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Change in life with more openness

Feelfree667 September 5th


I want to tell something about myself.

When I joined 7 cups I thought it was only work like a messaging app. But now I able to understand it is more Than that. I always want to work on myself but I wasn't knew how do work on myself  but its help me.

So I always being an introvert person. I don't know why but I was not like to talk with other people maybe because of fear. I want to share it here which I never been share with anyone I have always a fear if I share my problems people will judge me like see how she is stupid or how she is foolish even sometimes I know the answer in the class I thought everyone will laugh. But all this is past. And I past is always past it never comes back.

Now i want to be more open and more courage ful in my life. Because with out being  courageous we can't do anything in life. We need to be courageous at every step. So I can share anything what I want to share. I always want some guide always want to get some people who understand me.  Iam trying to work on me every step so I will be a more better person and there something good come in life which is holding by future.

Now I got it I need to work on myself and be more try new things.

I hope so someone want to share something with me about this ?

And tell how they are working on themselves for be a better person? 

CouragousDragon0742 September 9th

Hi @Feelfree667nice to meet you ^^

7 Cups is a platform for everyone to talk and get support when needed. So I'm happy for you that you found us and found a place where people can talk without judgement. Becuause that's really important to this community. No judgement! 😁

I can understand you so well! I always struggled with talking to people about my problems and feelings. I know exactly how this feels! *offers hugs* Being an introvert isn't always easy but everyone can learn to express themselves more openly. And I think 7 cups is a great place for that. Our listeners will listen to you at any time and support you the best thay can. So will I and I hope to help many people in the future.So I'm here for you if you want to talk about it or just casually chat. You can reach out to me at any time. ^^

But I'm also a little scared of this, it's new to me. New things scare us sometimes and I think it's so brave of you to start being more confident with so much confidence. You seem to exactly have in mind what you want to achieve, so I'm positive that you will reach your goal. You're strong, you have a plan, you can do this!

I'm rooting for you! You are awesome! ^^

Keep it up and take care ^^

*hugs you again* 😘