saturday. Yk my day off from being at camp.

Oh yeah I got my period the day of the big hike. That *** sucked.

I gtg in the car, I'll be back in a bit

AvyIsKing July 21st, 2023

@Iamspoons @sneakysnakeboi @princetomyanxiety

Tw big letters


have fun loks

Iamspoons OP July 21st, 2023


I'm home now. I will have to leave to go to a *** baseball game tho. I'm sooooo tired. I love and miss you too. We kept telling each other that we were going to tell you if either of us did anything naughty ie. TW sh or anything like that. So umm yeah.

AvyIsKing July 21st, 2023


I hope my children behaved

I did, I'm 3 weeks free and I'm eating which ew and I'm not running currently

Iamspoons OP July 21st, 2023


Errrr, we might have both been a little naughty, depends on how you classify sh . I'll let prince tell the stories so I can be indignant and see what she knows then fill in the gaps.

AvyIsKing July 21st, 2023


No that's okay :>

I'm planning on relapsing soon but idk i wanna stay free

I love yall

Iamspoons OP July 21st, 2023


That "I love y'all" at the end is kinda ominous. Don't you go leaving us

Idk I'm counting it for me, idk what princey counts as sh.

Gtg shower brb

AvyIsKing July 21st, 2023

@sneakysnakeboi @iamspoons

Nah I just love yall

I'm 5 days away from 1 month free but idk I'm just totally gona do it ik I am

Enjoy ur shower

AvyIsKing July 21st, 2023

Yeah no nevermind

I made it 25 days tho


Iamspoons OP July 21st, 2023


So I'ma rant for a bit, it shouldn't a big deal but I'm crying cuz of it so I'm telling you instead of my family

So this is about the baseball game, my mom told me I could get out of going if I wanted to in the car ride home and I was like nah it's fine I'll go.

Then at dinner like half an hour ago dad said some things I don't quite remember but he said something about it being a fireworks game which is not a deal breaker for me either way but it means it's longer and I'm already thinking of not going.

I'm sitting in the car defeated now.

I have lost all energy to explain. I'll probably try again later.

AvyIsKing July 21st, 2023


Alight i might be here, might be watching a movie

Iamspoons OP July 22nd, 2023


My newest bottle of meds look different than the previous ones, like the pills themselves

I'm really tired so lots of thos won't make sense.

We stayed for the fireworks, I enjoyed them. My father gave running commentary to his coworker who knows criket, that was fun to listen to. TW caps. THERE WERE TWO TRAINS AND I HEARD A THIRD ONE WHEN WE GOT HOME. Ok caps over, I was excited. I got artificial cheese sauce, that was good, I've been wanting it, we only get good for you food at camp.

I'ma hang out in trc I think. Ily tc

AvyIsKing July 22nd, 2023



I'm kinda having a breakdowm

Iamspoons OP July 22nd, 2023


Omg I'm so sorry I just saw this, notfis aren't working

Do you want to hang in SR?

Iamspoons OP July 22nd, 2023


Ok so I need you guys to peer pressure me. If I haven't made a new separate post by this time next week.

Iamspoons OP July 28th, 2023


Hey I'm back, I'm worried about you avy, I looked at your bio. I'm not worried about princey cuz I saw her less than three hours ago.

How are you, I missed you so *** much. I haven't had any good human interaction in a week. The three hugs I got from prince do not count because there were still people there. Please come talk to me.

AvyIsKing July 28th, 2023


Hey sorry I was swimming and bathing my dogs.

I'm just doing wonderful.

Are you keeping cool?

Missed you

Iamspoons OP July 29th, 2023


Hi sorry I'm responding late.

I'm feeling pretty ***, mentally and physically. I'll probably go on a rant later but rn I'm going to keep it short.

Yea I was pretty cool, I didn't even know that there was a heat advisory till I got back home, that's one of the perks of staying right next to a lake.

I remembered to get a new pencil cus my other one broke last week and using a different one was bugging me.

I screamed at prince's little sister, and then ran off and cried. So lol I'll tell you about that later

I miss you, I love you and I hope you feel better.

Iamspoons OP July 29th, 2023


I'm going to *** about the physical pain first, because trying to sleep makes everything very clear.

TW caps in a bit

First off I have bug bites *** every where (and I do mean everywhere, I've two on my butt and two in my hair. Idek how they got there) (I don't have the count yet, I might get back to you on that). Second I feel like I'm bruised on my hips and my, like, bicep area and I have no clue why I might be. I'm slightly sunburnt and dehydrated, but not horriblely. And my gut is hating me rn. I bit the inside of my lip and now can't stop chewing on it. I have a headache. And I was supposed to shower on Thursday, I was horribly stinky and I didn't have any shampoo left in the bottle mom gave me, and I didn't get to shower BECAUSE THERE WAS A *** BIRD IN THE *** SHOWER HOUSE. I got it out by holding the door open with no assistance whatsoever. So my hair is terribly greasy, and I haven't showered since Tuesday night.

I might try to get some sleep.

Oh and by my standards I'm only two days clean rn.

AvyIsKing July 29th, 2023



sorry I can't help more

Iamspoons OP July 29th, 2023


I'm probably going to try to clean a bit.

I see you in SR but I don't want to bug you and ik your going to say "noo u could never bug me" or something like that and I know you're lieing. Cuz I told the same lie multiple times this week. Never you or princey tho, I love you guys/p

Iamspoons OP July 29th, 2023


Ok so a couple things I forgot. I repulled a muscle in my back, so that flairs up sometimes and makes me walk slow. Umm, if I wear wet socks for too long my feet will be really itchy, which sucks cuz there's lots of puddles everywhere so I can't really avoid having wet socks.

And the bug bite count is 113, and two weeks ago it was 56 so it double in two weeks, which is cool.