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The Power of Self-awareness

ChillingRain Sunday

Self-awareness is a skill that has greatly impacted my personal growth. According to the Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework, self-awareness is defined as the ability to reflect on one's thoughts, feelings, and desires while maintaining a realistic self-image. This has allowed me to understand my strengths and weaknesses and, more importantly, recognize my emotional triggers. 

For me, becoming more self-aware was not an overnight transformation. It took intentional effort and regular reflection. I started by journaling daily and paying close attention to my reactions in certain situations. By doing this, I was able to identify patterns in my behavior—especially moments when I became defensive or anxious. Over time, this helped me regulate my emotions more effectively, helping create a sense of calm and better decision-making. I found that the more self-aware I became, the better I was at aligning my actions with my values. 

One thing I learned along the way is that self-awareness isn't about being critical of yourself but about accepting yourself for who you are. It opens the door to self-acceptance, which lays a solid foundation for personal growth.

Discussion Prompt: 

- How has self-awareness influenced your relationships and decision-making? Do you have any specific practices that help you develop this skill?

- How can we cultivate self-awareness without becoming overly critical of ourselves?

BeesOnFlowers Sunday


- How has self-awareness influenced your relationships and decision-making? Do you have any specific practices that help you develop this skill?

Self=awareness has always been one of those things that I knew was important, because I know, looking back at past situations and interactions, I've been so heavily emotionally driven; but so very difficult because it's different in the moment! 
It took a long time to work on the habit of reflecting on myself and my internal feelings in the moment, but it definitely ended up proving its worth as a skill.

I've always been a lover-girl. My rose tinted glasses were more like contacts (lol). I'd ignore the red flags and my personal feelings because I wouldn't take the time to feel aware of my own internal opinions! However, as I developed self-awareness skills, I started to become more logical and self-assured in those relationships. I'm able to make decisions I feel confident about because I took the time to reflect on my true emotions.