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Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan

MDF7 August 15th, 2023

Has anyone else read the entire series and wants to discuss it? I’ve read the whole series several times now and I’m currently on the last book again. I started reading them again when the show finally came out. Also if anybody would also like to rant about how the show is drastically different from the books 🤣

RogueOne1983 August 18th, 2023


I am familiar with this from the Blind Guardian songs, you heard them?

MDF7 OP August 18th, 2023

No I’ve never heard of that. I just googled it though I can’t believe there’s a Wheel of Time song that’s crazy! And it’s definitely referring to the books. How exciting!

RogueOne1983 August 18th, 2023

@MDF7 yes check that whole album they have more than one. The beginning song is used in the "Sacred" video game!

MDF7 OP August 18th, 2023

Thanks for letting me know! Have you read the Wheel of Time books?

RogueOne1983 August 18th, 2023

@MDF7 no I was an avid reader. Two TBI's later reading is difficult.

I roughly know the synopsis though.

MDF7 OP August 18th, 2023

Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that! Maybe you could listen to audiobooks?

MistyMagic August 21st, 2023

@MDF7 I haven't but I looked at your idea of audio books as I am an avid fan of those and wow the length is A mazing a total of nonstop listening for 19d 5h 25m!!

I am looking at this and wondering when I would finish!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

MDF7 OP August 21st, 2023

Yeah it’s a very long series 🤣 I started re-reading it this last time almost 2 years ago and I’m finally on the last book. It’s worth it though, it’s my favorite series.

PreciousReflection August 31st, 2023


I am reading this series as well. I am on The Fires of Heaven; I think it's the 5th book in the series. I am excited for the 2nd season of the show coming out tomorrow. What do you like most about the books? TV show?

MDF7 OP September 1st, 2023

@PreciousReflection Yay! That’s so exciting that somebody else is reading the books! Who is your favorite character? Mine is Aviendha but I really love Loial too. I don’t know what my favorite thing about the series, probably just how caught up in it I get. It’s like a whole other world. I definitely don’t like how different they made the show from the books. It’s still good though. I’m excited for season 2 tomorrow too! I think what annoyed me the most is that Perrin had a wife in the first episode and then accidentally kills her. Really???!!! She didn’t even exist in the books come on now. And apparently the dragon reborn in the show could possibly have been Egwene or Nynaeve, really? Basically the entire point of the books is that the dragon reborn is a man who can channel and is therefore potentially going to break the world again. Ugh, anyway I’m still excited for the show 🤣

PreciousReflection September 1st, 2023


Yes, it is an awesome series. Hard to say what my favorite character is, maybe Moraine? Or Matt the gambler/womanizer? Not sure really. Yeah, they did seem to change a lot in the TV show. I watched the first couple episodes of the 2nd season last night and was a little disappointed so far but still have hope. The Seanchan were just introduced, and they look pretty cool, but don't remember the dark one riding with them in the books at all. But hopefully they will lead to a good 3rd episode in the show.

Glad to find someone else who is also enjoying reading the books. Tried to get my friend started on the series but I think it is too much reading for him hehe. Anyway, let me know what else you like about the books. Cheers.

MDF7 OP September 1st, 2023

I really like how detailed he made the series. There are so many characters by the end of it. The first time I read them I really couldn’t even keep with who everybody is because he keeps bringing in so many new people. I’ve read the series several times now though and that’s one of the things I like about it now. I also like it for sentimental reasons. My grandparents used to take me and my sister to the bookstore on the weekends when we were growing up and they got me the first book in the series. Also, it was my uncle’s favorite book series too and we just happened to realize at Christmas one year that we both read them. He passed away a few years ago so now I think of him when I read them. I guess I can’t really explain why they’re my favorite books I just love them!

PreciousReflection September 2nd, 2023


Thanks for sharing about your experience with the series. I don't have as much of a personal connection to the WoT series, but I did read through books 1-8 when I was a kid and am just now re-reading the series fresh and it is all new to me this time through.

I just watched the 3rd episode of the 2nd season of the show that came out and was actually pretty impressed by it. Of course, the show diverges wildly from the books, but now that I've watched the 3rd episode, I am getting into it and can't wait for the rest of the season to come out. Meanwhile, I'll be reading the books. I have a long way to go.

Thanks again for sharing your experience with the WoT. I'm really glad other people are enjoying this as much as I am. Take care.

PreciousReflection September 2nd, 2023


also you might want to check out

I think that is a good fandom website for people who love the WoT series.

but also please keep posting here as I am enjoying your posts. Thanks.

MDF7 OP September 28th, 2023


I do really like season two so far and I’m very excited for the new episode tonight. They’re definitely doing a good job showing how bad the Seanchan are. It’s annoying that Moiraine is stilled, that didn’t happen in the books. I’m also annoyed that they changed it to Perrin rescuing Aviendha from the cage instead of Gaul. I really hope they’re not just completely leaving Gaul out. And they better not be trying to do some type of romance between Perrin and Aviendha. Also Liandrin has a son? Really? And they gave Verin a sister and just merged Adaleas and Vandene into one person apparently? And would it really have been so hard to give Sheriam red hair? Come on now. I’m still addicted though 😂 And thanks I’ll have to go look at that website.

electricPeace6276 September 29th, 2023

There's a Wheel of Time show?😳🤯 How did I miss this??😑 (Goes off to find a free stream)

MDF7 OP September 29th, 2023

Yessss!!! It’s an Amazon prime original. But if you’ve read the books, the show goes way off track. It’s still really good though.