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SleepyShyCat's Cat Corner! 🐈

SleepyShyCat August 22nd, 2022

Hello all!

This is my formal request for you to send me all the cat photos please 🥺😺💛

They're my favourite animal and special interest - please send me any fun facts you know or share stories of your own cat or even better... Send me cute photos!

Any kind of cat content I will love 💛😺💛

I will give you cookies for every cat related reply you send, promise 🍪🍪🍪

And if you would like, ask me for a random cat fact! I know so many and would be so happy to share 😁😁

Cats make me so happy, I can't even describe what it makes me feel, but they're my favourite, of everything.



SleepyShyCat OP October 20th, 2022


Ah welcome to 7cups! I hope you're finding your way around ok, we're glad to have you here 😸

And I love any and all cat post, so it was very very appreciated by me, made me smile so thank you ❤️

affectionateCat9553 October 20th, 2022


I love cats too. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get one. My daughter is a dog person and my husband doesn't like pets. But I'm determined to get some sort of pet once we get our house. My husband is from Africa and he jokes about wanting to have a full grown lion as a pet; which is a cat, but I don't think so. I told him we can get a baby lion or elephant but we would have to give them to a zoo or reserve once it starts getting too big. I'm actually watching a movie about lions now; unfortunately its a scary movie. You will see my name when I post. I'll try to find something cute with cats. I'll post it in another thread.

SleepyShyCat OP October 21st, 2022


Well if you want a cat, and your husband wants a lion, I immediately thought of a ginger maine coon - they're one of the largest domestic cat breeds you can get, are extremely fluffy and have a big 'mane' and you can get ginger ones. They're also probably the most intelligent domestic cat, and they're almost like a dog, so your daughter may enjoy that too. They're known for playing fetch and being able to teach them tricks, and they also one of the cat breeds which enjoy water and swimming! Here are some photos I found me they almost look like baby lions 🦁🐈


affectionateCat9553 October 20th, 2022


ItsBrit02 November 27th, 2022

So cute!!! I would trust this cat with my life hehe

durianfreak October 21st, 2022

I have 5 cats. They are mu little furry devil's. Still over em tho.


SleepyShyCat OP October 21st, 2022


Ha, they certainly can be tiny furry devil's when they want to be lol, especially at 3am 🥴

RaccoonGang October 21st, 2022


Here’s our kitty! _1666366507.F73D77D5-E610-41F6-A116-8C14298A2DF6.jpeg

SleepyShyCat OP October 21st, 2022


Aw, I love tabby and white cats! I used to have one called Charlie, he had a brown/black/pink nose and I loved it. Thanks for sharing 😸🍪

mytwistedsoul October 22nd, 2022



Thor has come for cookies 😁

SleepyShyCat OP October 22nd, 2022


🍪*insert cookie gif cups won't let me find*🍪

OMG, is that a toyger??? I'm fairly certain it is, they're an incredibly beautiful breed, they're a cross between a regular domestic shorthair (striped tabby) and a bengal which gives the gorgeous markings toygers have

mytwistedsoul October 25th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat It is! I had never heard of them before but they are absolutely beautiful cats :)

SleepyShyCat OP October 25th, 2022


I agree, they're gorgeous

Katsuddon October 22nd, 2022

Hey! My mom recently shaved my cat and now he looks like a rat 😭. Hope your cats are doing well though :). A cat fact is that cats love milk but their body doesn’t react well to it.

SleepyShyCat OP October 22nd, 2022


Cats should not need to be shaved, there are very few reasons to actually do so, and it can cause significant stress to the cat sometimes too. On almost all occasions it is best not to.

And yes, interesting fact! Cats are actually lactose intolerant, and milk causes them digestive issues. It also has no nutritional value to them so there's no need for it at all. Also, cats have about 470 taste buds but cannot taste anything sweet (humans have around 9000 taste buds) 😮

Thank for sharing, here's a cookie 🍪

KatKat1234 October 22nd, 2022


Cats are the besttt!,!
SleepyShyCat OP October 22nd, 2022




PureMuffin October 25th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat I have two cats :)_1666659060.IMG_2554.JPEG_1666659070.IMG_2555.JPEG_1666659093.IMG_2556.JPEG

