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What was your favorite moment about today?

GalaxyWeaver June 22nd, 2015

What was your favorite moment about today?

You're completely welcome to share! If you just woke up or it's in the early afternoon for you, tell us about yesterday!

If you like this post, please vote it up!

DeniseB March 10th, 2016

hugging my cat <3

Sinclare March 10th, 2016

Cooked some cookie dough

Jettalynnn March 11th, 2016

Moving in to my new apartment<3

lazyKatz March 11th, 2016

So far my favorite part of the day is being able to connect to 7 cups without connection problems.

readman March 14th, 2016

I had the first night of good sleep in weeks.

emotionalPine52 March 14th, 2016


purpleorchid March 14th, 2016

My favorite moment today was holding my baby nephew while he napped in my arms

FutureTeacher301 March 16th, 2016

@purpleorchid That's so cute <3 <3 <3

emotionalPine52 March 14th, 2016


gothmacaroni March 14th, 2016

Seeing my beautiful boyfriend jakob and working out what im going to do this week

LittleLotte March 14th, 2016

Eating a cream soda flavoured lollipop as my reward for making it out of the house today! yes

zoeLH101 March 14th, 2016

I got three books!!!!!

purpleSpring9321 March 14th, 2016

My favorite thing about today was getting cuddles from my cat when i wasnt feeling good

charlosa March 14th, 2016

My favourite thing about today was coming home to my Chug dog, to see him go crazy over me and see his tail wagging makes my day that little bit better everyday 😊🐶

KaylaBella March 14th, 2016

Going on an ice cream date with my husband and getting a chance to see him since hes so far away almost all of the time.

Acra101 March 15th, 2016

Getting on the right bus :) The routes have changed so I was a bit worried on getting lost.

impartialTree3773 March 15th, 2016

Going to Chapters (a book store near my house,) and getting a bunch of new books, then coming home, and reading!

peachy2015 March 15th, 2016

Waking up and realizing I had the day off work

shelock March 15th, 2016

I am still alive,I could wake up in the beautiful morning,sunny day,brightly mood,most important thing is....Go to work with my fantastic worker....

Sinclare March 16th, 2016

Supporting a friend and making sure they're ok, as well as watching silly youtube videos with a different friend. :)

charlosa March 16th, 2016

My favourite thing about today was coming home to my dog who is always happy to see me an just spending some quality time with my brother. I never feel anxious with my brother 😊

FutureTeacher301 March 16th, 2016

Going to school today!

Sinclare March 17th, 2016

Got new clothes and watched some more princess tutu also new episode of an anime comes out tomorrow

Amezy March 17th, 2016

Registering my new business

Zahnk March 17th, 2016

One of the two year old boys at my work told me his favorite character in Star Wars was Darth Vader

Jettalynnn March 18th, 2016

Being able to move on after my dad's death a few weeks ago.

dilpickles516 April 21st, 2016

@Jettalynnn sorry for your loss, my father passed away last month too.

ThatAHAmoment March 18th, 2016

When I received a phone call from the police department today. They found my dog!!! 🙃🙃🙂

ThatAHAmoment March 18th, 2016

@ThatAHAmoment I received my first up vote yay! 😊

IndigoRoses March 18th, 2016

@ThatAHAmoment That's amazing! I'm glad your dog is okay.

EliotDays March 18th, 2016

It's been a rough day but I've made it to 20 cups so I guess that's good.

Jettalynnn March 18th, 2016

@EliotDays Hope all goes well, and thats great!!(:

Roses132 March 18th, 2016

When My old best friend invited me to hang out with her when I was feeling lonely! Best person anyone could ever ask for!

GentleShadows March 18th, 2016

My Chem teacher made us all popcorn. That's pretty awesome. Also I got some calculations in chem correct for once, which is a miracle since I'm awful at math.

Queso619 March 18th, 2016

@GentleShadows I love chem thanks to my awesome teacher. I'm glad your class went well cx

sugaryLove85 March 18th, 2016

My mother refused to that old man to whom my father wants me to get married

BlackBird2015 March 18th, 2016

Finding a good parking spot right in front of work after my lunch break :)

Lacres March 18th, 2016

Thinking that there is hope for better things in life. Having faith that things will get better and maybe making someone smile will make me smile back. That makes me happy today.

shelock March 19th, 2016

Today,with my old friends gethering happy..we laugh and laugh and again to memories of the old day at school day....too much feeling and memory...

LainaghStory March 19th, 2016

I worked out today. Did a whole Zumba class. Was it hard? Yes.

Was it horrible? Yes.

Can I bend down? Nope.

Did I feel great afterwards? Yes.

Am I going back? You bet.wink