Favorite video game?
Hey everyone :)
I love video games and I wanted to know what video games you guys love! Personally, my favorite video game is Oldschool Runescape. Some runners-up are ROTMG and Far Cry Primal. Let me know!!
@TheToastGod I am a beginner but have recently got into Fortnite. But I love love COD!
I like fortnite too!
@TheToastGod That's awesome! How long have you been playing?
@liveayamoon I've been playing Fortnite just a year, but have been playing COD since i was 15, so a few years lol! What about you?
@TheToastGod That's awesome! We should team up and play sometime!
I personally like lots of variety, but lately have been enjoying Boneworks and Bonelab a lot
And also Assassin's creed series
I love assassin’s creed. My favorite is black flag!
Same here my friend
Man, Edward Kenway
This is my first reply to something, but this caught my eye. I love Dr. Mario and Tetris on I think the Nintendo DS? I'm not sure what it's called, but it's gray with controllers that are connected to the console thingy. I just love that game.
@TheToastGod I am a life-long fan of the Witcher. All 3 games are a blast, but W3 being obviously such a RPG masterpiece ! 🥰 Since I am also a big Lord of the Rings fan, Middle Earth - Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War have been my dream fulfilled when I found them - a game based on LotR universe. :)
Yeah send me invite mhhhalex name tag