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Is It in your Room?

WhoopsCat December 6th, 2016

This is a simple game.You ask if a random object is in your room, then the next person replies yes or no,and then they ask! Example: A notebook? - Yes! Do you have a pencil in your room? And so on! I'll start this off easy. Do you have a laptop in your room?

juliak1968 May 9th, 2021

Yes i have several cartons (boxes) in my room because i just moved

Do you have any fishing equipment in your room?

Ivy229 May 15th, 2021

No I don't have any fishing equipment

Do you have a walk in closet in your room?

lazyKatz May 15th, 2021

Yes I do have a closet

Do you have any shoes that are still in boxes

juliak1968 June 9th, 2021

Nothing still has the box

Do you have remotes in your room

(If so how many?)

dezi12 June 10th, 2021

Yes and just 1 Do you have a dog bed in your room if so what kind of dog do you have

lazyKatz June 26th, 2021

No dog I'm a cat person

Do you have anyone with you in your room
barncat June 26th, 2021

@lazyKatz- depends which room we are talking about!! Does my dog and cat count.

Do you have a painting in your room?

lazyKatz June 26th, 2021

Cats and dogs can be very good company so yes shall we they do count.

I have acouple of watercolours.

My memory is dreadful so I keep a list of things I must do the next week, I keep it in my room. Do you have a routine like that.

mytwistedsoul June 29th, 2021

@lazyKatz Katz! Hey - how are you? Sorry to ask here lol I think this was the first place I saw your name :) recently
How are things with your grandson - if you don't mind my asking - no pressure to answer though

lazyKatz June 30th, 2021

lovely to here from grandsons okay much better of late, good days seem to be outnumbering bad we're pleased with his progress 🙂

mytwistedsoul June 30th, 2021

@lazyKatz That is so awesome! I'm so glad those good days are out numbering the bad - that has got to be a weight off your mind and hopefully it eased some of the tension for you! It's really good to see you! :)

barncat June 29th, 2021

@lazyKatz- making lists are a powerful tool - I need to start this up again (fell off the wagon during covid)

integrityblues July 1st, 2021

Yes, I have several wipe boards for dry erase markers. I make all of my lists and notes on these boards because the notes are highly visable and easy to clean off.

Do you have an electric fan in your room?

lazyKatz July 6th, 2021

Yes during the warmer weather I have one in my room.
Do you have an empty drawer or shelf in your room.

blissedNblessed August 29th, 2021

nope, i use all my shelves and drawers
Do you have an aloe plant i nyour room?

lazyKatz August 29th, 2021

No I don't have any plants in my room, I have a spare room next door as I use for crafting

Do you have a supply of nail files in your room ?
1CuteCinnamonBabyXoxo May 2nd, 2022

@lazyKatz, Yes I do!

Do you have nail polish in your room?

lazyKatz May 3rd, 2022

Yes. Not as much as I used to though.

Do you have extra pillows to lean on in your bedroom.

FennecDaFurry June 7th, 2022

@lazyKatz i have waaaaay too many pillows xd.

FennecDaFurry June 7th, 2022

Yes. Do you have a collection of any kind in your room?

MeeliXking June 7th, 2022

Yes! A stuffed toy collection:)

Do you have a bookshelf in your room?

June 7th, 2022

Yes, I have a messy bookshelf.

Do you have LED lights in your room?

June 7th, 2022

Yes, I have castle-shaped LED night light in my room.

Do you have a notebook in your room?

animalWind6515 June 7th, 2022

Yes! One for each of the subjects I'm doing this semester

Do you have a teddy bear in your room?

swiftbubbles June 7th, 2022

💟Yes! I made the teddy bear, actually💟

Do you have a candle in your room? 🌟

FennecDaFurry June 7th, 2022

Yes! I collect beanie boos and cant sleep without a teddy.

Do you have a puzzle of any kind ( rubiks cube.. Puzzle... Ect)

June 7th, 2022

No, I don’t have a puzzle of any kind.

Do you have a scrapbook or photo-album in your room?

Enchanted2024 June 7th, 2022


Yes I do.

Do you have a pet in ur room?

barncat June 7th, 2022

@Swiftygirl13- yep - the cat is on the window seat and the dog is on the bed. They both are asleep!!

juliak1968 June 7th, 2022

No Pets Allowed

Do you have a cigar box or shoe box of treasures in your room?

June 7th, 2022

Yes, I have a shoe box filled with old mementos.

Do you have a movie posters in your room?

barncat June 7th, 2022

No movie posters.

Do you have an old fashioned cordless phone?

cubesugar June 11th, 2022

No I have not an old fashinoned cordless phone in my room.

Do you have a gift from your ex in your room?

FennecDaFurry June 12th, 2022

Nope. I dont have an ex.

Do you have a colored piece of furniture in your room

lazyKatz October 23rd, 2022

No coloured furniture

Do you have a hairband in your room?

barncat November 8th, 2022

@lazyKatz- yes I have a hairband and other "hair toys"

Do you have a cookbook in your room?

lazyKatz May 20th, 2023

Yes.... I do have a cookbook but rarely use it.

Do you have new clothes your just waiting for a special occasion to use?

secretSea3461 May 24th, 2023

Yes, I just bought new clothes :)

do you have a cat in your room?

lazyKatz May 24th, 2023

Funny you should ask that. The cat cat on my profile pic is lying on my bed

Are you destressed by the company of a pet

JollyRacher December 2nd, 2023


I used to be, but not anymore. 

Do you have a CD in your room.