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Is It in your Room?

WhoopsCat December 6th, 2016

This is a simple game.You ask if a random object is in your room, then the next person replies yes or no,and then they ask! Example: A notebook? - Yes! Do you have a pencil in your room? And so on! I'll start this off easy. Do you have a laptop in your room?

SakoombaKero May 16th, 2019

@ClassicalMe I do, do you have a picture on your wall?

ClassicalMe May 16th, 2019

@SakoombaKero my walls are COVERED (no, like litterally covered) in pictures!

Do you have any musical anything? (Instruments, music boxes, etc.)

ReclusiveReptile May 16th, 2019

I have a little music box :3 and i think a harmonica somewhere XD

do you have any robes for those days when you can't even be bothered to put on regular clothes?

SakoombaKero May 16th, 2019

@ReclusiveReptile i don't I'm a boy, do you have a view in your room (i know it's not a thing)

ReclusiveReptile May 16th, 2019

@SakoombaKero I mean, they aren't just for women. There are robes made for men. I know my father has a bath robe that's textured like a towel.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by view. You mean like a window overlooking scenery? Haha then yes, i have the glorious view of the side of my neighbor's house. Quite magnificent, really.

How about headphones of some sort? like ear buds or a wireless headset?

SakoombaKero May 16th, 2019

@ReclusiveReptile i have ear buds though my body ejects them (my ear muscles ache), do you have a mirror? (I know i aleays wanted a scottish kilt, never had one)

ClassicalMe May 16th, 2019

I have a teensy tiny little circle mirror just for decoration no bigger than my hand.

Do you have chargers?

SakoombaKero May 16th, 2019

(I have lots of mirrors, mirrors mean space and infinity😂) I have chargers, do you have a static exercise bike?

Mashedpotato364 May 16th, 2019

Not quite the same but I have a road bike that I haven't ridden in over a year that just sits in my room.

Do you things on your bed besides blankets and pillows?

SakoombaKero May 16th, 2019

A remote control, do you have food in your room?

ClassicalMe May 16th, 2019

Only guinea pig food....

Any undone paperwork/homework/assignments/etc.?

SakoombaKero May 16th, 2019

Yes allways something you have phosphorescent stars and stickers on your ceiling?

ReclusiveReptile May 17th, 2019

My friend had those in her room, but they would sometimes fall down out of nowhere haha

do you have an excessive number of light sources? (i have 1 large lamp, two desk lamps, one small bedside lamp, and the window)

SakoombaKero May 17th, 2019

😂😂😂not excessive just regular 3 LED ceiling. Do you have a woven wood basket in your room?

ReclusiveReptile May 17th, 2019

sort of. The local mission (basically where early settlers and some natives lived) had an event where they were doing demonstrations of aspects from their daily lives, like candle making and such, and i got to make a tiny basket out of reeds. It's not functional but it's small and cute

How about fidget toys/stress balls/something to hold and mess with while working?

ClassicalMe May 17th, 2019

Fidget spinners, fidget cubes, squishy shapes, stress balls, velcro strips (for that purpose), bubble wrap strips, little metal mental puzzles, worry beads... yes, I have lots of stuff like that LOL

How about a diffuser?

ReclusiveReptile May 17th, 2019

diffuser? Like for scents? Yeaaaah i can't handle artificial fragrances. They give me head aches and some can make breathing hard. Perfume to me smells worse than rotting garbage haha and the scented candle area of stores is the "see how long you can hold your breath" challenge area haha as was the high school locker room with the excessive spays

How about an inhaler anyone? lmao any fellow asthmatics?

SakoombaKero May 17th, 2019

@ReclusiveReptile i'm sorry, no you have any medicine in your room?

ClassicalMe May 17th, 2019

I have my prescriptions in my room, plus allergy and sinus medicine, car sick, sleeping, etc... So yeah, I do

Anyone have a secret in their room?

ReclusiveReptile May 18th, 2019

well, i have something in my room which i keep secret that i have it... It's semi-medicalish but quite embarrassing.

Any stacks of blank paper? (ex: copy paper, notebooks, sticky notes...)

SakoombaKero May 18th, 2019

I do, do you have a blanket in your room?

ClassicalMe May 18th, 2019

Yes, I love blankets lol

Do you have an ongoing hobby item?

SakoombaKero May 18th, 2019

@ClassicalMe yes two scrabble boards and a ping-pong and badminton set, do you hahe chocolates in your room?

ReclusiveReptile May 19th, 2019


......thank you so much for unknowingly reminding me about my blankets in the washer haha

SakoombaKero May 19th, 2019

@ReclusiveReptile funny😂😂😂

ReclusiveReptile May 19th, 2019

To have chocolates in my room means there won't be chocolates in my room. In other words, if there's chocolate, they end up in da belly

how about those large gallon bottles of water for when treks to the great beyond of the kitchen are seemingly impossible?

ClassicalMe May 19th, 2019

@ReclusiveReptile oh my, that was too funny.

Nope, only half drank water bottles lol

Any posters?

SakoombaKero May 19th, 2019

Yes, a framed poster with Laurel&Hardy. Any gifts from friends in your room?

ClassicalMe May 20th, 2019

Friends? (Looks up in the dictionary the meaning of that word) Oh! gifts from friends... How about something really old?

SakoombaKero May 20th, 2019

Many things in my room are really old. Do you have belts in your room.

ClassicalMe May 20th, 2019

YES! Glittery belts, black and silver belts, rainbow flourecent belts, thin, thick, rope belts, leather belts, reversable belts... that might be about all lol

Do you have a T.V in your room?

SakoombaKero May 20th, 2019

(I have a Manchester United very old broad belt). I have a big screen smart tv in my room but I crave for a vintage one. Do you have a clock in your room?

BobsRattledPan May 20th, 2019

@SakoombaKero I have an electronic clock, an ancient old wind up travel alarm for my regular alarm 9with my smartphone set to start the news fifteen minutes later. Hidden? Two antique watches, a Hamilton and an Elgin.

Question: what do you keep in your special box in your bedroom?

SakoombaKero May 20th, 2019

In my special box I used to keep my cherished memmoriess and my diving bracelets until people violated my intimacy and privacy, now I have a Leonidas mini praline box with two pralines unopened. (Love your watches). Do you have a purse in your room?

ClassicalMe May 20th, 2019

I have a purse that I keep all my vaping crap in lol

Do you have any form of religious reading material (Bible, pamphlets, etc.)

SakoombaKero May 20th, 2019

No, do you have a coffee tray in your room

ReclusiveReptile May 23rd, 2019

oy. coffee makes me super jittery to the point of trembling and i can't focus at all, and then the crash comes a few hours later with head aches and being super tired.

How about some nice herbal tea instead? ♡

ReclusiveReptile May 23rd, 2019

....i reread and saw tray lol

my answer is still no, just want to say no to the right thing, got what it's worth.

lazyKatz May 26th, 2019

Do you have a dirty plate under your bed?

Butterflee May 26th, 2019

I do

Howabout chocolate in your rom?