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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

Iamspoons OP June 29th, 2023


Err maybe, idk. He goes to school and something real bad happens, idk.

I went from having no clothes on, to standing outside of the car in three minutes, what does that say about me.

AvyIsKing June 29th, 2023


Jeffy blows up a school..... nice

Actually I'm pretty sure I'm gonna oof his parents and make him all like sad and lonely and *** and then instead of finding his parents or family he has found family or smthn

Also ur fast

Iamspoons OP June 29th, 2023


I'm super *** tired. And I slept last night, so it can't be that

Can you see my birdhouse? I can't see yours : - (

AvyIsKing June 29th, 2023


I can, and I turned it on so you can.

I got bleach so I'm gonna bleach my hair todayyyyyyyyy

Iamspoons OP June 29th, 2023


Omg so cute, I love the vibes you've got going on. I've got two preset houses and the one filled with event stuff, I'm going to switch it to the orange house, lmk when you've seen that so I can show you the blue one too.

I think something in my body is too high or too low cus I'm suffering. Not badly but trying to do 6 chores in a row is not working out.

AvyIsKing June 29th, 2023


Okay I looked and I changed my house to my usual preset I love your vibes omg

Also I'm writing a graphic novel about found family right.... n spoons the octopus is in it

Iamspoons OP June 29th, 2023


My blue house is existing now.

I kept trying to eat my pocket watch, but I kept telling myself no it has a *** battery in it, do I got my teething toy instead.

I gtg shuck corn, errggggg

Iamspoons OP June 29th, 2023


I knew there was something I was forgetting when I posted that. I love that spoons the octopus is part of Jeffy's found family.

I'm going to go stirr crazy in this family. I used to get an escape when I went to camp, but this year bort my mom and my brother are going to be there, all the time. Mom decided she was going to be a camp counselor. I'm probably going to be a little extra (TW)sewerslidal, not that I'm normally high risk, it's all passive. But yk I'll probably SH once. Lol, I'm not in crisis, I will be fiiiine.

AvyIsKing June 29th, 2023


be safe

im djing and its sooo bad

Iamspoons OP June 30th, 2023


I'm sleepy, I'm going to bed soon.

Marvel has been dropping some physiological bombs lately. I managed not to cry tho.

Anyways, I'ma go to sleep, ily tc and don't do anything stupid while I'm asleep.

AvyIsKing June 30th, 2023


sorry I was dying my hair

not gonna finish tn

I'm blonde rn

Iamspoons OP June 30th, 2023


Hehe blonde avy. (I want pics)

I'm still sleepy but my brain won't let me sleep. It's like but what if prince is I'm almost crisis and doesn't have anyone or just avy to talk to. So yeah, I'll probably go check the rooms periodically, and try to fall asleep for a little while longer.

AvyIsKing June 30th, 2023


im pretty sure prince is okay, you try and get some rest <3

Iamspoons OP June 30th, 2023


Yea after I sent that I slept till 10, so like 4 and a half hours more. So that's good I guess.

We are an hour late leaving for camp, lol. We had to go back to the house twice. We are stopped for gas now and we have dropped my brother off at grandmas, cuz dad won't be home until 4:30 at least. It's oneish now for future context. Ly/p I'll check in later.

AvyIsKing June 30th, 2023


It's tiny words for some reason. Camp late sounds angering. Sorry I'm like in a crisis rn so I'm just like kinda replying. I hope you have a good trip

Iamspoons OP June 30th, 2023


Oh nuu, I hope your crisis gets resolved soon, it's ok to just kinda reply, don't unalive, or I will go all the way to Tennessee and re alive you

AvyIsKing June 30th, 2023


You wouldn't make it here in time

My crisis is really really bad but I'm trapped in the car so I'll probably be safe

Iamspoons OP July 2nd, 2023


Hi, I'm sorry I didn't respond. I was out at camp and had no data. I am exhausted, I'm going to lay down. I will tell you more when I have all my brain cells back

Btw I love you hair

AvyIsKing July 2nd, 2023


Thanks. I didn't sleep really last night and I'm Watching a movie so I might end up going to bed, hope you rest well

AvyIsKing July 3rd, 2023


the user has changed heheheeheh

Iamspoons OP July 3rd, 2023


Nice, I like it.

