HOPE: "Just When The Butterfly Thought The World Was Over, It Became A Butterfly"
Hi fellow IDG members,
I would like to talk about why 'Hope' is one of the most important values/strengths/beliefs to me and my life. Hope is one of the things that has gotten me through the darkest times in my life. Hope to me symbolizes so much. Such as the idea that what maybe happening is not permanent, the possibility of being better.
absolutely love that hope quote ✨
@Ivy229 I think accepting change can help us better deal with losses in our lives. Losing a friend can be really hard but accepting change can allow us to reflect about how a friend may have been part of one phase of life but may not be part of the next one
during covid when i felt completely lonely and hopeless, anime and my family gave me hope
i think change is very important, as the only thing that's constant and consistent is change.
@Ivy229 something I very much need to work on
2- It helps us adapt more easily and view difficult times as chances to learn and evolve, rather than something to resist
@Ivy229 I emerged from my caterpillar period when I met a compassionate person who tried to put him in my shoes and suggested me a solution. Which seemed to be a perfect fit for me, and thus, became a butterfly 🦋
@Ivy229 that hope quote was trulio realio lovely. I am going to use it left and right