Favorite video game?
Hey everyone :)
I love video games and I wanted to know what video games you guys love! Personally, my favorite video game is Oldschool Runescape. Some runners-up are ROTMG and Far Cry Primal. Let me know!!
my current favorite game is melatonin, it’s so good!
oh i’ll answer a very common one, probably… genshin impact :)
@TheToastGod My all-time favorite games are Undertale (and Deltarune), Omori and the touhou project franchise. I haven't played a lot of games but these ones really left a mark on me. :)💗
Its not my favorite game but I am playing Lost Planet right now. Its really good for what it is and when it came out. I almost beat it on hard mode. I just finished Far Cry 3 and it was a very fun cinematic game.
cs my favourite one
Fortnite is one of my favorites depending on season. C5S3 is so much fun! Overwatch2 is the other. I really like choosing a role for a team and the unique abilities of the heros
Maplestory is a great game if you like MMORPG, then League of Legends is fun if you play it on mute (Trust me, it is fun! It is just the people who make it not fun haha).
Stardew Valley!
I don’t know if anyone remembers a game from the ‘90s titled Under a killing moon? Best game ever! I am forever looking for something like it. Any suggestions?