How did you sleep? Do you want to hear about my weekend still? Gtg dad's making me eat.

AvyIsKing July 3rd, 2023


yes i doooo

i didnt sleep well but thats not a suprise how about you?

Iamspoons OP July 3rd, 2023


I think I slept ok, but I never really know. I only know when I've had a *** night of no sleep.

There's a golf cart out at camp now, this is very relevant. It's used to bring stuff places that would be annoying to just carry. Like food scraps up to the pigs (hehe I'll tell more about that in a bit), and big tubs of food down to the units for a cookout. I'ma make a new paragraph to help the readability.

Mom was driving me and a camp counselor down to a unit with a bucket of food and extra hot dog buns cuz someone didn't have their buns, and I was riding in the back, cuz seniority, and I had the hot dog buns in my arms, and mom stopped on a hill-ish place. And then when she starts going it jolts forward, and I can't hold on cus I have hot dog buns in my arms, and I feel myself slipping, so I kinda jump off so I don't hit my head, and I only hurt my left elbow and the left side of my butt. (Hehe butt) and when she stops it again and comes over to check on me, I'm crying even tho it's not really bad but my brain was like "we crying now" and I'm like I'm fine go take the food to the unit. And then she left me and I walked back down the hill and washed up my elbow.

Um I have sunburn in funny places, I used stick sunscreen and missed a spot, so now there's just a rectangle of my normal pale af skin and alot of pink red skin around it lol. And also I didn't sunscreen far enough up my legs so the part of my thighs that are normally covered by shorts are bright pink. I guess I learned my lesson.

Ohhhh there's pigs at camp this summer. Somebody renovated the old horse barn for their gold award. So now there's two pigs, a mule named Babe, and three goats, a mama and her two kids. I haven't met the goats yet but yesterday I got to feed the pigs, and pet Babe. Babe has very soft ears and nose. And she likes me more than one of the counselors I went up with. Haha take that.

I think that's it for the weekend, I'm cleaning my room rn, and if I get it super clean my dad will paint it for me.

I let you know how the 4th goes. My dad's side of the family has a huge party, and I get to see cousins, and aunts, and uncles, and my (favorite, shh don't tell the others) grandparents.

AvyIsKing July 3rd, 2023


Hehe butt

Falling sounds bad, sunburn is funny... I did a booth sale in February and because of my emo hair I got severe like blistering sunburn..... only on half my face. I was todoroki it was awesome.

Painting is good, I cleaned already and now I'm sstudying.

I hope you have an awesome 4th. I hate it because a traumatic event and b fireworks

Iamspoons OP July 3rd, 2023


Hehe todoroki sunburn,

I don't get to do the painting, but I get to choose the color, I'ma go with a red or an orange, cuz rn it's pink and it makes the room feel warm, if yk what I mean. He's going to paint it while I'm out at camp.

Studying for what?

I hope it goes ok for you tomorrow, toga ex is no good. And I've already heard fireworks, and I don't like hearing them, it's kinda scary till I know the reason, cuz there have been some not good things that happened, not to me or anyone I know, but it's still spooky.

AvyIsKing July 3rd, 2023


4th of July 2 years ago. I'm just gonna paint the story for you.

I was sitting in my sistwrs bed watching YouTube and my mom was like hey wanna go to togas house? She lives on a lake so bring your bathing suit.