SleepyShyCat OP October 25th, 2022


Aw so cute!! I love the white feet 😸 and cats sure do love sitting in bags and boxes lol 📦🐈

Thanks for sharing! your cats are adorable!! 🍪

PureMuffin October 25th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat You're welcome and thank you! :)

ashtonswink47 October 25th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat :)

_1666703319.Caring For a Newborn KittenHERO.jpg

SleepyShyCat OP October 25th, 2022


Oh my goodness!! Such tiny cuteness!! Awwww 🥺🥺

Have a cookie 🍪

Kenkenuwu October 25th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat hi I also love cats and would love to be friends if you want! I do not have a cat but i had one she was a hairless cat so I'm going to post a random cat pic :) i hope you have a nice day and if you need anything don't be afraid to dm me :) night-goodnight.gif

SleepyShyCat OP October 25th, 2022


Thanks for the lovely message! It's always good to meed more cat lovers 😸

Hairless cats intrigue me but I'm never sure how I'd feel about them, I'm sure I'd love them if I met one though. Do you know what type you had? You can get some hairless breeds that still have some fur, so sometimes they look like they're wearing fur trousers, but then a hairless body/head lol

Kenkenuwu October 25th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat yeah she was a hairless Sphynx and her name was Pippi :)

bestLand9099 October 25th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat _1666708184.20221013_195303.jpg_1666708223.20221013_195251.jpg

SleepyShyCat OP October 25th, 2022


A baby!! 🥺 And such beautiful colouring, and the fuzzy fluffy paws!! They're adorable 😸🍪

mytwistedsoul October 25th, 2022

*hangs out with the purity of all the fluffy goodness*

SleepyShyCat OP October 25th, 2022


This is my safe space, feel welcome to hang out here as much as you need, I have blankets and cookies and allllll the fluffy cats 😸🍪

(given all the recent unwelcome posts I need this even more)

mytwistedsoul October 25th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat *hugs* Thank you ❤️

Thank you for your help today too ❤️

mytwistedsoul October 25th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat cute-kittens-31-57b30ad5ccbc8__605.jpg

For the cookies - blankets and fluffies :)

SleepyShyCat OP October 26th, 2022


My heart 🥺🥺

Cute cat photos are always the best way to start the day, thank you for this one 💖🍪

kittydragon771 October 26th, 2022

Another person with my special interest! Have you seen the netflix documentary "Inside the Mind of a Cat"? It was very entertaining and gave evidence for what I already knew as a lifelong cat owner which made it even better to watch in my opinion, learning things have statistical proof.

Anyway, here's my cats! (I hope this sends right)

SleepyShyCat OP October 26th, 2022


It's the best special interest to have I think... Definitely not biased lol 😸

And I haven't seen it as I don't have Netflix, but I've seen a lot of other cat documentaries which cover the same topics and they're very fun to watch! I love learning about cats 🐈

EmotionsListener October 26th, 2022

_1666786252.image.png Time for a peek?

SleepyShyCat OP October 27th, 2022

Guess what.. Today is national black cat day! (October 27th) And I have some cute photos for us to appreciate 😸



And here's some fun facts too! 🐈‍⬛

Black is the most common feline coat colour - there are as many as 22 recognised domestic breeds which can have solid black colouring. Most black cats have golden eyes due to their high melanin pigment content.

Solid-colored cats, such as entirely black cats, result from a recessive gene that suppresses the tabby pattern. However, when the tabby pattern is not completely suppressed, faint markings may appear in certain lights, even on a solid black cat! Leaving some black cats with a secret tabby coat 😮🐈‍⬛


Now here's a fun fact - black cats can "rust" in sunlight! Their coat can turn a lighter brownish-red shade due to the fragile nature of Eumelanin, the pigment that is required to produce the black fur. The rusting effect can be even more pronounced in cats that frequently spend time lounging in the sun ☀


And some Halloween themed black cats:


If you want to learn about the myths associated with black cats, check this post here 🐈‍⬛

SleepyShyCat OP November 6th, 2022

Did someone say sleepy cats? Ok!


ItsBrit02 November 27th, 2022

sleepy cats ALWAYS warm my heart <3 love these so so much

ItsBrit02 November 7th, 2022


sending all my biggest hugs!

SleepyShyCat OP November 7th, 2022


Aww, look at the cute little hat 🥺 I want one lol
