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MidniteAngel August 4th, 2015

<< Share Your Dreams Here >>

"A single dream is more powerful than 1000 realities"

Dreams act as a projection of your subconscious mind. Use this space to talk about what you dream about at night whether they be good or bad. Feel free to express yourself here.

GeneStealer August 6th, 2015

Ever since my best friend left, my recurring night mare is back. I'm in the largest cave you could imagine and the floor is white. Not white like it's white tile or painted white it's just white like it's not there. I try to shout but no sound comes out. I scream and scream and nothing happens and I feel lonelier than ever. Then the black cloud comes in and the walls run with blood. The black cloud comes and surrounds me and I can't out run it and it fills me sucking the life out of me until I can't breath or try to scream anymore. Lately I also get dreams where my best Friend forgives me and I'm happier then ever before but the disappointment when I wake up is getting a little too much to handle.

MidniteAngel OP August 6th, 2015

@GeneStealer What a terrifying experience! But I must admit the symbolism and artistic nature of the dream is phenomenal. You clearly have a more complex, creative mind.

KnighTerrAin August 6th, 2015

Sounds like bardo

Monarda August 7th, 2015

(Just a warning, my dreams are usually quite surreal)

I had a dream where I was taking a multiple-choice test. It went on and on, and I had started to bubble in an answer, and when I had done that, I was sucked in through the mark that I had filled the circle with on the test form. I woke up after that :P So it was really short

doublerainbow August 7th, 2015

I had the weirdest dream last night! So I was at my grandpa's, with my sister (her and I both have social anxiety but I used to have extremely S.A.D). My grandpa told us he was going out for a walk and to watch his stuff. My sister and I were reckless and didn't really listen. We ran around the apt. and were care free. When my grandpa came home he was pissed. He pointed to the huge broken stones on the ground and said they were his mother's. He interrogated us for who broke them, and both my sister and him thought it was me. My grandpa was all like "Natasha I know your afraid of me. Is that why you broke them?" I started crying in the dream.

MidniteAngel OP August 8th, 2015

@doublerainbow Awh that's awful *Gives virtual hug* Maybe it's saying something though? Maybe even your subconscious is thinking about your anxiety, perhaps it's time you find some good management methods and support yourself and your sister. You have great strength in you and I'm so proud of you for getting this far. I suggest you visit our self-help guides for further assistance or talk to a listener when you feel down.

My doors are always open :)

Firepenguin711 August 7th, 2015

I have many dreams about searching for someone. I think it means I'm looking for my true love, because I always feel in love in the dream, or was once in love with the person I was dreaming about.

KnighTerrAin August 9th, 2015

Does anyone ever have dreams where the landscape takes longer to cover than the actual reality of it? Like walking to the garage seems like a distance but takes a second. And the transfer goes unnoticed

Elinxs27 August 10th, 2015

Does anybody else keep a dream journal type of thing? I definitely believe that dreams are a mix of emotion, desire, past events, and other things that the brain is trying to convey to you. Also, sometimes they can even show you things that may happen or could've happened. Very fascinating.

KnighTerrAin August 12th, 2015

I'm still scarred by dreams I had almost a decade ago

MidniteAngel OP August 17th, 2015

Dream World

I sure hope I'm not the only one who does this, but does anyone else ever delve into a world of their own when dreaming? My lucid dreams and day dreaming has led me to create my own world of imagination where I journey to when ever I wish. It's been 5 years in the making, with complex characters and their own storylines. Each country or location in this world has their own unique landscape, cultures and traditions. I don't identify myself as any of the characters, instead I see from the point of view of many. But one main character has been a huge part of me, her name is Midnite - Hence my username :)

Persephone8 December 12th, 2015

I had a really scary dream a couple days ago, basically i got so scared and freaked out in the morning I was crying and I felt like I was going to throw up because of how gross it was, everyone in the dream basically died in a very bad way all at once and there was blood and guts everywhere. It was really gross and it still freaks me out even though it was a couple days ago

Flinch59 December 26th, 2015

Here is an excerpt from a much longer dream I had earlier this year:

I was on the moon, upgrading my software, becoming God. One part after the next. I had to calculate when the ISS would collide with Mars. I looked up to see the red planet hanging enormous in the sky. Behind it was Saturn. Frank saw what I was doing, and stripped me of my powers. I ended up in a maze of uncertainty. Was I in my own mind, someone elses, or a computer program? I began remote viewing different locations. I sold sugar to children. Frank found me again, told me he would rebuild me, upgrade my mind again. But my mind was too far gone. The most complex program imaginable had already been stripped from me, by him. He tried, but only I could create it again. I got the lights working, yes. The panels of my head lit up like squares of energy. I had upgraded further. I was stronger than God. I did the calculation. The ISS would collide with mars in one second. We all looked up as it shattered. I retreated further into my mind. Playing the piano in front of someone. I looked down at the keys, noticing some of them were warped. I lined my hands up to play Cannon in D major, but when I pressed down, no sound was made.

The rest of the dream is too long to post here :)

peachy2015 January 12th, 2016

I have dreams that I am back in high school and I'm failing classes and I keep forgetting to do my assignments and I can't pass to the next grade.

peachy2015 August 13th, 2016

I keep having nightmares about being back in high school

MidniteAngel OP August 13th, 2016


This is absolute horror - who would ever want to be back in that dreaded place!

RachHaven03 January 28th



(I am in high school rn and it sucks)

honestly tho ANY dreams about school are completely traumatizing ngl

Whyme3112 May 24th, 2023


I was searching for a thread like this

Ok, just a small part of a dream. I had made a weird looking, horrible cat figure and lightning struck it.. it came alive.. that was like a zombie cat which was following me.. though it was small.. it was kinda scary.. but then I don't remember how, maybe after milk, idk. After a few days (which was like a few seconds when I was dreaming) it turned into a very cute little alive kitten..

RachHaven03 January 28th

Out of all the really weird (and potentially disturbing dreams I've had), one that I remember kinda well is that I was at a park with my three friends. One girl, two guys. These two guys both have a crush on me irl, and in the dream, that was basically the same. Except one (I'll call him J) was hugging me for some reason, while A (the female friend I have) and C (The other male friend) were both kinda pushed to the side for some reason. J and I continued hugging, and it felt great. But people nearby were telling us to stop making out or whatever, and I ended up getting mad at them and telling them it was just a hug.

That's all I remember from it, since it was a while ago

Irl, I haven't seen any of these guys for a while, so I'm thinking this might be a sign I wanna see them again.... but idk....