I got all ready and my entire family drove to theirhouse. She showed me all herstuff, it was my first time going there. We walked around and she showed me her (Tw)sh scars and told me that story and I just laid there and hugged her. We were only friend atp. We then decided hey its lake time. So we gotdressed. She wanted me to get changed in her room, I think she wanted to watch but I was like nah ill go to the bathroom. We go down and we go on her boat and we jump off the boat into the lake and it's amazing and we are goofing off and I'm singing this new musical I just found called SIX lmaoo. Our sisters were in the lake as well and her little sister pretended to drown like get stuck but had just snuck onto the boat. After we freaked and then found her, toga swam over to me and said I could just kiss you right now and I said no you gotta wait (I enjoy playing hard to get)

We got out of the lake and we dried off a bit and we cuddled on her bed soaking wet and watched avatar the last Airbender til dinner. Dinner was amazing and delicious and she ended up feeding me some of her food it was super adorable. Then we decided hey let's light off fireworks and after we traced hearts around us with like sparklers for her fancy iPhone camera, her dad set off bigger ish fireworks and one came at us and we almost got hit! It was horrifying but I was holding her in my arms and she felt amazing and safe so I guess it was worth it after that me and her, our little sisters, her dad, my parents and I believe her mom (or she stayed home aith the baby) all went on their boat to watch their neighbor set off like 2039493929394 dollars worth of fireworks, the show lasted for ages it was cool. And at one point I just looked over to her and I said you can kiss me now and she just looked over at me and we kissed it was amazing and fireworks in the background and we looked like summery and none of our parents knew we kissed even tho they were right there.

It was awesome

And she destroyed me and broke my heart!

So yeah

Still a great day tho :>

AvyIsKing July 3rd, 2023


drivers ed TvT

Iamspoons OP July 3rd, 2023


Ohh makes sense, and rn you're sewing. I was lurking in TCR and I keep managing to miss you by like minutes

AvyIsKing July 3rd, 2023



Yeah I have this art roll thing from gs cookie season 2018, it's for like pencils like a roll thing I use for my art supplies, but I hate the outer shell and the pocket is too short and stretched out so I'm replacing the outsell /pocket

I'll post a picture hereafter, I picked this fabric that has animals doing yoga, I have like a poop ton of fabric (hehe poop)

Iamspoons OP July 3rd, 2023


I have the beetles I want to ride my bicycle stuck in my head. And nail polish is looking very tasty rn.

Dw it probably doesn't taste good. Hehe just got reminded of.

1: hey man do you have any shaving cream? 2: nah I don't like the way it tastes 2: you eat shaving cream?!?;! 2: no, why would I eat it if I don't like the way it tastes


Also there was a Convo in the TCR that made me think "if this is how non isolated teens talk, I don't want to be a teen" it was horrible.

Iamspoons OP July 5th, 2023


Look I know I should be sleeping, but I need to do a deep clean of my room and reorganizing my clothes drawers and listening to this playlist on Spotify just feels good. And dad's got to go to work tomorrow, and my mom is at camp all week, so me and my brother are home alone, so I can sleep then, and watch my YouTub.

AvyIsKing July 5th, 2023


I'm just getting into bed now. I have smthn i need to do at 9:30 am tmr

yay /sarc

SneakySnakeBoi July 6th, 2023

@iamspoons @avyisking

I miss Evan so freaking much sometimes. Like I don’t miss him but I miss having someone who could just hold me for hours and tell me I’m enough and it’s gonna be okay. And now he’s off with some other blonde chick who’s way more popular and way less depressed.

I tried to get someone else, and I told them I liked him and I mean it didn’t go horribly but like he never texted me back and is kinda ignoring me and is just acting like nothing happened.

So now I’m stuck watching Andrew Rannells videos and crying at 3 am because I can’t handle feelings and hot broadway guys is my coping.

And everything about my body completely disgusts me but I’m too depressed to go run and my mom always yells at me if I don’t eat, so I look horrible, and my skins still pretty bad, and my hair just looks so flat and gross and I haven’t got a lot of sun lately so it’s not as blonde as sometimes. My braces look awful and my shark tooth is super obvious, and I just wish I could have skin like legit everyone in my school because it’s perfect and I still look like an ugly middle schooler. besides, my uneven waist just keeps getting worse and I can’t fix it without surgery so I’m gonna have a fricked up body until I’m 18.

