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Be a new person with authenticity

Feelfree667 September 5th

Integrity and authenticity have become central to my outlook on life. For a long time, I felt the pressure to fake things, to mold myself into something I wasn’t just to keep up in this race of life. It seemed like the only way to win was to fit into someone else's version of success, and I constantly found myself pretending, putting on a mask to meet expectations. But now, I've realized that none of this is necessary. I don’t need to compromise my values or who I am to get ahead.

True integrity, to me, is staying committed to what I believe in, even when it's difficult or unpopular. It's about being honest, not just with others but with myself, too. Authenticity, on the other hand, is living in a way that reflects my true self, without fear of judgment or rejection. I'm learning that I can do things in my own way, at my own pace, and still achieve what I want in life. By being true to myself, I can face life’s challenges with confidence, knowing that I'm not sacrificing who I am just for temporary gains.

Being authentic also means being willing to tell the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it might be. Whether it’s admitting my own vulnerabilities or being honest with others, I’ve come to see that honesty and openness lead to deeper, more meaningful connections. Integrity and authenticity now guide my actions and decisions, and it feels freeing to embrace my individuality.

What do you all think is there is a importance of integrity and authenticity in life ?

How you manage this in your life?

Hope Thursday


I like how your view of authenticity relates to integrity and staying committed to your values. We often forget about values when we talk about our authentic self and rather focus on desires.