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Any other artists

linxlox December 7th, 2022

Heya I'm an artist i wanna know if anyone else is an artist too! we can talk about our favorite mediums to use what paper we use, all that stuff,

slowdecline48 December 7th, 2022

@linxlox Yeah, I'm one too.

You can see some of my stuff here.

Currently the closest medium I have to a "favorite" is ink & brush. How 'bout you?

December 7th, 2022


A fellow genderfluid person, I see!

I need to draw more, but yes I do like to draw. I like using pencils and erasers! :)))

ProbablyParker December 7th, 2022

@linxlox Hay i am a artist i would be happy to chat

RookMMoonHammer December 7th, 2022


Went to art school for 5 years. I need to get back into art again. I miss it so much. But I always keep some supplies around in case I ever get that urge. I'd be happy to chat with you.

sadbara December 7th, 2022

Another fellow artist here! I do mostly digital art however. :)

Vivikun9 December 11th, 2022


Ello! I'm a anime artist and I love pencil and paper drawings but im also learning how to use digital art to create anime art :3

I can share some of my stuff if you want to see ^3^

axelslittlespace00 December 11th, 2022


i wouldnt name myself an artist but i like to doodle little things on my school work, i like using pencils and pens