Iamspoons OP July 6th, 2023


Listen, give me two *** days, and I can hold you. Or whatever you're comfortable with.

I'm pacing around my kitchen now and wanting to punch Evan.

I have more things to say but I can't articulate them in text.

Notifications aren't working rn I think, I didn't get one.

SneakySnakeBoi July 6th, 2023


ik only 2 days and yeah I need hugs.

also um the guy I told I liked was sully, just thought u should know that

Iamspoons OP July 6th, 2023


I will give you sooooo many hugs.

Honestly. With the couple stories you've told me about him, I'm not quite surprised. Also yk what I think about him.

AvyIsKing July 6th, 2023



Okay that's alot to process here we go *large inhale because imagine I'm spitting this out in one large mouthful because it's sweet and endearing*

I know you miss Evan honey, well like you said not him nessicarily but how he treated you when you needed it. And I know it's not enough and that's okay but


And I'm going to text that to you everyday untill you realize it. Every morning at like 1am you will get a text saying that. There's nothing wrong with being depressed okay? He couldnt appreciate how beautiful and funny and kind and talented you are but that doesn't mean someone else won't. Grammer goes brrr. And popularity isn't everything. I think you a perfect just the way you are oki doke?

I get it he hasn't replied and that is so stupid unfair and honey if you need me too I will kidnap him and force him to reply okay? It's not fair for you to ignore him. No that's not right I don't think so I'm gonna say it the other way so I cover all of my bases. Its not fair to you for him to ignore you. Sorry I haven't been sleeping much my brain is fried.

There is nothing wrong with watching hot Broadway guys to cope. (Eek sorry jeffy is alert I wanna go pet be back in 30) (oki back) if thats how you cope that's how you cope and I support all your coping mechanisms except the bad one. Don't do that one, join me for a clean process (a week and 3 days)

I get it your body disgusts you and I'm not going to invalidate you. I'm just letting you know I love every part of you. Even if your skin isn't perfect because heck mine rejects water, it's okay not to be perfect. You should eat okay? It's alright if you don't go on a run no one expects you to be running every day or all the time. Your hair looks amazing honey and I would kill for hair like that. You can have mine *Yeets my weave* I think your braces look amazing a beautiful and even if you don't see that, imagine after getting them off how amazing your smile is gonna look. You don't look like a middle schooler tho. Trust me middle schoolers are yucky inside and out and you are no kind of yucky. I don't think your waist is getting worse I actually think you are just becoming more and morecritical. And screw symmetricality. I made up a word! But screw it. You don't need to be 100% even to be beautiful, and I know it means nothing but I think that to be perfect makes you less beautiful

Sorry I called you honey so many times it's just what I do

I hope I helped a bit

AvyIsKing July 6th, 2023

@iamspoons @sneakysnakeboi

Ah *** yall are leaving me I forgor

Iamspoons OP July 8th, 2023

@AvyIsKing @SneakySnakeBoi @Princetomyanxiety

I got my hair done I will send pics to prince. Rn my hair is flouffy, cuz it was braided while wet. It looks super cool, but also yk fluffy framing my face sometimes gives me disphoria (also sometimes euphoria, idk it shifts and I can't predict it, but it was definitely disphoria).

I got two elasmosaurus squish mallows, one of them is teal and the other one is orange/red. The red one's mouth is like ~〰 combined, it's kinda like a recurve bow when it's unstrung. And the teal one's mouth looks like ෴ , like a shark smile, triangle teeth.also the red one has spots on its back.

That whole ramble was to ask you which one you want named after you.

AvyIsKing July 8th, 2023


I had to Google what an elasmosaurus was, and id be honored if u named the red one after meee